Table of Contents Image Oracle9i Application Developer's Guide - XML
Release 1 (9.0.1)

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What's New in Oracle XML-Enabled Technology?

XML Features Introduced with Oracle9i, Release 1 (9.0.1)
XML Features Introduced with Oracle8i Release 3 (8.1.7)

Part I Introducing Oracle XML-Enabled Technology

1 Oracle XML-Enabled Technology

What is XML ?
What are Oracle XML-Enabled Technologies?
Oracle XML Components
Storing and Retrieving XML Data from Oracle9i
XML Support in the Database
XML and URI Data Types
Extensibility and XML
Oracle Text Searching
Oracle-Based XML Applications
When to Use Oracle XML Components: How They Work Together
Oracle XML-Enabled Technology Components and Features
Indexing and Searching XML Documents with Oracle Text (interMedia Text)
Messaging Hubs and Middle Tier Components
Back-End to Database to Front-End Integration Issues
Oracle XDKs Provide the Two Most Common APIs: DOM and SAX
Writing Custom XML Applications
The Oracle Suite of Integrated Tools and Components
Oracle JDeveloper and Oracle Business Components for Java (BC4J)
Oracle9i Internet File System (Oracle 9iFS or 9iFS)
Oracle Portal
Oracle Exchange
XML Gateway
Metadata API
Other XML Initiatives
Oracle XML Samples and Demos
What Is Needed to Run Oracle XML Components
Requirements for XDK
Which XML Components are Included with Oracle9i Database and Oracle9i Application Server?
XML Technical Support

2 Modeling and Design Issues for Oracle XML Applications

XML Data can be Stored as Generated XML or Composed XML
Generated XML
Composed (Authored/Native) XML
Storing Composed XML Data in CLOBs or BFILEs
Oracle Text (interMedia Text) Indexing Enables Fine Grain Searching of XML Element Content
Advantages of Using Composed (Authored) XML Storage
Disadvantages of Using Composed XML Storage
Using a Hybrid XML Storage Approach for Better Mapping Granularity
A Hybrid Approach Allows for User-Defined Storage Granularity
Hybrid Storage Advantages
Transforming Generated XML
Combining XML Documents and Data Using Views
Indexing and Querying Transformations
Indexing Approaches
XML Schemas and Mapping of Documents
XMLSchema Example 1: Defining a Simple Data Type
XMLSchema Example 2: Using XMLSchema to Map Generated XML Documents to Underlying Schema
General XML: Design Issues for Data Exchange Applications
Generating a Web Form from XML Data Stored in the Database
Sending XML Data from a Web Form to the Database
Sending XML Documents Applications-to-Application
Loading XML into a Database
Using SQL*Loader
Loading XML Documents Into LOBs With SQL*Loader
Applications that Use Oracle XML -EnabledTechnology
Content and Document Management with Oracle XML-Enabled Technology
Customizing Presentation of Data
Scenario 1. Content and Document Management: Publishing Composite Documents Using XML-Enabled OracleTechnology
Scenario 2. Content and Document Management: Delivering Personalized Information Using Oracle XML Technology
Scenario 3. Content Management: Using Oracle XML Technology to Customize Data Driven Applications
Business-to-Business and Business-to-Consumer Messaging
Scenario 4. B2B Messaging: Online Multivendor Shopping Cart Design Using XML
Scenario 5. B2B Messaging: Using Oracle XML Components and Advanced Queueing for an Online Inventory Application
Scenario 6. B2B Messaging: Using Oracle XML-Enabled Technology and AQ for Multi-Application Integration

3 Oracle XML Developer Kits (XDKs) and Components: Overview and General FAQs

Oracle XML Components: Overview
Development Tools and Other XML-Enabled Oracle9i Features
XDK for Java
XDK for Java Beans
XDK for C
XDK for C++
XML Parsers
XSL Transformation (XSLT) Processor
XML Class Generator
XML Transviewer Java Beans
Oracle XSQL Page Processor and Servlet
Servlet Engines that Support XSQL Servlet
JavaServer Pages Platforms that Support XSQL Servlet
Oracle XML SQL Utility (XSU)
Generating XML from Query Results
XML Document Structure: Columns Are Mapped to Elements
Oracle Text
Oracle XML Components: Generating XML Documents
Using Oracle XML Components to Generate XML Documents: Java
Using Oracle XML Components to Generate XML Documents: C
Using Oracle XML Components to Generate XML Documents: C++
Using Oracle XML Components to Generate XML Documents: PL/SQL
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Oracle XML-Enabled Technology
General XDK Questions
What XML Components Do I Need to Install?
Building an XML Application: What Software Is Needed?
DTD to Database Schema
Schema Map to XML
Are There XDK Utilities That Translate From Other Formats to XML?
Can Oracle Generate a Database Schema From a Rational Rose Generated XML File?
Does Oracle Offer Any Tools to Create and Edit XML Documents?
How Can I Format XML Documents as PDF?
How Do I Load a Large XML Document Into the Database?
Portability and XML Support in Older Oracle Releases
Can I Use Parsers from Different Vendors?
Is There XML Support in Oracle 8.0.x?
Oracle 7.3.4: Data Transfers to Other Vendors Using XML
If I Use Versions Prior to Oracle8i Can I use Oracle XML Tools?
Browsers that Support XML
Browsers that Support XML
Are there Advantages of XML Over EDI?
What B2B Standards and Development Tools Does Oracle Support?
What is Oracle Corporation's Direction Regarding XML?
Are There Standard DTDs that We Can Use for Orders, Shipments, and So On?
Is There Support for XML Messages in BLOBs?
Maximum FileSizes
What is the Maximum XML File Size When Stored in CLOBs?
XML File Size Limitations
Maximum Size for an XML Document
Inserting XML Data Into Tables
What Do I Need to Insert Data Into Tables Using XML?
XML in the Database: Performance
Where Can I Find Information about the Performance of XML and Oracle?
How Can I Speed Up the Record Retrieval in XML Documents?
Using XML With Different Languages
Further References
Other XML Frequently Asked Questions
Recommended XML and XSL Books

