Oracle8i Application Developer's Guide - XML
Release 3 (8.1.7)

Part Number A86030-01


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Customizing Presentation with XML and XSQL: Flight Finder, 2 of 8

XML Flight Finder Sample Application: Introduction

XML Flight Finder fetches data about airline flights and customizes the results for the client device (PC, cell phone, PDA,...). It is built on Oracle8i and leverages Oracle XSQL Servlet, hence this application can submit SQL queries and define output formats using XML, XSL, and XSQL text files -- no Java programming is required, and there is no code to compile. This application is easy to build, customize, and maintain.

Download the source code for XML Flight Finder to study and modify. You can also read an article that describes how the Flight Finder uses Oracle XML products and technologies, and there's a page of links to sites where you can download software that lets you simulate, for example, a cell phone on your PC.

This information and the application download is also available at: then select Sample Code

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