Oracle8i SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference
Release 3 (8.1.7)

Part Number A83723-01





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SQLJ code, as with any Java code, can run in the Oracle8i server in stored procedures, stored functions, triggers, Enterprise JavaBeans, or CORBA objects. Database access is through a server-side implementation of the SQLJ runtime (with all SQLJ runtime packages automatically available) in combination with the Oracle JDBC server-side internal driver. (You will sometimes hear this referred to as the "KPRB driver".)

In addition, an embedded SQLJ translator in the Oracle8i server is available to translate SQLJ source files directly in the server.

Considerations for running SQLJ in the server include several server-side coding issues as well as decisions about where to translate your code and how to load it into the server. You must also be aware of how the server determines the names of generated output. You can either translate and compile on a client and load the class and resource files into the server, or you can load .sqlj source files into the server and have the files automatically translated by the embedded SQLJ translator.

The embedded translator has a different user interface than the client-side translator. Supported options can be specified using a database table, and error output is to a database table. Output files from the translator (.java and .ser) are transparent to the developer.

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