4 Using XSL and XSLT

Introducing XSL
The W3C XSL Specification
Namespaces in XML
XSL Stylesheet Architecture
XSL Transformation (XSLT)
XSLT 1.1 Specification
XML Path Language (Xpath)
CSS Versus XSL
XSL References
Frequently Asked Questions: XSL and XSLT
How Do I Write an IF Statement in XSL That Tests for Values Within Tags?
In an XSL Document, How Can We Select Specific Attributes?
When Converting XML to HTML, Why Do I get "Unexpected EOF"?
Whitespace: Why are my Resulting Values Multiplied by 2?
How Can I Specify a NULL Indicator in XSL?
How Can Transfer Tag Names in XSLT?
How Do I Convert A String to a Nodeset in XSL?
In XSL, How Can I Correctly Convert an XML Document Tag to a Link in HTML?
Am I Using the Correct XSL Headers for my WML Transformation?
In an XSL Transformation, How Do I Ensure that the DTD File Can be Located?
In XSL, How Do I Prevent the Namespace Definition from Being Repeated For Each Element?
How Do I Pass a Parameter from a Java Program to an XSL Stylesheet?
How Can I Resolve the Error XSL-1009 Attribute 'XSL Version' Not Found in HTML?
What XPath Expression Will Retrieve Only Terminal Child Elements?
Child Attributes are Not Returned After Applying XSL Stylesheet

Part II Storing and Retrieving XML From the Database

5 Database Support for XML

What are the Oracle9i Native XML Database Features?
XMLType Datatype
How to use XMLType
Guidelines for using XMLType Columns
Benefits of XMLType
When to use XMLType
XMLType Storage in the Database
Specifying Storage Characteristics on XMLType Columns
Specifying Constraints on XMLType Columns
XMLType Functions
Manipulating XML Data in XMLType Columns
Inserting XML Data into XMLType Columns
Updating XML Data in XMLType Columns
Deleting XML Data
Using XMLType inside triggers
Selecting and Querying XML Data
Selecting XML data
Querying XML data
Querying XMLType Data using Text Operators
Indexing XMLType columns
Java Access to XMLType (oracle.xdb.XMLType)
Installing and using oracle.xdb.XMLType class
Native XML Generation
XMLGenFormatType Object
Other Aggregation Methods
TABLE Functions
Using Table Functions with XML
Table Functions Example 1: Exploding the PO to Store in a Relational Table
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): XMLType

6 Database Uri-references

Uri-reference (Uri-ref) Concepts
What is a Uri-ref?
Advantages of Using DBUri-ref
New Datatypes Store Uri-references
Benefits of Using UriTypes
DBUri-refs, Intra-Databases References
Formulating the DBUri
The DB-Uri Specification
DBUri Syntax Guidelines
Some Common DBUri-ref Scenarios
How DBUri's Differ from Object References
DBUri-ref Applies to a Database and Session
Where Can DBUri-ref be Used?
Using Uri-ref Types (URITypes)
Storing Pointers to Documents with UriType
URIType Examples
Using HttpUriType and DBUriType
DBUriType Examples
UriFactory Package
UriFactory Example: Registering the ecom Protocol
Why Use Different Uri-refs?
SYS_DBURIGEN Example 1: Inserting Database References
SYS_DBURIGEN Example 2: Returning Partial Results
Accessing DBUri-refs From Your Browser Using Servlets
oracle.xml.dburi.OraDbUriServlet() Servlet Mechanism
OraDBUriServlet Security
Installing OraDBUri Servlet
DBUri Servlet Example 1: First Create a DBUriServer Web Service [tkxmsrv.ssh]
DBUri Servlet Example 2: Creating DBUridomain -- Publishing OraDbUriServlet Under SYS [tkxmsys.ssh]
DBUri Servlet Example 3: Publishing OraDbUriServlet Under SYS [tkxmsysd.ssh]
DBUri Servlet Example 4: Publishing OraDbUriServlet Under ADAMS with Class Under SYS [tkxmadam.ssh]
DBUri Servlet Example 5: Publishing OraDbUriServlet Under SCOTT [tkxmsctd.ssh]
DBUri Servlet Example 6: Creating and Mapping dburirealm -- Publishing OraDbUriServlet Under SYS [tkxmsysr.ssh]
DBUri Servlet Example 7: Publishing OraDbUriServlet Under the ADAMS Schema Using the Class Under ADAMS [tkxmadmn.ssh]
DBUri Servlet Example 8: Publishing OraDbUriServlet Under the ADAMS Schema Using the Class Under ADAMS with uritests Context Mapped to DBUSER-realm [tkxmadmd.ssh]
Configuring the UriFactory Package to Handle DBUri-refs

