Oracle9i Discoverer Desktop User's Guide
Version 9.0.2 for Windows



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Welcome to Oracle9i Discoverer version 9.0.2! This guide explains how to use the Discoverer Desktop ad hoc query and analysis interface for business use.

Intended Audience

This guide is designed for business professionals who want to view, analyze, and manipulate data using Discoverer. You may want to have Discoverer running on your computer while reading this guide, so you can follow the step-by-step explanations. If your Discoverer manager at your organization has not created a business area or workbook, you can use the sample database included with Discoverer.


This guide is divided into three sections:

Related Documents

For more information, see also:


The following conventions are used in this manual:

Convention  Meaning 

boldface text 

Boldface type in text indicates a command name, menu name, or other choice or selection.  

menu | command selection 

Boldface type separated by a vertical bar indicates a menu name and the command to select from the menu. For example, File | Open means choose the Open command from the File menu. 

italic text 

Italic type indicates a term defined in the text, the glossary, or in both locations. 

< >  

Angle brackets enclose user-supplied names. 

[ ]  

Brackets enclose optional clauses from which you can choose one or none. 

Prerequisites to run Discoverer Desktop

To run Discoverer Desktop, a Discoverer End User Layer must already exist. Your Discoverer manager must have created or upgraded the End User Layer using Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator (which is shipped as a component of Oracle9i Developer Suite Release 2).

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