Oracle8i Enterprise JavaBeans Developer's Guide and Reference
Release 3 (8.1.7)

Part Number A83725-01





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DTD for Oracle-Specific Deployment Descriptor

This is the XML DTD for the Oracle Specific EJB deployment descriptor
The oracle-descriptor element is the root element of the Oracle-specific
deployment descriptor. It contains an optional description, optional structural
information about logical name mappings, optional definitions for run-as 
beans and/or methods, and definitions of container-managed persistence. -->
<!ELEMENT oracle-descriptor (mappings*, run-as*, persistence-provider*,
The mappings section enables you to map logical names defined in the XML 
deployment descriptor to actual names. Bean logical names are mapped to JNDI
names; security logical names are mapped to database roles or users. -->
<!ELEMENT mappings (ejb-mapping*, security-role-mapping*,
resource-ref-mapping*, transaction-manager*)>
The ejb-mapping element maps an EJB to its bound JNDI name -->
<!ELEMENT ejb-mapping (ejb-name, jndi-name)>
The security-role-mapping element maps security logical names to a database
role or user -->
<!ELEMENT security-role-mapping (security-role, oracle-role)>
The resource-ref-mapping element maps any environment variable defined in the
XML deployment descriptor to the JNDI name for the target object -->
<!ELEMENT resource-ref-mapping (res-ref-name, jndi-name)>
The transaction manager defines the UserTransaction JNDI name that manages
the global transaction. This is only required for transactions that use 
two-phase commit -->
<!ELEMENT transaction-manager (description?, jndi-name)>
The jndi-name element specifies a JNDI name for a bound object -->
<!ELEMENT jndi-name (#PCDATA)>
The run-as element enables you to specify a bean or certain methods within 
a bean to run with an identity other than its own. The modes allowed are
SPECIFIED_IDENTITY mode, you must provide the identity within the 
<security-role> element.
<!ELEMENT run-as (description?, mode, security-role, method)>
The mode element specifies the type of <run-as> identity. The values 
if mode is SPECIFIED_IDENTITY, security-role must be specified
if mode is SYSTEM_IDENTITY or CLIENT_IDENTITY and security-role is
specified, security-role is ignored
The security-role element specifies a database role -->
<!ELEMENT security-role (description?, role-name)>
<!-- The role-name element specifies a database role or user -->
<!ELEMENT role-name (#PCDATA)>
The method element defines a method by the bean's logical name, optionally
adding the interface name, the method name, and if overloading is present for
this method, the parameters of the method you are indicating.
<!ELEMENT method (description?, ejb-name, method-intf?, method-name,
The ejb-name element defines the logical name for the bean that was used in the 
XML deployment descriptor -->
<!ELEMENT ejb-name (#PCDATA)>
<!--The method interface defines where the method is specified-->
<!ELEMENT method-intf (#PCDATA)>
The method name element takes in the actual name of a method defined. -->
<!ELEMENT method-name (#PCDATA)>
The method-params element specifies one or more parameters for a method. -->
<!ELEMENT method-params (method-param*)>
The method-param defines a single parameter for a method by its class type-->
<!ELEMENT method-param (#PCDATA)>
<!-- The oracle-role element specifies a database role or user -->
<!ELEMENT oracle-role (#PCDATA)>
<!-- The ejb-ref-name is the logical name for the EJB reference specified
in the XML deployment descriptor -->
<!ELEMENT ejb-ref-name (#PCDATA)>
<!-- The res-ref-name element is the logical name for the resource reference 
specified in the XML deployment descriptor -->
<!ELEMENT res-ref-name (#PCDATA)>

persistence-provider describes the container managed persistence
The persistence-provider element specifies the CMP provider that you are using.
At this time, only Oracle8i's PSI-RI is supported. -->
<!ELEMENT persistence-provider (description?, persistence-name,
<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>
The persistence-name element defines the name of the provider. For Oracle8i,
this should be psi-ri -->
<!ELEMENT persistence-name (#PCDATA)>
<!-- The persistence-deployer is the class of the CMP provider. This should be 
oracle.aurora.ejb.persistence.ocmp.OcmpEntityDeployer. -->
<!ELEMENT persistence-deployer (#PCDATA)>
<!-- The persistence-descriptor element defines the persistence fields in the 
bean that must be managed by the CMP provider -->
<!ELEMENT persistence-descriptor (description?, ejb-name,
persistence-name, persistence-param*, psi-ri*)>
<!ELEMENT persistence-param (#PCDATA)>
<!-- The psi-ri element defines how the persistence fields int he beans are 
mapped to database tables and columns. -->
<!ELEMENT psi-ri (schema, table, attr-mapping+, serialize-mapping?)>
<!-- The schema element specifies the schema where the table exists -->
<!ELEMENT schema (#PCDATA)>
<!-- The table element specifies the table where to store the persistent fields 
<!ELEMENT table (#PCDATA)>
<!-- The attr-mapping element specifies how each persistent field is mapped to a 
corresponding column in the table -->
<!ELEMENT attr-mapping (field-name, column-name)>
<!-- If you serialize all persistent fields into a single column, use the 
serialize-mapping element -->
<!ELEMENT serialize-mapping (field-name+, column-name)>
<!-- The field-name element specifies the persistent variable in the bean -->
<!ELEMENT field-name (#PCDATA)>
<!-- The column-name element specifies the column for a single persistent field 
<!ELEMENT column-name (#PCDATA)>

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