7 XML SQL Utility (XSU)

What is XML SQL Utility (XSU)?
XSU Features
XSU Oracle9i Features
XSU Dependencies and Installation
XML SQL Utility and the Bigger Picture
XML SQL Utility in the Database
XML SQL Utility in the Middle Tier
XML SQL Utility in a Web Server
XML SQL Utility In The Client Tier
SQL-to-XML and XML-to-SQL Mapping Primer
Default SQL-to-XML Mapping
Customizing the Generated XML: Mapping SQL to XML
Default XML-to-SQL Mapping
How XML SQL Utility Works
Selecting with XSU
Inserting with XSU
Updating with XSU
Deleting with XSU
Using the XSU Command Line Front End,OracleXML
Generating XML Using the XSU Command Line
XSU's OracleXML getXML Options
Inserting XML Using XSU's Command Line (putXML)
XSU OracleXML putXML Options
Generating XML with XSU's OracleXMLQuery
Generating XML From SQL Queries Using XSU
XSU Generating XML Example 1: Generating a String From Table emp (Java)
XSU Generating XML Example 2: Generating DOM From emp table (Java)
Paginating Results: skipRows and maxRows
Keeping the Object Open For the Duration of the User's Session
When the Number of Rows or Columns in a Row Are Too Large
keepObjectOpen Function
XSU Generating XML Example 3. Paginating Results: Generating an XML Page When Called (Java)
Generating XML from ResultSet Objects
XSU Generating XML Example 4: Generating XML from JDBC ResultSets (Java)
XSU Generating XML Example 5: Generating XML from Procedure Return Values (REF CURSORS) (Java)
Raising No Rows Exception
XSU Generating XML Example 6: No Rows Exception (Java)
Storing XML Back in the Database Using XSU OracleXMLSave
Insert Processing Using XSU (Java API)
XSU Inserting XML Example 7: Inserting XML Values into All Columns (Java)
XSU Inserting XML Example 8: Inserting XML Values into Only Certain Columns (Java)
Update Processing Using XSU (Java API)
XSU Updating XML Example 9: Updating a Table Using the keyColumns (Java)
XSU Updating XML Example 10: Updating a Specified List of Columns (Java)
Delete Processing Using XSU (Java API)
XSU Deleting XML Example 11: Deleting Operations Per ROW (Java)
XSU Deleting XML Example 12: Deleting Specified Key Values (Java)
Generating XML with DBMS_XMLQuery()
XSU Generating XML Example 13: Generating XML From Simple Queries (PL/SQL)
XSU Generating XML Example 13a: Printing CLOB to Output Buffer
XSU Generating XML Example 14: Changing ROW and ROWSET Tag Names (PL/SQL)
XSU Generating XML Example 15: Paginating Results Using setMaxRows() and setSkipRows()
Setting Stylesheets in XSU (PL/SQL)
Binding Values in XSU (PL/SQL)
XSU Generating XML Example 15a: Binding Values to the SQL Statement
Storing XML in the Database Using DBMS_XMLSave
Insert Processing Using XSU (PL/SQL API)
XSU Inserting XML Example 16: Inserting Values into All Columns (PL/SQL)
XSU Inserting XML Example 17: Inserting Values into Only Certain Columns (PL/SQL)
Update Processing Using XSU (PL/SQL API)
XSU Updating XML Example 18: Updating an XML Document Using keyColumns (PL/SQL)
XSU Updating XML Example 19: Specifying a List of Columns to Update (PL/SQL)
Delete Processing Usingh XSU (PL/SQL API)
XSU Deleting XML Example 20: Deleting Operations per ROW (PL/SQL)
XSU Example 21: Deleting by Specifying the Key Values (PL/SQL)
XSU Deleting XML Example 22: ReUsing the Context Handle (PL/SQL)
Advanced XSU Usage Techniques
XSU Exception Handling in Java
XSU Exception Handling in PL/SQL
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): XML SQL Utility (XSU)
What Schema Structure Should I Use With XSU to Store XML?
Can XSU Store XML Data Across Tables?
Can I Use XML SQL Utility to Load XML Stored in Attributes?
Is XML SQL Utility Case Sensitive? Can I Use ignoreCase?
Will XSU Generate Database Schema from a DTD?
Can You Provide a Thin Driver Connect String Example for XSU?
Does XML SQL Utility Commit After INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE?
Can You Explain How to Map Table Columns to XML Attributes Using XSU?
How Can I Load XML Parser for Java, XSU, and the XMLGEN package Into an Oracle Applications 11i Database?
How Can I Set Up the Bulk Loader to Load XML and Tab-Delimited Text Files?
How Can I Use XMLGEN.insertXML with LOBs?

8 Searching XML Data with Oracle Text

Introducing Oracle Text
Assumptions Made in this Chapter's Examples
Oracle Text Users and Roles
Querying with the CONTAINS Operator
Using a Simple SELECT Statement
Using the Score Operator with a Label to Obtain the Relevance
Using the WITHIN Operator to Narrow Query Down to Document Sections
Using INPATH or HASPATH Operators for Query Searching With XPath-like Expressions
Using Oracle Text to Search XML Documents
Step 1. Create a Section Preference
Step 2. Create an Index Using the Section Preference Created in Step 1
Oracle Text Example 1: Creating an Index Using XML_SECTION_GROUP
Oracle Text Example 2: Creating an Index Using AUTO_SECTION_GROUP
Oracle Text Example 3: Creating an Index Using PATH_SECTION_GROUP
Building XML Query Applications with Oracle Text
Querying XML Documents
Distinguishing Tags Across DocTypes
Specifying Doctype Limiters to Distinguish Between Tags
Doctype-Limited and Unlimited Tags in a Section Group
Querying Within Attribute Sections
XML_SECTION_GROUP Attribute Sections
Constraints for Querying Attribute Sections
Procedure for Building a Query Application with Oracle Text
Step 1. Create a Preference
Step 2. Set the Preference's Attributes
2.1 Using CTX_DDL.add_zone_section
2.2 Using CTX_DDL.Add_Attr_Section
2.3 Using CTX_DDL.add_field_section
2.5 Using CtX_DDL.Add_Stop_Section
Step 3. Create Your Query Syntax
Oracle Text Example 4: Querying a... Document
Oracle Text Example 5: Creating an Index and Performing a Text Query
Creating Sections in XML Documents that are Document Type Sensitive
Repeated Sections
Overlapping Sections
Nested Sections
Presenting the Results of Your Query
Case Study: Searching an Online FAQ List Using Oracle Text
1 Create and Populate Your FAQ Table. Create an Auto Section Group and Oracle Text Index
2 Compile showxml.psp
3 Compile faqsearch.psp
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Oracle Text
Searching Attribute Values
Can I Build Indexes on Attribute Values?
General Oracle Text Questions
Can XML Documents Be Queried Like Table Data?
Can we Search Based on Structural Conditions?
How Can I Searching XML Documents and Return a Zone?
Loading XML Documents into the Database and Searching with Oracle Text
How Do I Search XML using the WITHIN Operator?
Oracle Text (intermedia Text) and XML
Oracle Text (intermedia Text) and XML: Add_field_section
Can I Do Range Searching with Oracle Text?
Can Oracle Text Do Section Extraction?
Can I Create a Text Index on Three Columns?
How Fast is Oracle9i at Indexing Text and Can I Just Enable Boolean Searches?
How Can We Index XML Documents in Different Languages?
Searching XML Documents in CLOBs
How Do I Search CLOBs Using Oracle Text?
How Can I Search Different XML Documents Stored in CLOBs With Different DTDs?
Storing an XML Document in CLOB: Using Oracle Text (intermedia Text)
Can We Only Insert Structured When The Table is Created?

