Oracle9i Application Server Release Notes
Release for Windows NT/2000





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1 Summary of Changes and New Features

1.1 Purpose of this Document
1.2 Note About Product Naming
1.3 Note About Apache JServ Processes
1.4 Note About Oracle HTTP Server Status
1.5 JDK/JRE Certification
1.6 Global Server IDs for Oracle HTTP Server powered by Apache
1.7 Examples and Demos
1.7.1 Demo Limitations
1.8 Known Restrictions and Limitations
1.8.1 Support for Third Party Components in Oracle9i Application Server
1.8.2 Preserving Changes to Oracle HTTP Server Configuration on Re-installation in Same Oracle Home
1.8.3 Configuring Oracle iFS and Oracle9iAS Email to run on the same machine
1.8.4 Long Startup TIme for Internet File System
1.8.5 Standard Edition Migration Installation Hangs at NET8 Configuration
1.8.6 De-Installation/Cleanup Procedure
1.8.7 Errors Opening redo Logs after Installation
1.8.8 Help Screen Does Not Close in OUI
1.8.9 Path Modification in FormsServlet.InitArgs Required
1.8.10 Building mod_perl DBI/DBD-Oracle and Apache::DBI
1.8.11 3. mod_plsql Requirement
1.8.12 Problems with mod_plsql Under Moderate Load
1.8.13 iCache Environment Variable Setting
1.8.14 Restoring Oracle Application Server OWA Packages
1.8.15 mod_plsql Caching Error
1.8.16 mod_rewrite Security Vulnerability
1.8.17 Oracle Demo Certificates Replacement
1.8.18 Oracle9iAS Database Cache Installation Errors
1.8.19 Oracle9iAS Database Cache Configuration
1.8.20 Using Oracle9iAS Database Cache with Servlets
1.8.21 loadjava Limitation in Oracle9iAS Database Cache Environment
1.8.22 Changes to tnsnames.ora and init.ora Requirement
1.8.23 Fully Qualified Domain Requirement in tnsnames.ora
1.8.24 Oracle Business Components for Java Demo Failure
1.8.25 Oracle9iAS Portal Configuration Assistant Failure with Standard Edition Default Large Pool Size
1.8.26 Oracle9iAS Portal Report Output Requirement
1.8.27 Oracle Forms, Reports and Discoverer Patch Installation
1.8.28 Oracle9iAS Reports Service Security Framework
1.8.29 Oracle9iAS Reports Service Error
1.8.30 Oracle9iAS Forms Services non-SSL Listener Requirement
1.8.31 Oracle 9iAS Forms/Enterprise Manager Limitations
1.8.32 JInitiator HTTPS Limitations
1.8.33 Internet Explorer 5.0 Native JVM Limitations
1.8.34 openssl Command -config Option Requirement
1.8.35 No Support for CA Facilities of OpenSSL
1.8.36 mod_ssl Limitations
1.8.37 Passphrase-protected Private Key Causes Apache Hang on Startup
1.8.38 Apache Configuration Error Upon Installation
1.8.39 Errors Starting Apache with "APCHECTL -START" When Using Virtual Hosts
1.8.40 Oracle9iAS Web Cache Assumes Incorrect Listener Port
1.8.41 Increasing Memory for Apache JServ Applications
1.8.42 National Language Support (NLS) Considerations
1.8.43 NLS Parameters in the initicache.ora File
1.8.44 NLS Limitations
1.8.45 NLS Translations in Oracle Forms and Oracle Reports
1.8.46 Standard Edition Character Set
1.8.47 Oracle9iAS Portal Configuration Assistant Language Limitation
1.8.48 Oracle9iAS Wireless: Silent Installation Not Supported
1.8.49 Oracle9iAS Wireless: JDBC Driver
1.8.50 Oracle9iAS Wireless: Supported Devices and Gateways
1.8.51 Oracle9iAS Wireless: Third Party Location Service Providers
1.8.52 Oracle9iAS Wireless: Database Connections
1.8.53 Oracle9iAS Wireless: Notifications
1.8.54 Oracle9iAS Wireless: Bootstrap Repository Provisioning Service
1.8.55 Oracle9iAS Wireless: SQL Adapter Master Services
1.8.56 Oracle9iAS Wireless: Bookmarks in the Personalization Portal
1.8.57 Oracle9iAS Wireless: Service Designer Folder Contents Display
1.8.58 Oracle9iAS Wireless: Multibyte Character Set Support for the Web Integration Server
1.8.59 Oracle9iAS Wireless: Multibyte Character Set Support for the Web Integration Developer
1.8.60 Oracle9iAS Wireless Client: Transformer Testing Tool
1.8.61 Oracle9iAS Wireless: Oracle Data Server Support
1.8.62 Oracle9iAS Wireless Web Integration Components and JDK
1.8.63 Network Adapter Connection Error Generated When Accessing Oracle Business Components for Java Sample Application
1.8.64 Apache Listener Stops Responding After Prolonged Use of mod_plsql
1.8.65 "Communication Error or Internal ORB Error" When Starting Oracle9iAS Discoverer 3i Viewer
1.8.66 Oracle Database Cache Stops Responding When Caching a Table That Contains a Context Index
1.8.67 Error Returned When Accessing Oracle Enterprise Manager Through a Browser
1.8.68 Deploying Enterprise JavaBeans to Oracle9i Application Server
1.8.69 Response File Variable Settings for Oracle9iAS Portal Silent Install
1.8.70 Oracle9iAS Discoverer Patch
1.8.71 Running databasesetup.bat
1.8.72 FIle Path Correction
1.8.73 file Configuration Location
1.8.74 Long Pathname in TEMP environment variable Causes Installation Error
1.8.75 Oracle9iAS Web Cache Core Dumps if Capacity Parameter Too Low
1.8.76 Error When Starting Oracle HTTP Server
1.8.77 Oracle Developer 60 Folder Not Accessible Error
1.8.78 OraInventory Directory Requires Backup Before Migration
1.8.79 JServ Availability on Windows 2000
1.8.80 Enhancing Forms and Reports Scalability
1.8.81 Internet Developer Suite Database Port Conflict

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