Oracle8i Application Developer's Guide - XML
Release 3 (8.1.7)

Part Number A86030-01





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XDK for Java: Specifications and Cheat Sheets, 9 of 15

XDK for Java: XML Java Class Generator

Installing XML Java Class Generator

Installing the Oracle XML Java Class Generator, is described in the following sections.

XML Java Class Generator: Windows NT Installation

To install Oracle XML Class Generators on Windows NT, follow these steps:

  1. Install JDK-1.1.x. or above and either unzip or run the WinZip executable.

  2. Download the Oracle XML Class Generator for Java in ZIP format from

    This Class Generator for Java uses 54Kb. Select the following:

    • Software, from the XML top menu >

    • Oracle XML Class Generator for Windows NT

  3. Unzip into a directory. For example:

    C:\[your directory]>unzip 
  4. The result should be the following files and directories:

XML Java Class Generator: UNIX Installation

To install Oracle XML Class Generator for Java in UNIX, follow these steps:

  1. Install JDK-1.1.x or above and GNU gzip.

  2. Download the Oracle XML Class Generator for Java in .tar.gz format from

    This Class Generator for Java uses 41Kb. Select the following:

    • Software, from the XML top menu >

    • Oracle XML Class Generator for UNIX

  3. Extract the distribution package into a directory. For example:

    #gzip -dc xmlclassgenV1_0_0.tar.gz | tar xvf - 
  4. The result should be the following files and directories:

    • license.html -- copy of license agreement

    • readme.html -- release and installation notes

    • doc/ -- directory for documents

    • lib/ -- directory for classgen class files

    • sample/ -- sample code files

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