Part III Data Exchange Using XML

9 Exchanging XML Data Using Oracle AQ

What is AQ?
How do AQ and XML Complement Each Other?
Internet-Data-Access-Presentation (IDAP)
XML and the IDAP Interface
IDAP Architecture
IDAP Method Invocation
IDAP Message Structure
IDAP Method Invocation Body: "IDAP Payload"
IDAP Message Body is an AQ XML Document
IDAP Client Requests for Enqueue
Message Payloads
IDAP Enqueue Request Example1 -- Sending an ADT Message to a Single-Consumer Queue
IDAP Enqueue Request Example 2 -- Publishing an ADT Message to a Multiconsumer Queue
IDAP Enqueue Request Example 3 -- Sending a Message to a JMS Queue
IDAP Enqueue Request Example 4 -- Sending/Publishing and Committing the Transaction
IDAP Client Requests for Dequeue
IDAP Dequeue Request Example 1-- Receiving Messages from a Single-Consumer Queue
IDAP Dequeue Request Example 2 -- Receiving Messages that Satisfy a Specific Condition
IDAP Dequeue Request Example 3 -- Receiving Messages and Committing
IDAP Dequeue Request Example 4 -- Browsing Messages
IDAP Client Requests for Registration
IDAP Register Request Example 1-- Registering for Notification at an Email Address
Commit Request
Rollback Request
IDAP Server Response to Enqueue
IDAP Server Request Example 1 -- Enqueuing a Single Message to a Single-Consumer Queue
IDAP Server Request Example 2-- Enqueuing to a Multiconsumer Queue
Server Response to a Dequeue Request
IDAP Server Dequeue Response Example 1 -- Receiving Messages from an ADT Queue (AQXmlReceiveResponse)
Server Response to a Register Request
Commit Response
Rollback Response
IDAP and AQ XML Schemas
Accessing AQXMLServlet with HTTP
XMLType Queues
Storing and Querying XML Documents with Advanced Queueing (AQ)
Structuring and Managing Message Payloads with Object Types
Creating Message Payloads Queues Containing XMLType Attributes
XMLType Queues Example 1: Creating XMLType Queue Tables for a Queue Object Type Containing Messages with XMLType Attributes
AQ XML Message Format Transformation
AQ Message Transformation Example 1: Creating a Single PL/SQL Function that Returns an XMLType Object or Constructor of Target Type
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): XML and Advanced Queuing
Can we Store AQ XML Messages with Many PDFs as One Record?
Can We Add New Recipients After Messages are Enqueued?
How Does Oracle Enqueue and Dequeue and Process XML Messages?
How Can We Parse Messages with XML Content From AQ Queues?
Can we Prevent the Listener From Stopping Until the XML Document is Processed?

Part IV Tools and Frameworks for Building Oracle-Based XML Applications

10 XSQL Pages Publishing Framework

XSQL Pages Publishing Framework Overview
What Can I Do with Oracle XSQL Pages?
Where Can I Obtain Oracle XSQL Pages?
What's Needed to Run XSQL Pages?
Overview of Basic XSQL Pages Features
Producing XML Datagrams From SQL Queries
Transforming XML Datagrams into an Alternative XML Format
Transforming XML Datagrams into HTML for Display
Setting Up and Using XSQL Pages in Your Environment
Using XSQL Pages With Oracle JDeveloper
Setting the CLASSPATH Correctly in Your Production Environment
Setting Up the Connection Definitions
Using the XSQL Command Line Utility
Overview of All XSQL Pages Capabilities
Using All of the Core Built-in Actions
Aggregating Information Using
Handling Posted Information
Using Custom XSQL Action Handlers
Description of XSQL Servlet Examples
Setting Up the Demo Data
Advanced XSQL Pages Topics
Understanding Client Stylesheet-Override Options
Controlling How Stylesheets are Processed
Using XSQLConfig.xml to Tune Your Environment
Using the FOP Serializer to Produce PDF Output
Using XSQL Page Processor Programmatically
Writing Custom XSQL Action Handlers
Writing Custom XSQL Serializers
Writing Custom XSQL Connection Managers
Formatting XSQL Action Handler Errors
XSQL Servlet Limitations
HTTP Parameters with Multibyte Names
CURSOR() Function in SQL Statements
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - XSQL Servlet
Specifying a DTD While Transforming XSQL Output to a WML Document
XSQL Servlet Conditional Statements
Using Value Retrieved in One Query in Another Query's Where Clause
Working with Non-Oracle Databases
XSQL Servlet: Access to JServ Process
XSQL on Oracle8i Lite
Handling Multi-Valued HTML Form Parameters
XSQL Servlet and Oracle 7.3
Out Variable Not Supported in
Unable to Connect Errors
Using Other File Extensions Besides *.xsql
Avoiding Errors for Queries Containing XML Reserved Characters

11 Using JDeveloper to Build Oracle XML Applications

Introducing JDeveloper9i
Business Components for Java (BC4J)
Oracle JDeveloper XML Strategy
Further Information
What's Needed to Run JDeveloper9i
Accessing JDeveloper9i
XML in Business Components for Java (BC4J)
Building XSQL Clients with Business Components for Java (BC4J)
Object Gallery
XSQL Element Wizard
Page Selector Wizard
XML Features in JDeveloper9i
Oracle XDK and Transviewer Beans Integration
Oracle XML Parser for Java
Oracle XSQL Servlet
XML Data Generator Web Bean
Mobile Application Development with Portal-To-Go and JDeveloper
Building XML Applications with JDeveloper
JDeveloper XML Example 1: BC4J Metadata
Procedure for Building Applications in JDeveloper9i
Using JDeveloper's XML Data Generator Web Bean
Using XSQL Servlet from JDeveloper
JDeveloper XSQL Example 2: Employee Data from Table emp: emp.xsql
JDeveloper XSQL Example 3: Employee Data with Stylesheet Added
Creating a Mobile Application in JDeveloper
1 Create the BC4J Application
2 Create JSP Pages Based on a BC4J Application
3 Create XSLT Stylesheets According to the Devices Needed to Read The Data
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Using JDeveloper to Build XML Applications
Constructing an XML Document in JSP
Using XMLData From BC4J
Running XML Parser for Java in JDeveloper 3.0
Moving Complex XML Documents to a Database

12 Building BC4J and XML Applications

Introducing Business Components for Java (BC4J)
BC4J Features
BC4J Advantages
Building BC4J XML Applications in JDeveloper
Building XSQL Clients with BC4J
Ease of Code Generation and Management when Building XML and Java Applications

13 Using Metadata API

Introduction to Metadata API
Previous Methods Used to Extract Metadata
Metadata API Components
Metadata API Features
Internet Computing
DBMS_METADATA and Security
DBMS_METADATA Programmatic Interface
Performance Tips
DBMS_METADATA Browsing Interface
Metadata API Example: Retrieving DDL for Tables and their Indexes, Grants and Triggers

