Publish Wizard - Define Application View Screen

The Publish Wizard - Define Application View screen displays the following fields:

Below these selections is the Attributes panel.  In the Attributes panel, there are six columns with data in three rows beneath. For the purposes of this manual, the data will be included in row number one only. The column headings are:

There are four buttons along the bottom of this panel.  From left to right, the buttons are:

·       Import… – Available.

·       Add – Available.

·       Delete – Available.

·       Clear – Available.

Immediately outside of this panel are two buttons:

·       Cross Reference… - Grayed out and not available.

·       Event Map – Available.

Below this are four more buttons:

·       Cancel – Available

·       Back – Available

·       Next – Available

·       Finish – Grayed out and not available.