Oracle9i Application Server Release Notes Addendum
Release for Sun SPARC Solaris

Part Number A90219-07


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Oracle9i Application Server

Release Notes Addendum

Release for Sun SPARC Solaris

September 2001

Part No. A90219-07

1.0 Purpose of this Addendum

This addendum notes information that is missing from the Oracle9i Application Server Release Release Notes. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the Release Notes.

Oracle will periodically update these notes as new information becomes available. The latest version can be found at

The Rights and Restrictions included in the Release Notes also apply to the information in this Addendum.

2.0 Known Restrictions and Limitations

Before using Oracle9i Application Server, read through each item in this section to gain an understanding of the restrictions and limitations in this release that may require additional steps.

2.1 Current OJSP Available

For a the most current OJSP and a related information, get OJSP version or higher from

2.2 OracleJSP Demos Not Included on Client Side

After installation, you must overwrite the file in $ORACLE_HOME/.../htdocs file with the zip file $ORACLE_HOME/jsp/demo.

2.3 Post-configuration Steps Required for Oracle9i File System

There are port conflicts between mod_oprocmgr and the Oracle9i File System. The file by default has JServ listening only on port 8007. As part of setting up the Group Mount (ApJServGroupMount), Oracle9i File System uses the file. This, however, causes a conflict with mod_oprocmgr, which is also using 8007. The solution is to use a different properties file for the ifs group, and use a different port number.

Please note that the automated Oracle9i File System servlet configuration does not cater to the revised configuration mechanism in the High Availability feature. These steps are detailed out in the Oracle9i File System release notes, and the following steps are in addition to the release notes.

The Oracle9i File System release notes contain information on the steps that you must perform to be able to configure the Oracle9i File System Servlet with the Oracle HTTP Server for Oracle9iAS Release 1 (v1.0.2.2).

You must perform the following steps in addition to the steps mentioned in the Oracle9i File System release notes.

  1. Stop the Oracle HTTP Server with the following command:

    $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin apachectl stop

  2. Go to $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc.

  3. Copy to

  4. Edit to change the port from 8007 to 13138.

  5. Edit jserv.conf to change the properties file for the ifs1110 group to be instead of

  6. Restart the Oracle HTTP Server with the following command:

    $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin apachectl start

2.4 Oracle9iAS InterConnect

Here is a list of new features and changes in OAI 4.1 from OAI 4.0:

New Features

Throughput Measurement - Ability to monitor the throughput of Adapters through the EM Console.

Message Tracking - Ability to track any messages that flow through OAI. To use this feature, you must select at least one "Tracking Field" in iStudio. Then, you will be able to track messages by specifying values for any of these tracking fields in the EM Console.

Remote Management - EM Console provides features for remotely managing Adapters and Repository. Features include start/stop, view log files, edit ini file, etc.

Metadata Updates to running adapters - When you make changes to the metadata through iStudio, you now have an option to push this new metadata to any running adapter. (Use the "File -> Push Metadata" menu option in iStudio).

Notification on failure/shutdown - EM Console provides Email/Pager alerts, to notify you that Adapters or Repository have stopped.

Message Resubmission - The EM Console now lets you view, modify, and resubmit all "errored out" messages in the database.

Workflow Support - OAI works with Oracle Workflow for business process collaborations.

Enhanced AQ Support - The AQ Adapter has been enhanced to handle more than just XML payload. For XML, the payload can be in either a BLOB or CLOB. For non-XML, the payload can be any ADT; this ADT can be directly imported in iStudio.

SAP Adapter - SAP Adapter is available on the Solaris platform as well.

SAP ABAP Support - SAP Adapter supports ABAP function modules in addition to BAPIs and IDOCs.

Enhanced Array Mapping Support - iStudio provides graphical mapping of array attributes.

Password encryption - All passwords stored in configuration files can now be encrypted. Please refer to the Configuration Security section of the Installation Guide.

Changes from the Previous Release

OID no longer necessary - All necessary configuration is stored directly in the HUB database. When creating a project in iStudio, you must provide the hub database connection information along with the repository information.

OMB no longer necessary - OAI uses Oracle JMS interface to Oracle AQ, so OMB is no longer needed.

Single .ini file - All OAI configuration parameters are all in one file, adapter.ini (as opposed to adapter.ini, Agent.ini, and service.ini).

Improved logging - To preserve log files from a previous run, log files are created in a different directory every time the adapter is started. The timestamp is used as the name of the directory to keep it unique across various runs. All logging is done to only one file "oailog.txt" (as opposed to AgentLog.txt, <Adapter>Log.txt, service.log). As before, when the size of this file exceeds 1MB, a new file "oailog-1.txt" is created (followed by "oailog-2.txt", .... and so on).