14 Oracle9iAS Reports Services and XML

Introducing Oracle9iAS Reports Services and XML
B2B Data Exchange: Why Use XML in Reports?
What's Needed to Run Oracle9iAS Reports Services
Creating XML Output "On the Fly' Using Oracle9iAS Reports Services
XML as a Data InterChange Format
Formatting XML Output Using XSL Stylesheets
Customizing Report Definitions at Runtime
Applying an XML Customization
Customizing Reports at Runtime with XML
Customizing Reports with XML, Example 1: Modifying F_EMPNO and Setting its Color to Red
Customizing Reports with XML, Example 2: Changing Text Color of F_EMPNO to Red and Setting Date Format of F_HIREDATE to German
Customizing Reports with XML, Example 3: Modifying Boilerplate Text Objects
Customizing Reports with XML, Example 4: Replacing a SELECT * Query with a SELECT * FROM... WHERE Query
Customizing Reports with XML, Example 5: Adding a Trigger to Field S_SAL
Performing Batch Report Modifications by Applying XML Report Definitions
Creating Mutated RDFs Out of One Master
Creating Multi-Version Reports Out of a Single RDF
Customizing Reports with XML Example 6: Creating Different Language Versions from One Report Definition
Creating Report Definitions in XML
Customizing Reports with XML, Example 7: Creating a Report from XML Definitions Only
Running XML Report Definitions
Running an XML Report Definition by Itself
XML Used in JSP for Storing Report Definitions
Using XML as a Datasource
Pluggable Data Source, XML-PDS
Using XML for Oracle9iAS Reports Services Configuration Files
How Reports9i XML-PDS Supports XSQL Servlet
Reports Case Studies
How to Become a Supplier of Live XML Streams
How to Take Advantage of Supplied XML-Data
Frequently Asked Questions: Reports and XML
Can We Output XML From Our Year End Reports Through a Database Interface?
Changing the Report Template
REP-6106:Error in the XML report definition at line 1 in 'c:\am01.xml' Start of root element expected instead of TEXT 'null'

15 Using the PDK for Visualizing XML Data in Oracle Portal

Introducing Oracle Portal
What are Portlets?
Common Portlet Applications
Oracle Portal Development Kit (PDK)
PDK Integration Services (PDKIS)
PDK URL Services
What's Needed to Run URL Services
PDK URL Services Overview
Creating a URL Portlet
Web Provider
URL Services Architecture
URL Services Interface
URL Services Runtime
Using provider.xml
Configuring provider.xml
Provider Tag
Portlet Tag
Integrating Technologies into Oracle 9iAS Portal

16 How Oracle Exchange Uses XML

Oracle Exchange and XML
Stored Transactions
Pass Through Transactions
XML Delivery Formats
E-Business Solution Architecture
ATP (Availability to Promise) for Oracle Exchange
The webMethods Services
Exchange - Supplier XML
XML Messaging Services
XML Message Designer and Runtime Execution Engine
Generating XML that Conforms to New Schema

17 Introducing Oracle XML Gateway

What is XML Gateway?
Oracle XML Gateway Services
Oracle XML Gateway Architecture
XML Gateway Services - Message Designer
XML Gateway Services - Message Set Up
XML Gateway Services - Execution Engine
A Word About XML Standards

Part V Oracle9i Dynamic Services (DS) and Oracle Syndication Server (OSS)

18 Using Oracle9iAS Dynamic Services and XML

Introducing Oracle9iAS Dynamic Services
How Dynamic Services (DS) Helps Developers
For Further Information
What is Needed to Run Oracle9iAS Dynamic Services?
Dynamic Services (DS) Architecture Overview
Dynamic Services (DS) Implementation Overview
Dynamic Services Java Deployment
Dynamic Services PL/SQL Deployment
Dynamic Services Java HTTP/Java Messaging Services (JMS) Deployment
Multiple Channel Capabilities of DS
Dynamic Services Features
Service Management and Administration
Service Discovery
Service Execution
Dynamic Services Integrates with Other Oracle Products
How Service Consumers Use Dynamic Services
Developing Services For Dynamic Services
Oracle Syndication Server (OSS)
Dynamic Services Consumer Application: Stock Portfolio Example
Dynamic Services Example 1: SampleStock (Java)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Dynamic Services
What is the Best Way that I Can Set Up a Language of Queuing and Sequencing Commands?
Other FAQs?

19 Oracle Syndication Server (OSS) and XML

Introducing Oracle Syndication Services (OSS)
OSS Features: e-Business Content Aggregation, Exchange, and Syndication
Content Syndication
Information and Content Exchange (ICE) Protocol
OSS Architecture
Interacting with Content Providers
Dynamic Services Content Provider Adapter (DSCPA)
Interacting With Content Subscribers
Delivering content to subscribers

