Oracle Enterprise Manager Messages Manual
Release 2.2

Part Number A85245-01





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Oracle Capacity Planner Messages

VTP-0001 to VTP-0154 Messages

VTP-0001: Error initializing application: string.

Cause: The Capacity Planner application was unable to start up successfully.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0002: The analysis name string is already in use. Please provide a unique name.

Cause: An attempt was made to save an analysis with a name that is already in use.

Action: Provide a new name which is unique.

VTP-0003: Error checking for analysis name: string.

Cause: Capacity Planner encountered a failure while attempting to verify the uniqueness of an analysis name.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0004: The chart name can not be blank.

Cause: An attempt was made to save an analysis chart without giving it a name.

Action: Provide a valid, unique analysis name.

VTP-0006: Data for this service and class already exists in this chart. Overwrite this selection?

Cause: Data was selected to be added to an analysis, and the analysis already contains data for the selected class.

Action: To replace the existing selection click "Yes", to leave it as is click "No."

VTP-0007: Error updating chart: string.

Cause: An error occurred while attempting to update the definition of the analysis in the historical database.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0008: Warning, this chart contains unviewable data.

Cause: While attempting to display the analysis chart, data which is not viewable in line chart form (either null or string data) was encountered.

Action: None.

VTP-0009: Extrapolation recalculated.

Cause: Informational message indicating that the extrapolation has been recalculated following some change to the data.

Action: None.

VTP-0010: Error creating chart: string.

Cause: An error occurred while attempting to insert the definition of the analysis into the historical database.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0011: You currently have greater than 50 data sets. Please reduce your selection criteria to view the graph.

Cause: While selecting data to include in the analysis, the total number of data sets or lines in the analysis chart has exceeded the charting package's limit of 50.

Action: Reduce the number of data items or data sources selected.

VTP-0012: No exclusions for this data source and item.

Cause: An attempt was made to view data point exclusions for a line, but none exist.

Action: None.

VTP-0014: Error connecting to Data Gatherer.

Cause: An error occurred attempting to connect to the Data Gatherer, which manages the collection of the performance data.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0016: SQL statement exceeds the 960-character maximum length supported by JDBC. Please reduce your selection criteria by deselecting data items to execute this query.

Cause: The SQL statement which is constructed to select data for the analysis chart has a total length of greater than 960 characters.

Action: Reduce the number of data items or data sources in order to reduce the overall size of the SQL statement.

VTP-0017: Error selecting data: string.

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to select the data from the historical database.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0021: Internal error copying analysis.

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to create a copy of a predefined analysis in the historical database.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0022: Error creating analysis: string.

Cause: An error occurred while attempting to insert the definition of the analysis into the historical database.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0024: Internal error while copying analysis class.

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to create a copy of a predefined analysis in the historical database.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0026: Error getting analyses: string.

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to load the definition of the analysis from the historical database.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0027: Error loading analysis: string.

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to load the definition of the analysis from the historical database.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0028: Error creating analysis: string.

Cause: An error occurred while attempting to insert the definition of the analysis into the historical database.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0029: Error inserting analysis: string.

Cause: An error occurred while attempting to insert the definition of the analysis into the historical database.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0031: Error renaming analysis: string.

Cause: An error occurred while attempting to rename the definition of the analysis in the historical database.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0032: Error removing analysis: string.

Cause: An error occurred while attempting to remove the definition of the analysis from the historical database.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0035: Unable to determine if data exists for class: string.

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to access the historical database to load data for the specified class of statistics into the analysis.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0036: Error interpreting predefined analysis: (string, number, integer).

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to retrieve and load a predefined analysis from the historical database.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0039: Error getting classes: string.

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to retrieve a list of collection classes from the Data Gatherer.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0041: Error getting data count: string.

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to determine the count of the data rows for the current collection class.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0043: Error getting instances: string.

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to retrieve a list of data sources for the current collection class from the Data Gatherer.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0044: Error loading data items: string.

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to display the list of data items retrieved from the Data Gatherer for the current collection class.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0045: Error getting resources: string.

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to retrieve a list of data items for the current collection class from the Data Gatherer.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0046: Error getting class (string, number, integer).

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to retrieve the definition of the current collection class from the Data Gatherer.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0047: This class requires a parent context [(string, number, integer), string]. Collection is not currently supported.

Cause: The class selected for collection requires a parent data source to be specified, and this configuration is not currently supported by the Capacity Planner.

Action: None, data collection of this class is not possible.

VTP-0048: No collection or load options set. Please select the service and set these options first.

Cause: You have not specified the collection or load options, most specifically the historical database location.

Action: Select the target service in the navigator and specify a historical database location.

VTP-0059: Error ending collection.

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to communicate with the Data Gatherer and stop the collection of the current class.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0060: Error starting collection.

