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Summary of the Supplier: Top Level Order Process

To view the properties of the Supplier: Top Level Order process, select the process in the navigator tree, then choose Properties from the Edit menu. This process activity is runnable, indicating that it can be initiated as a top level process to run.

When you display the Process window for the Supplier: Top Level Order process, you see that the process consists of ten unique activities. To examine the activities of the process in more detail, we have numbered each node for easy referencing below. The numbers themselves are not part of the process diagram.

The Supplier: Top Level Order workflow begins when the Supplier system receives the B2B Purchase Order event from the Buyer system. A predefined subscription sends the event to the Supplier: Top Level Order process.

The process begins by receiving a purchase order either at node 1 or at node 2, depending on the source of the purchase order.

Node 3 is a subprocess that retrieves the agent details for the intended outbound and inbound agents to send responses to the buyer, as well as retrieving the item number and item description.

Node 4 is a subprocess that performs a credit check if the total cost of the order is greater than 2000. Node 5 is a subprocess that performs a stock check to determine if the ordered item is in stock. When both the credit check and the stock check are complete, the process sends an acknowledgement of the purchase order to the buyer.

Node 8 is a subprocess that checks the shipping details for the order and then sends an advanced shipment notice to the buyer. Node 9 is a subprocess that creates an invoice and sends the invoice to the buyer. After sending the invoice, the process ends.

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