Part VI XDK for Java

20 Using XML Parser for Java

XML Parser for Java: Features
XSL Transformation (XSLT) Processor
Namespace Support
Oracle XML Parsers Support Four Validation Modes
Parsers Access XML Document's Content and Structure
DOM: Tree-Based API
SAX: Event -Based API
Guidelines for Using DOM and SAX APIs
XML Parser and Data Compression
XML Serialization/Compression
Upgrading XDK for Java
Upgrading XDK for Java from a Previous Release to Oracle9i
Downgrading to Oracle Release 8.1
Running the XML Parser for Java Samples
XML Parser for Java - XML Sample 1: class.xml
XML Parser for Java - XML Example 2: Using DTD employee -- employee.xml
XML Parser for Java - XML Example 3: Using DTD family.dtd -- family.xml
XML Parser for Java -- XSL Example 1: XSL (iden.xsl)
XML Parser for Java - DTD Example 1: (NSExample)
Using XML Parser for Java: DOMParser() Class
XML Parser for Java Example 1: Using the Parser and DOM API (
Comments on DOMParser() Example 1
Using XML Parser for Java: DOMNamespace() Class
XML Parser for Java Example 2: Parsing a URL --
Using XML Parser for Java: SAXParser() Class
XML Parser for Java Example 3: Using the Parser and SAX API (
Using XML Parser for Java: aXSLT Processor
XML Parser for Java Example 4: (
XML Parser for Java Example 5: Using the DOM API and XSLT Processor
Comments on XSLT Example 5
Using XML Parser for Java: SAXNamespace() Class
XML Parser for Java Example 6: (
XML Parser for Java: Command Line Interface
oraxml - Oracle XML parser
oraxsl - Oracle XSL processor
XML Extension Functions for XSLT Processing
XSLT Processor Extension Functions: Introduction
Static Versus Non-static Methods
Constructor Extension Function
Return Value Extension Function
XML Parser for Java XSL Example 3: Return Value Extension Function
Datatypes Extension Function
XML Parser for Java Example 4: Datatype Extension Function
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): XML Parser for Java
Checking DTD Syntax: Suggestions for Editors
DTD File in DOCTYPE Must be Relative to XML Document Location
Validating an XML File Using External DTD
DTD Caching
Recognizing External DTDs
Loading external DTD's from a jar File
Can I Check the Correctness of an XML Document Using their DTD?
Parsing a DTD Object Separately from XML Document
Case-Sensitivity in Parser Validation against DTD?
Extracting Embedded XML From a CDATA Section
Why Am I Getting an Error When I Call DOMParser.parseDTD()?
Is There a Standard Extension To Use for External Entities References in an XML Document?
Using the DOM API
How DOM Parser Works
Creating a Node With Value to be Set Later
Traversing the XML Tree
Extracting Elements from XML File
Does a DTD Validate the DOM Tree?
First Child Node Element Value
Creating DocType Node
XMLNode.selectNodes() Method
Using SAX API to Get the Data Value
Does DOMParser implement Parser interface
Creating an New Document Type Node Via DOM
Querying for First Child Node's Value of a Certain Tag
XML Document Generation From Data in Variables
Printing Data in the Element Tags: DOM API
Building XML Files from Hashtable Value Pairs
XML Parser for Java: wrong_document_err on Node.appendChild()
Creating Nodes: DOMException when Setting Node Value
With SAX, How Can I Force the Parser to Not Discard Whitespace?
DTD: Understanding DOCTYPE and Validating Parser
Can Multiple Threads Use Single XSLProcessor/Stylesheet?
Is it Safe to Use Document Clones in Multiple Threads?
Character Sets
Encoding iso-8859-1 in xmlparser
Parsing XML Stored in NCLOB With UTF-8 Encoding
NLS support within XML
UTF-16 Encoding with XML Parser for Java V2
How Can I Read in Accented Characters?
Adding XML Document as a Child
Adding an XMLDocument as a Child to Another Element
Adding an XML DocumentFragment as a Child to XMLDocument
Uninstalling Parsers
Removing XML Parser from the Database
XML Parser for Java: Installation
XMLPARSER Fails to Install
General XML Parser Related Questions
How the XML Parser Works
Converting XML Files to HTML Files
Does XML Parser Validate Against XML Schema?
Including Binary Data in an XML Document
What is XML Schema?
Oracle's Participation in Defining the XML/SQL Standard
XDK Version Numbers
Inserting <, >, >= and <= in XML Documents
Are Namespace and Schema Supported
Using JDK 1.1.x with XML Parser for Java v2
Sorting the Result on the Page
Is Oracle9i Needed to Run XML Parser for Java?
Dynamically Setting the Encoding in an XML File
Parsing a String
Displaying an XML Document
System.out.println() and Special Characters
Obtaining Ampersand from Character Data
How Can We Use Special Characters in the Tags?
Parsing XML from Data of Type String
Extracting Data from XML Document into a String
Disabling Output Escaping
Using the XML Parser for Java with Oracle 8.0.5
Delimiting Multiple XML Documents
XML and Entity-references: XML Parser for Java
Can I Break up and Store an XML Document without a DDL Insert?
Merging XML Documents
Getting the Value of a Tag
Granting JAVASYSPRIV to User
Including an External XML File in Another XML File: External Parsed Entities
Where Can I Download OraXSL, The Parser's Command Line Interface?
Will Oracle Support Hierarchical Mapping?
XSLT Processor and XSL Stylesheets
HTML Error in XSL
Is <xsl:output method="html"/> Supported?
Netscape 4.0: Preventing XSL From Outputting <meta> Tag
XSL Error Messages
Generating HTML: "<" Character
HTML "<" Conversion Works in oraxsl but not
XSLT Examples
XSLT Features
Using XSL To Convert XML Document To Another Form
Information on XSL?
XSLProcessor and Multiple Outputs?
What Good Books for XML/XSL Can You Recommend?
XML Developer Kits for HP/UX Platform
Compressing Large Volumes of XML Documents
How Can I Generate an XML Document Based on Two Tables?

21 Using XML Schema Processor for Java

Introducing XML Schema
How DTDs and XML Schema Differ
XML Schema Features
Oracle XML Schema Processor for Java Features
Supported Character Sets
What's Needed to Run XML Schema Processor for Java
XML Schema Processor for Java Directory Structure
XML Schema Processor for Java Usage
How to Run the XML Schema for Java Sample Program
XML Schema for Java Example 1: cat.xsd
XML Schema for Java Example 2: catalogue.xml
XML Schema for Java Example 3: catalogue_e.xml
XML Schema for Java Example 4: report.xml
XML Schema for Java Example 5: report.xsd
XML Schema for Java Example 6: report_e.xml
XML Schema for Java Example 7:
XML Schema for Java Example 8:

22 XML Class Generator for Java

Accessing XML Class Generator for Java
XML Class Generator for Java: Overview
Oracg Command Line Utility
Class Generator for Java: XML Schema
Namespace Features
Using XML Class Generator for Java with XML Schema
Generating Top Level Element Classes
Generating Top Level ComplexType Element Classes
Generating SimpleType Element Classes
Using XML Class Generator for Java with DTDs
Examples Using XML Java Class Generator with DTDs and XML Schema
Running XML Class Generator for Java -- DTD Examples
Running XML Class Generator for Java -- XML Schema Examples
XML Class Generator for Java, DTD Example 1a: Application --
XML Class Generator for Java, DTD Example 1b: DTD Input -- widl.dtd
XML Class Generator for Java, DTD Example 1c: Input -- widl.xml
XML Class Generator for Java, DTD Example 1d:
XML Class Generator for Java, DTD Example 1e: XML Output -- widl.out
XML Class Generator for Java, Schema Example 1a: XML Schema, car.xsd
XML Class Generator for Java, Schema Example 1b: Application,
XML Class Generator for Java, Schema Example 2a: Schema -- book.xsd
XML Class Generator for Java, Schema Example 2b: Application --
XML Class Generator for Java, Schema Example 3a: Schema -- po.xsd
XML Class Generator for Java, Schema Example 3b: Application --
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Class Generator for Java
How Do I Install XML Class Generator?
What Does XML Class Generator for Java Do?
Which DTD's are Supported?
How do I Solve the Classes not Found Error When Running XML Class Generator Samples?
In XML Class Generator, How Do I Create the Root Object More than Once?
How Can I Create XML Files from Scratch Using the DOM API?
Can I Create an XML Document in a Java Class?

