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procedure SetAdHocRoleAttr

     (role_name in varchar2,
display_name in varchar2 default null,
notification_preference in varchar2 default null,
language in varchar2 default null,
territory in varchar2 default null,
email_address in varchar2 default null,
fax in varchar2 default null);


Updates the attributes for an ad hoc role.

Arguments (input)

role_name The internal name of the ad hoc role to update.
display_name A new display name for the ad hoc role. If null, the display name is not updated.
notification_preference A new notification preference of 'MAILTEXT', 'MAILHTML', 'QUERY' or 'SUMMARY'. If null, the notification preference is not updated.
language A new value of the database NLS_LANGUAGE initialization parameter for the ad hoc role. If null, the language setting is not updated.
territory A new value of the database NLS_TERRITORY initialization parameter for the ad hoc role. If null, the territory setting is not updated.
email_address A new valid electronic mail address for the ad hoc role. If null, the electronic mail address is not updated.
fax A new fax number for the ad hoc role. If null, the fax number is not updated.

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