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to communicate with the Data Gatherer and start the collection of the current class.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0061: Error connecting to historical database: string.

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to connect to the historical database.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0064: Error, extrapolation produces a result below 0 for the date.

Cause: The target value for the extrapolation results in a date which is prior to the UNIX epoch date of 1-Jan-1970, and is therefore not displayable.

Action: Specify a different target which does not result in a past date.

VTP-0065: Error extrapolating to time for string string, slope equals 0.

Cause: While attempting to perform the linear extrapolation for the current line, the slope calculated is 0. Therefore, it is not possible to use this line for extrapolation purposes.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0071: Error getting server time.

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to get the system time from the host where the Data Gatherer is running.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0074: Error sending options.

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to send the collection and load options to the Data Gatherer.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0089: Error getting load options.

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to get the load options from the Data Gatherer.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0090: Error getting collect options.

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to get the collection options from the Data Gatherer.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0091: Error getting collect settings.

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to get the collection settings from the Data Gatherer.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0093: Error getting collection cartridges: string.

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to get a list of collection cartridges for the current target from the Data Gatherer.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0094: Error getting classes: string.

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to get a list of collection classes for the current target from the Data Gatherer.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0096: Error connecting to string. Make sure the Data Gatherer is running on the server node and reconnect.

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to connect to a host where a Data Gatherer is running.

Action: Please retry the operation. If it fails again, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0104: Must select key column to be used for data aggregation.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a user-defined class, but no column was selected as the key to use during data aggregation. The key column is used as the data source when aggregating data in the historical database.

Action: Click on the column that is to be used as the key.

VTP-0105: Command did not complete successfully.

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to invoke a function from the menu or toolbar. This error normally appears with related errors.

Action: Review the related errors. If there are none, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0106: Error loading contents of tree node string: string.

Cause: An error has occurred while attempting to expand an entry in the navigator (tree) and load the properties for the selected item. This error normally occurs with related errors.

Action: Review the related errors. If there are none, contact Worldwide Customer Support Services.

VTP-0107: The label entered is too long, please enter a label less than string characters.

Cause: The label entered for a column defined in a user-defined script class is longer than the maximum allowable size.

Action: Enter a label that is less than the maximum size.

VTP-0108: The label entered is already used by another data item, please enter a unique label.

Cause: The label entered for a column defined in a user-defined script class is already used for an existing column in the class.

Action: Enter a unique label.

VTP-0109: Too many data items. The maximum allowed (string) has been exceeded.

Cause: A new data item was added to a user-defined script class, and the total number of data items in the class exceeds that supported by the Data Gatherer loader.

Action: Remove data items or modify the script command (query) to generate fewer columns.

VTP-0110: In order to collect historical data, at least one data item (non-key column) must be selected.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a user-defined class with only one column in the class. This column is used as the key, resulting in no data items in the class.

Action: Add at least one other data item to the class for collection.

VTP-0111: The label string is reserved for use by Capacity Planner. Enter a different label.

Cause: The label shown in the error message conflicts with the name of a column in the Capacity Planner repository table.

Action: Enter another name for the label and retry the operation.

VTP-0112: A minimum of two data points are required for a trend analysis. No trend analysis can be shown.

Cause: The line you selected contains only one data point.

Action: Select a line with two or more data points before attempting a trend analysis. If the line you selected already contains two or more data points, and the error message still appears, contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VTP-0113: The number you entered is too large. Try a number less than string.

Cause: The number you entered is too large to be processed by the current operation. Most likely, you were entering a date range for an analysis chart and entered a number of years that is greater than Capacity Planner can process .

Action: Try a number less than than the number shown in the error message.

VTP-0114: Analysis is currently opened. Close analysis before renaming.

Cause: You cannot rename an analysis chart while it is displayed on the screen.

Action: Close the analysis before you attempt to rename it.

VTP-0115: Unable to obtain the internal version number.

Cause: The Data Gatherer client software encountered an error while attempting to obtain the internal version number for an object.

Action: Review any additional errors which may help identify the problem. If no additional errors are reported, contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VTP-0116: Unable to locate data in the historical database.

Cause: The Data Gatherer client software encountered an error while attempting to locate data for a chart in the historical database.

Action: Review any additional errors which may help identify the problem. If no additional errors are reported, contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VTP-0117: Unable to initialize historical chart string.

Cause: The Data Gatherer client software was unable to obtain chart data from the historical database.

Action: Verify that the required historical data has been collected and loaded into the historical database.

VTP-0118: There is no data available for any of the aggregation levels in the historical database.

Cause: The Data Gatherer client software was unable to obtain chart data at any of the aggregation levels.

Action: Verify that historical data for this analysis has been collected and loaded into the database.