Persistence Files - To avoid cluttering up the adapter directory with files, all the persistence files (containing persisted messages, cached metadata, and other information to ensure Guaranteed & Exactly Once delivery) are stored in the .../persistence/... directory.

Database Adapter more performant - The database adapter performance has been enhanced. The database hosting the OAI Schema has support for Oracle Objects in order for the performance gain to be realized.

Cascading Deletion of integration objects in iStudio - When an object is deleted, all objects referred to by that object are also deleted (provided they are not referenced by other objects). For example, if a Customer object contains an Address object, and the Customer object is deleted, the Address object will also be deleted. But if a Purchase Order object contains the Address object, then Address will not be deleted. Also, the Address object cannot be deleted directly, since it is referenced by another object.

Importing data types - iStudio supports importing attributes of other iStudio data types.

2.5 Oracle9iAS Portal Online Help Not Installed

The Oracle9iAS Portal online help does not get installed during the Oracle9iAS install process. Follow these steps to install the help:

From the <ORACLE_HOME>/assistants/opca directory:

  1. Run the command below, replacing the variables as applicable:

    runimp.csh ../../bin/imp <portal_schema>/<portal_password> <database_hostname> <database_port> <database_sid> PORTAL_HELP <portal_schema> ../../portal30/doc/site/hlp30ca.dmp hlp30ca.dmp.log

  2. Go to the <ORACLE_HOME>/portal30/admin/plsql/wwu directory.

  3. Log into the database as the Portal schema owner. Run the following command from the SQL prompt:

    @utlsbmrg.sql reuse database_user 0

2.6 Port Conflicts In Multiple Installations of Oracle9iAS on Solaris

Listener failures have been observed in multiple installs of Oracle9iAS Release 1 (v. for Solaris on the same machine. The listener fails due to port conflicts (the port numbers are not getting bumped). The first install functions correctly, but all subsequent installs fail. The error log contains messages similar to the following:

ApacheJServ/1.1.2: Failed to bind to port(s) specified in 
s. Please check 
s and jserv.conf file, and make sure number of JServ process specified 
in jserv.conf is less than number of ports specified in  
s.and the ports are not used by other processes. 
[Thu May 17 18:57:26 2001] [warn] OPM: EW process pdsun-qa17:0 
(pid:14739) died, restarting. 
[Thu May 17 18:57:26 2001] [warn] OPM: ADM: process 14708 created server 
process 14747 (group group1, module JServ), and inserted in proctable as 
entry 0 

ApacheJServ/1.1.2: Failed to bind to port(s) specified in 
2/Apache/Jserv/etc/  Please check 
s and jserv.conf file, and make sure number of JServ process specified 
in jserv.conf is less than number of ports specified in /private/oracl 
e/lizWorkarea/ias1022M6.2/Apache/Jserv/etc/ and the 
ports are not used by other processes. 

To resolve this issue, edit the configuration files to increment the port numbers.

2.7 Oracle9iAS Database Cache Configuration Tool Appears Erroneously During Installation

In Enterprise Edition installations that were migrated from Release 1 (v. to (v., then to (v., the Oracle9iAS Database Cache configuration tool, though not selected, appears at the end of the installation, when no migration is required to (v. Select Cancel to exit the configuration tool; no other action is required.

2.8 Oracle Workflow Notification Mailer Script Modification Required

In Release 2.6 of Oracle Workflow, the perpetual shell script wfmail.csh, which restarts the UNIX Sendmail version of the Oracle Workflow Notification Mailer, calls wfmail rather than wfmail.snd.

Before using wfmail.csh in Release 2.6, edit the script manually to call wfmail.snd.

2.9 Connect String Needed for Oracle Workflow

To install Oracle Workflow Release 2.6, you must include the connect string for your database in your tnsnames.ora file ($ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora). The Workflow installation process requires this information in order to connect to the database.

2.10 FastCGI Restarts Scripts Containing Errors

FastCGI programs are restarted continuously even if there are errors in the program or configuration. When you start the HTTP Server, ensure that all the FastCGI scripts can be started correctly (by looking at the messages in the log file).

2.11 Oracle9iAS Portal Installation Requires Syntax Requirement for Shared Pool Size

When you install Portal, the configuration assistant may report that the shared pool size or java pool size is insufficient. This is because the assistant expects the pool size value to be in bytes. To fix this problem, change the shared pool size in init.ora to the integer value in bytes (not M, K or G notation). For example, if


change it to:


and restart the database.

2.12 Oracle9iAS DIscoverer URLs Invalid after Installation

The Oracle9iAS Release 1 (v. installation changes the jserv.conf file so that any URLs (links, bookmarks, etc.) that include references to Discoverer4i\Viewer will no longer work. To fix this problem, change Discoverer4i\Viewer to discoverer4i\viewer (lower case) in the jserv.conf file.

