Oracle Applications InterConnect version 4.0.0 Release Notes ------------------------------------------------------------ Documentation ------------- The Installation Guide and User Guide are available on the CD in the docs directory. After installation, you can find the Installation Guide and User Guide in: $ORACLE_HOME/oai/4.0/docs Patches ------- Please apply the latest OAI 4.0.0 patches available at MetaLink . OAI Adapters ------------ Installation ------------ System Limitations ------------------ The size of the messages is limited by OMB. Please refer to OMB Release Notes for maximum message sizes. Known Problems -------------- - The Adapters, which are OMB clients, may have a thread leak if the Adapters are running but OMB is not running. If this happens, simply restart OMB and the Adapters. This will be fixed by an OMB patch. - (Solaris specific) No error is shown if the Adapter is started while it is already running. If this happens, the user has to kill the previous Adapter (jre) process manually. - In case of application errors when trying to deliver a message, the OAI runtime retries to deliver this message every minute until it succeeds or until it is informed to ignore the error message. The user should run the command "ignoreErrors " from within the Adapter directory to inform OAI to ignore this application error and proceed with the next message. It only stores this error code in memory, so if you restart this Adapter it does not remember to ignore this error code. The workaround is for the user to store these error codes in a file called "ErrorCodes.ini" in the Adapter directory (with one error code per line). OAI iStudio ----------- System Limitations ------------------ Known Problems -------------- - Entering invalid data (or not entering required data) in dialog boxes may cause exceptions or errors. However this will NOT corrupt the information in the repository. - Sometimes, the tree does not refresh properly when creating new integration objects. The workaround is to reload the project i.e. File -> Reload -> . - With extremly large number of integration objects iStudio may take a few minutes to do the initial loading. - Complete validation is not being done when deleting integration objects. For instance, the tool will let you delete an application datatype when, in fact, there is a message that uses it. - Content Based Routing: The expressions are currently not being validated; so please make sure that the parenthesis match up correctly.