VTP-0119: Error saving the chart into the historical database.

Cause: The historical database is not reachable.

Action: Verify that the historical database is reachable from the Data Gatherer client software.

VTP-0120: Unable to locate data items in the historical database.

Cause: The Data Gatherer client software is unable to obtain data items from the historical database.

Action: Verify that the historical database is reachable from the Data Gatherer client software.

VTP-0121: No changes were made to the collection options.

Cause: You clicked Apply in the Collection Details page for a particular collection class, but you made no changes to the data items and data sources shown.

Action: Verify your changes and retry the operation.

VTP-0122: No changes were made to this analysis' time aggregation, data sources, and data items.

Cause: You clicked Apply in the Select Items dialog box, but you made no changes to the aggregation, data sources, and data items for the selected analysis.

Action: Verify your changes and retry the operation.

VTP-0127: The following data sources are not available for historical collection: string

Cause: The Data Gatherer client is unable to locate some data sources for Capacity Planner collection.

Action: Review additional errors; if no additional errors are reported, contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VTP-0128: The following data items are not available for historical collection: string

Cause: The Data Gatherer client is unable to locate some data items for Capacity Planner collection.

Action: Review additional errors; if no additional errors are reported, contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VTP-0131: Internal Error: An error has occurred while stopping data collection.

Cause: The Data Gatherer is unreachable.

Action: Review additional errors; if no additional errors are reported, contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VTP-0132: Error creating report file string

Cause: Capacity Planner was unable to create the Collection Report shown in the message.

Action: Verify that the file system is writable and that enough disk space is available.

VTP-0133: Changing the selection dates to use the visible range will result in the data for this class of statistics to be reselected. Any data outside of the visible range will no longer be available.

Cause: You are being warned that the visible data will change when the selection dates are modified.

Action: Continue to modify the date range or cancel the operation.

VTP-0134: Error getting collection settings for source target

Cause: Capacity Planner was unable to copy the collection settings because the source target has become unreachable.

Action: Review additional errors; if no additional errors are reported, contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VTP-0137: Error: Processing Interrupted

Cause: The request was not completed because the user interrupted processing.

Action: Cancel or retry the operation.

VTP-0138: Error: Target versions incompatible

Cause: The source and destination involved in a copy operation are not compatible.

Action: Perform the copy operation between services that are compatible.

VTP-0140: Unable to query Agent Data Gatherer

Cause: The Data Gatherer is unreachable.

Action: Review additional errors; if no additional errors are reported, contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VTP-0141: Agent Data Gatherer unreachable

Cause: The client cannot communicate with the Data Gatherer.

Action: Review additional errors; if no additional errors are reported, contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VTP-0142: Agent Data Gatherer string unreachable

Cause: The client cannot communicate with the Agent Data Gatherer shown in the error message.

Action: Review additional errors; if no additional errors are reported, contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VTP-0147: Unable to set storage options at string

Cause: While copying collection settings, the copy operation could not update the storage options at the destination target.

Action: Review additional errors; if no additional errors are reported, contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VTP-0148: Copy to string failed

Cause: The copy operation was not successful.

Action: Review additional errors for the target to determine what versions are incompatible. If no additional errors were reported, contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VTP-0149: Warning: The collection settings for this target were last modified by a different user.

Cause: The repository where the historical data will be stored was last set by another Capacity Planner user.

Action: Verify ownership of the collected data.

VTP-0151: Invalid Data Gatherer host name.

Cause: The Data Gatherer client software is unable to communicate with the Data Gatherer.

Action: Verify that the Data Gatherer is reachable and configured correctly.

VTP-0152: A Copy operation cannot be performed. Source string is not collecting.

Cause: You attempted to copy the collection settings from a service that has not been set up to collect historical data. As a result, there are no collection settings to copy.

Action: Use the Copy Collection Settings Wizard to copy settings from services that are actively collecting historical data.

VTP-0153: Warning: Only number of number data sources were set in destination.

Cause: You used the Copy Collection Settings Wizard to copy collection settings from one service to another. However, one or more of the collection classes in the source service contained data sources that do not exist in the destination service. For example, a collection class for a node service might use a specific disk drive (such as Drive L:) as a data source. If you copy those collection settings to another node, the destination node may not have a corresponding disk drive assigned to that letter.

Action: None. Capacity Planner copies the collection settings that are compatible between the two services; Capacity Planner does not copy settings that refer to data sources unavailable in the destination service.

VTP-0154: Unable to display historical data. Historical collection of the class of statistics shown in the chart is not supported.

Cause: Not all statistics available in Oracle Performance Manager can be saved as historical data within Oracle Capacity Planner.

Action: Use Performance Monitor to select a class of data that can be saved in the Capacity Planner historical database and retry the operation.

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