Oracle8i CORBA Developer's Guide and Reference
Release 3 (8.1.7)

Part Number A83722-01


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Implementation by Delegation is Different

For an Oracle8 i implementation by delegation (tie), the class you write extends a class you have defined and implements two Oracle-defined interfaces. The first interface, whose name is the IDL interface name concatenated with Operations, defines the methods corresponding to the IDL operations. The second interface, called ActivatableObject, defines a single method called _initializeAuroraObject(). To implement this method, create and return an instance. Here is a minimal example:

// IDL
module hello {
  interface Hello {
    wstring helloWorld ();

// Aurora tie implementation
package helloServer;

import hello.*;
import oracle.aurora.AuroraServices.ActivatableObject;

public class HelloImpl implements HelloOperations, ActivatableObject 
//, extends <YourClass>
  public String helloWorld () {
    return "Hello World!";

  public org.omg.CORBA.Object _initializeAuroraObject () {
    // create and initialize an instance and return it, for example ... 
    return new _tie_Hello (this);

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