Oracle9i Application Server Oracle HTTP Server powered by Apache Performance Guide
Release for Sun SPARC Solaris

Part Number A86676-02



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1 Performance Overview

Performance Terms
What is Performance Tuning?
System Throughput
Wait Time
Critical Resources
Effects of Excessive Demand
Adjustments to Relieve Problems
Setting Performance Targets
Setting User Expectations
Evaluating Performance
Performance Methodology
Factors in Improving Performance

2 Monitoring Your Web Server

Monitoring Processor Use
Using the sar Utility
Using the mpstat Utility
Monitoring Network Traffic
Using the snoop Utility
Monitoring the Web Server
Using the mod_status Utility to Monitor the Web Server
Logging Server Statistics to a File
Monitoring JServ Processes

3 Sizing and Configuration

Sizing your Hardware and Resources
Determining CPU Requirements
Secure Sockets Layer Impact on CPU Requirements
Determining Memory Requirements
Determining Memory Requirements for Operating System Software
Determining Memory Requirements for the Oracle HTTP Server
JServ Memory Requirements
Determining Java Heap Size
Determining Memory Requirements for Servlets and OracleJSP pages
Determining the Number of JServ Processes per CPU

4 Optimizing HTTP Server Performance

Tuning TCP Parameters
Setting TCP parameters
Configuring the MaxClients Parameter
Enabling SSL Session Caching
Understanding Performance Implications of Logging
Benefits of the HTTP/1.1 Protocol
Supporting Persistent Connections
Differences between Apache Releases with Respect to Performance

5 Optimizing Apache JServ

Overview of JServ
Optimizing Servlet Performance
Loading Servlet Classes
Reloading Servlet Classes Automatically
How to Perform Load Balancing
Using Single Thread Model Servlets
What is OracleJSP?
Tuning OracleJSP Pages for Performance
Impact of Session Management
Developer Mode
OracleJSP Performance Tips


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