Using JPDA with Oracle9i Application Server for Servlet Debugging

To use JPDA debugging protocol, you'll need to modify the parameters you send to the JVM, change the ApJServerAction entry, tell the server how to find the JDPA library, add servlet init parameters, and modify the CLASSPATH for Oracle9i Application Server (9iAS).

These changes must be made on the computer that is hosting 9iAS. You will need administrator or root permission to make these changes.

Setting parameters

Adding the JPDA library

Setting the CLASSPATH

  1. In, set wrapper.classpath to:
    wrapper.classpath=C:/Program Files/Oracle/JDeveloper 3.2/jswdk-1.0/lib/servlet.jar
  2. Make sure that the location of ApacheJServ.jar is specified.
    wrapper.classpath=C:/Program Files/Apache JServ 1.1b3/ApacheJServ.jar
  3. Comment out the location of jsdk.jar:

Related Topics:
Configuring Oracle9i Application Server for Remote Debugging Servlets
Using OJVM with Oracle9i Application Server for Servlet Debugging

External Links:
Sun VM Invocation Options