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Oracle9i Reports Building Reports
Release 9.0

Part Number A92101-01
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A interface element, appearing as a small square, that a user can toggle on or off.


1. A vertical space in a database table that represents a particular domain of data. A column has a column name (e.g., ENAME) and a specific datatype (e.g., CHAR). For example, in a table of employee information, all of the employees' names would constitute one column. A record group column represents a database column.

2. A data model object created automatically for each column expression in a query's SELECT list, or created manually to perform summaries, formulas,or act as a placeholder.

data model

A relational model that defines what data should be fetched from the database, what values should be computed, and how data should be ordered in a report. Reports Builder objects that define the data model are queries, groups, columns, parameters, and links.

Data Model view

Displays a structural representation of the data in a report. The objects do not appear in the report output, but the structure determines the layout style, and the data objects provide the values that appear in the layout objects.


1. A set of dictionary tables and user tables that are treated as a unit.

2. (Oracle Express) A single file (possibly accompanied by extension files) that contains objects that organize, store, and manipulate data. In Express, examples of such objects are variables, dimensions, formulas, models, and programs.

data source

A source for data returned by a query, including database objects such as tables, views, synonyms, snapshots, and queries stored as views.

dialog box

A partial screen or window that prompts you to enter information necessary to complete an operation.


A work area in which you perform a specific set of tasks, such as creating a program unit or designing an application.


1. An interface element in which you enter, edit, or delete data. 2. A layout object that defines how the data for a specific query column appears.

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

Acronym for Hypertext Markup Language. A tag-based ASCII language used to specify the content and links to other documents on Web servers on the Internet. End users with Web browsers view HTML documents and follow links to display other documents.


A graphic representation of a window or tool.


A bitmapped object that can be stored and loaded into an application. The client cannot modify an imported image.


An internal TCP/IP network, access to which is restricted (via a firewall) to individuals inside the company or organization. An intranet provides similar

services within an organization to those provided by the Internet, but is not necessarily connected to the Internet. A common example of an intranet is when a company sets up one or more Web servers on an internal network for distribution of information or applications within the company.


A computer language that supports programming for the Internet in the form of platform-independent "applets".

JSP (JavaServer Page)

An extension to the servlet functionality that enables a simple programmatic interface to Web pages. JSPs are HTML pages with special tags and embedded Java code that is executed on the Web or application server providing dynamic functionality to HTML pages. JSPs are actually compiled into servlets when first requested and run in the server's JVM.


The area of an editor in which you can create, modify, position, or delete objects.


1. An item that can be placed on the layout. The following are examples of objects: rectangle, line, ellipse, arc, polygon, polyline, rounded rectangle, freehand, graph, text, symbol, and text field. 2. In Oracle8, an instance of an object type. An object can be a row in an object table, or the portion of a row contained in a column object in a relational table.

Oracle9i Application Server

The Oracle9i Application Server (Oracle9iAS) is a strategic platform for network application deployment. By moving application logic to application servers and deploying network clients, organizations can realize substantial savings through reduced complexity, better manageability, and simplified development and deployment. The Oracle9iAS provides the only business-critical platform that offers easy database web publishing and complete legacy integration while transition from traditional client-server to network application architectures.

Oracle9i Developer Suite

Oracle9i Developer Suite (Oracle9iDS) combines leading Oracle application development and business intelligence tools into a single, integrated product. Built on Internet standards such as Java and XML, the suite provides a complete and highly productive development environment for building applications for Oracle9i Application Server and the Oracle9i Database.


An alternate name for the top directory in the Oracle directory hierarchy on some directory-based operating systems. An environment variable that indicates the root directory of Oracle products.

Oracle9iAS Portal

Oracle9iAS Portal is an HTML-based development tool for building scalable, secure, extensible HTML applications and Web sites. Oracle9iAS Reports Services uses Oracle9iAS Portal to control end user access to reports published on the Web by storing information about report requests, the secured server, and any Oracle9iAS Reports Services printer used to print report output.

Oracle9iDS Reports Builder (rwbuilder)

Creates, develops, and maintains report definitions.

Oracle9iAS Reports Services

The runtime environment for Reports Developer applications. Oracle9iAS Reports Services executes, distributes, and publishes your reports for enterprise wide reporting. Using Reports Services to deploy your reports results in gains of flexibility, time savings, and processing capacity.

Oracle9iAS Reports Servlet

An interface between a Java-based Web server and Oracle9iAS Reports Runtime, enabling you to run report dynamically from your Web browser.

Paper Design view

Displays output for paper reports and allows you to make many commonly required, simple modifications to the layout, such as spacing, formatting fields,color, and editing text, without having to open the Paper Layout view.

Paper Layout view

Displays the layout objects in a paper report and allows you to make many modifications to any layout object. All layout objects have properties that you can modify using the Property Inspector. The hierarchy of the layout objects is determined by the data model.

PDF (Portable Document Format)

A file format (native for Adobe Acrobat) for representing documents in a manner that is independent of the original application software, hardware, and operating system used to create the documents. A PDF file can describe documents containing any combination of text, graphics, and images in a device-independent and resolution independent format.


Oracle's proprietary extension to the SQL language. Adds procedural and other constructs to SQL that make it suitable for writing applications.


A SQL SELECT statement that specifies the data you wish to retrieve from one or more tables or views of a database.

RDF file

A file that contains a single report definition in binary format. .RDF files are used to both run and edit reports.

SELECT statement

A SQL statement that specifies which rows and columns to fetch from one or more tables or views.


A standard interface for storing and retrieving information in a relational database. SQL is an acronym for Structured Query Language.

SQL file

A file that contains a query stored in text (e.g., ASCII or EBCDIC) format.

SQL script

A file containing SQL statements that you can run to perform database administration quickly and easily. Several SQL scripts are shipped with Oracle products.

SQL statement

A SQL instruction to Oracle. A SELECT statement is one type of SQL statement.

style sheet

HTML extensions that provide powerful formatting flexibility in HTML documents. To view an HTML document that takes advantage of style sheets, display it in a browser that supports style sheets.


The orderly system by which commands, qualifiers, and parameters are combine to form valid command strings.


A named collection of related information, stored in a relational database or server, in a two-dimensional grid that is made up of rows and columns.


A default layout displaying labels at the top of the page and rows of data underneath the labels.


A skeleton definition containing common style and standards, and may include graphics. A template provides a standard format to enable quick and easy development of professional standard look-and-feel reports.


A collection of iconic buttons that perform product commands. Usually aligned horizontally along the top, or vertically down the side of a window.

tool palette

A collection of tools.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

A URL, a form of URI, is a compact string representation of the location for a resource that is available through the Internet. It is also the text string format clients use to encode requests to Oracle9iAS.

Web browser

A program that end users utilize to read HTML documents and programs stored on a computer (serviced by a Web server).

Web server

A server process (HTTP daemon) running at a Web site which sends out Web pages in response to HTTP requests from remote Web browsers.

Web source view

Displays the HTML / JSP source for a report. You can use this view to add dynamic content to a Web page using the Report Block Wizard and the Graph Wizard. Experienced Java developers can edit the Web source directly in this view.


A rectangular area of the desktop that contains an application. Each window has an area where you can interact with the application. Windows can be opened, resized, moved, reduced to an icon, or enlarged to fill the entire desktop.


Provide an easy step-by-step interface for commonly performed tasks. The wizards in Reports Builder are:


Extensible Markup Language -- a metalanguage using SGML to define and structure data. Reports Builder supports XML output to enable Web publishing as well as electronic data exchange with third-party applications. You can also use XML to build report definitions that can be merged with other report definitions at runtime or run separately.

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