Part VII XDK for Java Beans

23 Using XML Transviewer Beans

Accessing Oracle XML Transviewer Beans
XDK for Java: XML Transviewer Bean Features
Database Connectivity
XML Transviewer Beans
Using the XML Transviewer Beans
Using DOMBuilder Bean
Used for Asynchronous Parsing in the Background
DOMBuilder Bean Parses Many Files Fast
DOMBuilder Bean Usage
Using XSLTransformer Bean
Many Files to Transform? Use XSLTransformer Bean
Need a responsive User Interface? Use XSLTransformer Bean
XSL Transviewer Bean Scenario 1: Regenerating HTML Only When Underlying Data Changes
XSLTransformer Bean Usage
Using Treeviewer Bean
Using XMLSourceView Bean
XMLSourceView Bean Usage
Using XMLTransformPanel Bean
XMLTransformPanel Bean Features
Using DBViewer Bean
DBViewer Bean Usage
Using DBAccess Bean
DBAcess Bean Usage
Running the Transviewer Bean Samples
Installing the Transviewer Bean Samples
Using Database Connectivity
Running Makefile
Transviewer Bean Example 1:
Transviewer Bean Example 2:
Transviewer Bean Example 3:
Transviewer Bean Example 4a: DBViewer Bean --
Transviewer Bean Example 4b: DBViewer Bean --
Transviewer Bean Example 4c: DBViewer Bean --

Part VIII XDK for C

24 Using XML Parser for C

Accessing XML Parser for C
XML Parser for C Features
Memory Allocation
Thread Safety
Data Types Index
Error Message Files
Validation Modes
XML Parser for C Usage
XML Parser for C, XSLT (DOM Interface) Usage
XML Parser for C, Default Behavior
Using the SAX API
Using the DOM API
Invoking XML Parser for C
Command Line Usage
Writing C Code to Use Supplied APIs
Using the Sample Files Included with Your Software
Running the XML Parser for C Sample Programs
Building the Sample programs
Sample Programs
XML Parser for C Example 1: XML -- class.xml
XML Parser for C Example 2: XML -- cleo.xml
XML Parser for C Example 3: XSL -- iden.xsl
XML Parser for C Example 4: XML -- FullDOM.xml (DTD)
XML Parser for C Example 5: XML -- NSExample.xml
XML Parser for C Example 6: C -- DOMSample.c
XML Parser for C Example 7: C -- DOMSample.std
XML Parser for C Example 8: C -- SAXSample.c
XML Parser for C Example 9: C -- SAXSample.std
XML Parser for C Example 10: C -- DOMNamespace.c
XML Parser for C Example 11: C -- DOMNamespace.std
XML Parser for C Example 12: C -- SAXNamespace.c
XML Parser for C Example 13: C -- SAXNamespace.std
XML Parser for C Example 14: C -- FullDOM.c
XML Parser for C Example 15: C -- FullDOM.std
XML Parser for C Example 16: C -- XSLSample.c
XML Parser for C Example 17: C -- XSLSample.std

25 Using XML Schema Processor for C

Oracle XML Schema Processor for C
Oracle XML Schema for C Features
Standards Conformance
Using the Supported Character Sets
XML Schema Processor for C: Software
Invoking XML Schema Processor for C
XML Schema Processor for C Usage Diagram
How to Run XML Schema for C Sample Programs
XML Schema for C Example 1: xsdtest.c
XML Schema for C Example 2: car.xsd
XML Schema for C Example 3: car.xml
XML Schema for C Example 4: car.std
XML Schema for C Example 5: aq.xsd
XML Schema for C Example 6: aq.xml
XML Schema for C Example 7: aq.std
XML Schema for C Example 8: pub.xsd
XML Schema for C Example 9: pub.xml
XML Schema for C Example 10: pub.std

Part IX XDK for C++

26 Using XML Parser for C++

Accessing XML Parser for C++
XML Parser for C++ Features
Memory Allocation
Thread Safety
Data Types Index
Error Message Files
Validation Modes
XML Parser for C++ Usage
XML Parser for C++ XSLT (DOM Interface) Usage
Default Behavior
Using the SAX API
Using the DOM API
Invoking XML Parser for C++
Command Line Usage
Writing C++ Code to Use Supplied APIs
Using the Sample Files Included with Your Software
Running the XML Parser for C++ Sample Programs
Building the Sample programs
Sample Programs
XML Parser for C++ Example 1: XML -- class.xml
XML Parser for C++ Example 2: XML -- cleo.xml
XML Parser for C++ Example 3: XSL -- iden.xsl
XML Parser for C++ Example 4: XML -- FullDOM.xml (DTD)
XML Parser for C++ Example 5: XML -- NSExample.xml
XML Parser for C++ Example 6: C++ -- DOMSample.cpp
XML Parser for C++ Example 7: C++ -- DOMSample.std
XML Parser for C++ Example 8: C++ -- SAXSample.cpp
XML Parser for C++ Example 9: C++ -- SAXSample.std
XML Parser for C++ Example 10: C++ -- DOMNamespace.cpp
XML Parser for C++ Example 11: C++ -- DOMNamespace.std
XML Parser for C++ Example 12: C++ -- SAXNamespace.cpp
XML Parser for C++ Example 13: C++ -- SAXNamespace.std
XML Parser for C++ Example 14: C++ -- FullDOM.cpp
XML Parser for C++ Example 15: C++ -- FullDOM.std
XML Parser for C++ Example 16: C++ -- XSLSample.cpp
XML Parser for C++ Example 17: C++ -- XSLSample.std

27 Using XML Schema Processor for C++

Oracle XML Schema Processor for C++ Features
Standards Conformance
Using the Supported Character Sets
XML Schema Processor for C++: Provided Software
Invoking XML Schema Processor for C++
XML Schema Processor for C++ Usage Diagram
Running the Provided XML Schema Sample Application
Error Messages are in English
XML Schema for C++ Example 1: xsdtest.cpp
XML Schema for C++ Example 2: car.xsd
XML Schema for C++ Example 3: car.xml
XML Schema for C++ Example 4: car.std
XML Schema for C++ Example 5: aq.xsd
XML Schema for C++ Example 6: aq.xml
XML Schema for C++ Example 7: aq.std
XML Schema for C++ Example 8: pub.xsd
XML Schema for C++ Example 9: pub.xml
XML Schema for C++ Example 10: pub.std

28 Using XML C++ Class Generator

Accessing XML C++ Class Generator
Using XML C++ Class Generator
External DTD Parsing
Error Message Files
XML C++ Class Generator Usage
xmlcg Usage
Using the XML C++ Class Generator Examples in sample/
XML C++ Class Generator Example 1: XML -- Input File to Class Generator, CG.xml
XML C++ Class Generator Example 2: DTD -- Input File to Class Generator, CG.dtd
XML C++ Class Generator Example 3: CG Sample Program