2.13 Recommended Access Restrictions for HTTP Server mod_oprocmgr

Sites should be configured to restrict access to the locations to valid users of mod_oprocmgr. Valid users of mod_oprocmgr include external processes (JServ processes), administrators sending requests to /oprocmgr-status, and administators using DMS to monitor HTTP Server external processes.

The httpd.conf file should be modified as shown in the following example (additions are shown in bold text):

    <IfModule mod_oprocmgr.c> 
     ProcNode 7777 
      <IfDefine SSL> 
        ProcNode 80 
      <Location /oprocmgr-service> 
        SetHandler oprocmgr-service 
        order deny,allow 
        deny from all 
        allow from 
      <Location /oprocmgr-status> 
        SetHandler oprocmgr-status 
        order deny,allow 
        deny from all 
        allow from 

Another way that the system administrator may want to modify httpd.conf is to permit access by all nodes within the same domain using something similar to "allow from". Where possible, this strategy is preferable because it permits administration from multiple locations without having to explicitly list each administrative host. Hostname-based access control should be sufficient for most environments. The performance issue with performing DNS lookups during hostname-based access control is not critical in this case, because access to mod_oprocmgr occurs infrequently.

2.14 JDBC Thin Driver Patch Required

The JDBC Thin Driver provided as part of Oracle9iAS Release 1 (v1.0.2.2), cannot be used to connect and run against an Oracle9i database.

You must download and install a patch in order to connect to a 9i database. The patch and associated information is at:

The download contains instructions to install the patch. If you install jdbc 8171, or rdbms 8171, or rdbms 8171B, after installing the JDBC patch, you will need to re-install the JDBC Thin patch in order to connect to an Oracle9i database.

2.15 Oracle9iAS Wireless Connection Refused: 8.1.7 Client to 9.0.1 Server

Oracle Universal Installer fails to load the Wireless repository (during a fresh installation or as part of an upgrade) if an Oracle9i database is being used.

To remedy this problem, after the installation is complete, you must:

  1. Apply the JDBC patch (the patch is in the JDBC_Patch directory on the Oracle9i Application Server v1. Administrative and Development Client CD-ROM for Windows 95/98/NT).

  2. Depending on your installation, run one of the following:

    Fresh installation: (to upload the bootstrap.xml)

    Upgrade: (to upload the up11-111.xml)

2.16 Corrections to Terminology in Oracle9iAS Installation Guides

The Oracle9iAS Installation Guide contains terminology errors on the following page numbers:

3-17, 4-22, 5-20

On these pages, "Upgrading Installation Detected" should read, "Migration Installation Detected". All occurrences of "upgrading" should be changed to "migrating".

2.17 Addition to Release Note

The following information applies to Release Note

This dialog appears at 68% of installation phase 1 of Oracle9iAS Release 1 (v1.0.2.2) during the Oracle database software-only installation of once and (second time.

The workaround to prevent this error is:

  1. Create a empty file - /var/opt/oracle/oratab

  2. Make this file writable by installing 9iAS 1022.

2.18 Syntax Errors In Release Note (Oracle9iAS Wireless)

Release Note contained examples with syntax errors. Below are the correct examples:

ApJServGroup group1 2 1


ApJServGroup group1 1 1


ApJServGroup group2 1 1


2.19 Response File Sections and Parameters Information Incorrect

In the Oracle9iAS Release 1 (v. Release Notes, the last subsection of note, "Enterprise Edition Response File Sections and Parameters" is obsolete.

2.20 Response File Variable Settings Information Incorrect

In the Oracle9iAS Release 1 (v. Release Notes, the last subsection of note, "Response File Variable Settings for Oracle9iAS Portal Silent Install" is obsolete.

2.21 Oracle9iAS Portal Configuration Assistant Stops During Installation

Oracle9iAS Portal Configuration Assistant stops at 90% during the Oracle9iAS installation. In Oracle9iAS Release 1 (v1.0.2.2), Diagnostics was an added feature of the Oracle9iAS Portal Configuration Assistant. Diagnostics portion checks the validity of the JServ and Oracle HTTP Server URLs for the installed Portal repository. If the JServ and Oracle HTTP server are not properly configured or not running during the Portal installation, the diagnostics stop during this validation. The Portal installation is complete, so you can safely cancel the Portal Configuration Assistant and resume the installation. However, because the Diagnostics detected a misconfiguration in JServ and/or the HTTP Server, you must resolve this before accessing the installed Oracle9iAS Portal.

2.22 JServ Processes Startup Fails With JDK Version 1.1.8

If you use JDK version 1.1.8 instead of the JDK (version 1.2) shipped with Oracle9iAS, JServ processes will fail to start. Messages similar to the following are found in the error_log:

ORACLE_HOME/Apache/jdk/bin/java[15]: dirname:  not found 
ORACLE_HOME/Apache/jdk/bin/java[15]: dirname:  not found 
ORACLE_HOME/Apache/jdk/bin/java[16]: basename:  not found 
ORACLE_HOME/Apache/jdk/bin/java[16]: basename:  not found 
ORACLE_HOME/Apache/jdk/bin/java[65]: test: argument expected 
ORACLE_HOME/Apache/jdk/bin/java[65]: test: argument expected 
 was not found in 
 was not found in 

To resolve this error, add the following line to the and files:


After adding this line, perform a graceful restart of the server. The JServ processes will start.

2.23 Correction to Disk Usage Requirements for Oracle9iAS Enterprise Edition

Oracle9iAS Enterprise install on Sun SPARC Solaris requires 5 GB of disk space, not 4.10 GB as stated in the release notes.

2.24 Oracle9iAS Discoverer Viewer Does Not Display Graphs

Graph support for Oracle9iAS Discoverer Viewer is disabled by default on UNIX platforms. Reference to this was incorrectly omitted from the Oracle9iAS Discoverer Viewer Release Notes. To enable graph support, edit the file:


to change the following line from:

<application show_graphs="false"/> 


<application show_graphs="true"/> 

This also requires that the XWindow configuration steps noted in the Oracle9i Application Server Release Notes have been completed. (see xhost Command Required for Oracle9i Application Server Enterprise Edition for Discoverer).

2.25 Known Limitations with Running Oracle9iAS Against a 9i Database

Oracle9iAS v. is certified to run against a 9i Database Server v9. Solaris release with the following known limitations:

2.26 Required Database Versions for Oracle9iAS Portal

In order to run Oracle9iAS Portal with a version 8.1.7 database, you must be using these versions:

2.27 Oracle9iAS Portal Installation Error

There is a known issue with the Oracle9iAS Portal on 8.1.7 Standard Edition (SE). The Installer gives an error when installing Oracle9iAS Portal into 8.1.7 SE. The workaround is to execute the Oracle Portal Configuration Assistant (OPCA) from the command line and specify the "verbose" mode. In this mode, the errors are ignored and the installation runs to completion.

To run OPCA from the command line for Oracle9iAS Portal version 3.0.9:

  1. Navigate to ORACLE_HOME/assistants/opca.

  2. Open launch.bat file in a text editor.

    At approximately line 27 there is a long command line ending in:

    > install.log 
  3. Change the 3rd to last parameter from false to true. For example:


    changes to:

  4. Save the change.

  5. Execute launch.bat.

2.28 Discoverer Patch Information in Release Notes

Section, Oracle9iAS Discoverer Patch, is obsolete and should be disregarded.

2.29 Clarification on Support for Apache Modules

Section, "Support for Third Party Components in Oracle9i Application Server"in the subsection entitled "Apache Modules" is amended as follows:

The text:

"In addition, Oracle will only provide technical support for problems that can be reproduced with an Apache configuration consisting only of supported Oracle Apache Modules."

is replaced with:

"Apache modules modify Apache event processing; therefore, Oracle may require that a problem be reproduced with an Apache configuration consisting only of supported modules in order provide support. Oracle will only provide bug fix support for those problems which can be reproduced in a configuration consisting only of supported modules."

2.30 Correction to Section of Oracle9i Application Server Release Notes, Release for Sun SPARC Solaris

The above referenced note lists the C compiler Sun SparcWorks version 5.0 as necessary software.

Sun Sparc Works 5.0 C++ Compiler has been obsoleted by Sun.

It is replaced by:

Forte[tm] C 6 update 1 (formerly Sun WorkShop[tm] Professional C)

2.31 New Version of Oracle Internet Directory Available

Oracle9i Application Server v. includes Oracle Internet Directory 2.1.1. A more recent version of Oracle Internet Directory, 3.0.1, is available with Oracle9i Database. If you wish to use this latest version, order the Oracle9i CD Pack for your platform and install Oracle Internet Directory from that media kit. For information about Oracle Internet Directory and any available patchsets, please see

2.32 Obsolete Release Notes

Release notes that are no longer valid are listed below: OracleJSP Error is obsolete and should be deleted. Apache Configuration Error Upon Installation is obsolete and should be deleted. Manual Installation of OWA Packages Causes Error is obsolete and should be deleted. Web Cache Configuration Assistant Appears When Not Selected is obsolete and should be deleted. Executing the owaload.sql script is obsolete and should be deleted.

Copyright © 2001 Oracle Corporation.

All Rights Reserved.