Part X XDK for PL/SQL

29 Using XML Parser for PL/SQL

Accessing XML Parser for PL/SQL
What's Needed to Run XML Parser for PL/SQL
Using XML Parser for PL/SQL (DOM Interface)
XML Parser for PL/SQL: Default Behavior
Using the XML Parser for PL/SQL: XSL-T Processor (DOM Interface)
XML Parser for PL/SQL: XSLT Processor -- Default Behavior
Using XML Parser for PL/SQL Examples in sample/
Setting Up the Environment to Run the sample/ Sample Programs
Running domsample
Running xslsample
XML Parser for PL/SQL Example 1: XML -- family.xml
XML Parser for PL/SQL Example 2: DTD -- family.dtd
XML Parser for PL/SQL Example 3: XSL -- iden.xsl
XML Parser for PL/SQL Example 4: PL/SQL -- domsample.sql
XML Parser for PL/SQL Example 5: PL/SQL -- xslsample.sql
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): XML Parser for PL/SQL
Exception in Thread Parser Error
Encoding '8859_1' is not currently supported by the JavaVM
xmldom.GetNodeValue in PL/SQL
XDK for PL/SQL Toolkit
Parsing DTD contained in a CLOB (PL/SQL) XML
XML Parser for PL/SQL
Security: ORA-29532, Granting JavaSysPriv to User
Installing XML Parser for PL/SQL: JServer(JVM) Option
XML Parser for PL/SQL: domsample
Out of memory errors in oracle.xml.parser
Is There a PL/SQL Parser Based on C?
Memory Requirements When Using the Parser for PL/SQL
JServer (JVM), Is It Needed to Run XML Parser for PL/SQL?
Using the DOM API
Using the Sample
XML Parser for PL/SQL: Parsing DTD in a CLOB
Errors When Parsing a Document
PLXML: Parsing a Given URL?
Using XML Parser to Parse HTML?
Oracle 7.3.4: Moving Data to a Web Browser (PL/SQL)
Oracle 7.3.4 and XML
getNodeValue(): Getting the Value of DomNode
Retrieving all Children or Grandchildren of a Node
What Causes ora-29532 "Uncaught java exception:java.lang.ClassCastException?

A An XML Primer

What is XML?
Basic Rules for XML Markup
W3C XML Recommendations
XML Features
How XML Differs From HTML
Presenting XML Using Stylesheets
eXtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Extensibility and Document Type Definitions (DTD)
Well-Formed and Valid XML Documents
Why Use XML?
Additional XML Resources

B Comparing Oracle XML Parsers and Class Generators by Language

Comparing the Oracle XML Parsers
Comparing the Oracle XML Class Generators

C XDK for Java: Specifications and Cheat Sheets

XML Parser for Java Cheat Sheets
Accessing XML Parser for Java
Installing XML Parser for Java, Version 2
XML Parser for Java, Version 2 Specifications
Online Documentation
Release Specific Notes
Standards Conformance
Supported Character Set Encodings
Oracle XML Parser V1 and V2
XDK for Java: XML Schema Processor
XDK for Java: XML Class Generator for Java
Installing XML Class Generator for Java
XML Class Generator for Java: Windows NT Installation
XML Class Generator for Java: UNIX Installation
XML Class Generator for Java Cheat Sheet
oracg Command Line Utility
XDK for Java: XSQL Servlet
Downloading and Installing XSQL Servlet
Windows NT: Starting the Web-to-go Server
Setting Up the Database Connection Definitions for Your Environment
UNIX: Setting Up Your Servlet Engine to Run XSQL Pages
XSQL Servlet Specifications
Character Set Support
XDK for Java: XSQL Servlet Cheat Sheets
XML SQL Utility for Java Cheat Sheet

D XDK for Java Beans: Specifications and Cheat Sheets

XDK for Javabeans: Transviewer Bean Cheat Sheet
DOMBuilder Bean Cheat Sheet
XSLTransformer Bean Cheat Sheet
XMLTreeView Bean Cheat Sheet
XMLTransformPanel Cheat Sheet
DBViewer Bean Cheat Sheet
XMLSourceView Bean Cheat Sheet
DBAccess Bean Cheat Sheet

E XDK for C: Specifications and Cheat Sheets

XML Parser for C Specifications
Validating and Non-Validating Mode Support
Example Code
Online Documentation
Release Specific Notes
Standards Conformance
Supported Character Set Encodings
XML Parser for C Revision History
XML Parser for C: Parser Functions
XML Parser for C: DOM API Functions
XML Parser for C: Namespace API Functions
XML Parser for C: XSLT API Functions
XML Parser for C: SAX API Functions

F XDK for C++: Specifications and Cheat Sheet

XML Parser for C++ Specifications
Validating and Non-Validating Mode Support
Example Code
Online Documentation
Release Specific Notes
Standards Conformance
Supported Character Set Encodings
XML Parser for C++ Revision History
XML Parser for C++: XMLParser() API
XML Parser for C++: DOM API
XML Parser for C++: XSLT API
XML Parser for C++: SAX API
XML C++ Class Generator Specifications
Input to the XML C++ Class Generator
Output to XML C++ Class Generator
Standards Conformance
Directory Structure

G XDK for PL/SQL: Specifications and Cheat Sheets

XML Parser for PL/SQL
Oracle XML Parser Features
Namespace Support
Validating and Non-Validating Mode Support
Example Code
IXML Parser for PL/SQL Directory Structure
XML Parser for PL/SQL Specifications
XML Parser for PL/SQL: Parser() API
XML Parser for PL/SQL: XSLT Processor API
XML Parser for PL/SQL: W3C DOM API -- Types
XML Parser for PL/SQL: W3C DOM API -- Node Methods, Node Types, and DOM Interface Types
Node Methods
DOM Node Types
DOMException Types
DOM Interface Types

H XML SQL Utility (XSU) Specifications and Cheat Sheets

Installing XML SQL Utility
Contents of the XSU Distribution
Installing XML SQL Utility: Procedure
Installing XSU Downloaded from OTN
Requirements for Running XML SQL Utility
XSU Requirements
Extract the XSU Files
XML SQL Utility (XSU) for Java, Cheat Sheets
XML SQL Utility (XSU) for PL/SQL, Cheat Sheets
DBMS_XMLQuery PL/SQL Package



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