Oracle8i Cache Concepts and Administration Guide
Release 1.0





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Error Messages

This appendix describes the error messages that you may encounter using Oracle8i Cache.

A.1 Message Formats

To help you find and fix errors, Oracle8i Cache embeds object names, numbers, and character strings in some messages. In this appendix, these embedded variables are represented by string, number, date, or character.

All messages displayed by Oracle software are prefixed by text that indicates which program issued the message. Oracle8i Cache uses the prefix WTE. For lists of the prefixes used by other Oracle products, see Oracle8i Error Messages.

A.2 Oracle8i Cache Error Messages

WTE-01500 Error: Unable to get necessary parameters for initialization

Cause: An error occurred attempting to get necessary parameters for initialization, including port and AuthenticationServer. The parameter file wtcme.ora may not exist in the correct location.

Action: Ensure that the parameter file wtcme.ora exists in the directory $ORACLE_HOME/admin/icache/pfile and that it contains the parameters port and AuthenticationServer or that the command line includes the parameters.

WTE-01504 Error: ORACLE_HOME is not defined

Cause: ORACLE_HOME is not defined.

Action: Define ORACLE_HOME by setting the environment variable.

WTE-01505 Error: Origin database service name (AuthenticationServer) is not provided

Cause: The parameter file wtcme.ora file does not exist, or the parameter AuthenticationServer is not specified in the wtcme.ora file.

Action: Ensure that the parameter file exists and that the parameter AuthenticationServer is specified in the parameter file.

WTE-01506 Error: TCP port number is not available

Cause: The port number specified is already in use. This may occur if the Oracle8i Cache management engine is already started or another application is using the port.

Action: Verify that the Oracle8i Cache management engine is not already running. If another application is using the port, run the Oracle8i Cache Configuration Assistant to change the port number for Oracle8i Cache.

WTE-01507 Error: OCI environment initialization failed

Cause: The Oracle8i Cache management engine is unable to initialize an OCI environment handle. This may occur if the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable is not set or if the OCI client library needs to be re-created.

Action: Check that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable exists. If it does, re-create the OCI client library.

WTE-01508 Error: Failed to initialize OCI server for database string

Cause: The service name of the origin database may not be valid.

Action: In the tnsnames.ora file on the cache node, check the service name of the origin database.

WTE-01509 Error: Failed to connect to server for database string

Cause: The user may not be a valid user or the password specified may not be valid.

Action: Refer to the OCI error message to determine the precise reason for the error.

WTE-01512 Error: Unable to get status of the cache

Cause: The client is unable to connect to the cache.

Action: Verify that ORACLE_SID is defined to be "icache" and the user account from which the Oracle8i Cache management engine is running is a member of the operating system group that is designated to have DBA privileges.

WTE-01516 Error: Client limit exceeded

Cause: The Oracle8i Cache management engine already has reached its maximum number of simultaneous clients.

Action: Exit from some clients, such as Cache Manager, and then reconnect.

WTE-01521 Error: Failed to log on to origin database

Cause: Oracle8i Cache failed to log on to the origin database.

Action: Refer to the OCI error message to determine the precise reason for the error.

WTE-01524 Error: Failed to execute OCI statement - string

Cause: The OCI statement failed to execute.

Action: Refer to the OCI error message to determine the precise reason for the error.

WTE-01526 Error: Open or create log file, string, failed

Cause: Oracle8i Cache failed to create a file pointer to the log file wtcme.log.

Action: Check that the user who started the Oracle8i Cache management engine has access privileges to the file and the directory that contains the file.

WTE-01529 OCI error - string

Cause: The specified OCI error occurred.

Action: Refer to the OCI error message to determine the precise reason for the error.

WTE-01532 OCI returned no data

Cause: OCI was unable to return data for a table.

Action: Refer to the OCI error message to determine the precise reason for the error.

WTE-01534 Error: Failed to open OCI Server connection to origin database: string

Cause: The origin database might be stopped. It must be started to complete this operation.

Action: If the origin database is stopped, start the database.

WTE-01535 Error: Failed to connect to the cache (Is the cache stopped?)

Cause: The cache might be stopped. It must be started to complete this operation.

Action: If the cache is stopped, use Cache Manager to start the cache.

WTE-01536 Error: Failed to initialize metadata manager context (Is cache stopped?)

Cause: The cache might be stopped. It must be started to complete this operation. This message is displayed in the log only if the log level is set to debug.

Action: If the cache is stopped, use Cache Manager to start the cache.

WTE-01582 Error: Failed to open a message file for Cache Manager

Cause: The message file is not in the directory $ORACLE_HOME/icache/mesg/.

Action: Check if the message file wtelocale.msb exists in the directory. If it does not, contact customer support.

WTE-01583 Warning: Failed to use a locale provided by Cache Manager, using default

Cause: The user may have provided an invalid locale. The default locale is being used.

Action: Provide a valid locale setting.

WTE-01584 Error: Failed to connect to origin database

Cause: The origin database might be stopped. It must be started to complete this operation.

Action: If the origin database is stopped, start the database.

WTE-01587 Error: Unable to get table size

Cause: Oracle8i Cache was unable to get the table size. This may be caused by a problem during installation.

Action: Contact customer support.

WTE-01592 Error: Cache is not available

Cause: The cache might be stopped. This may be caused by another administrator using Cache Manager to stop the cache. The cache must be started to complete this operation.

Action: If the cache is stopped, use Cache Manager to start the cache.

WTE-01594 Error: Error sending message. Client dropped connection?

Cause: Client may have dropped the connection or lost the connection while a message was being sent to the client. This message is displayed in the log only if the log level is set to debug.

Action: No action is required.

WTE-01602 Error: Insufficient privilege, DBA privileges required

Cause: The operation requires DBA privileges, but the user who logged in does not have DBA privileges.

Action: Log in using the user name and password of a user who has DBA privileges.

WTE-01607 Error: Could not initialize LOB handle

Cause: External procedure capability may not be enabled in the origin database.

Action: Enable external procedure capability in the origin database, then update the user list using Cache Manager.

WTE-01609 Error: Failed to attach to origin database server string

Cause: The service name in the tnsname.ora file could be invalid, or the TNS Listener for the origin server is stopped.

Action: Check the service name in the tnsname.ora file on the origin database. If the TNS Listener is stopped, start it.

WTE-01611 Error: Failed to connect to the origin database as user oracache

Cause: The password for the user oracache may have been changed in the origin database, or the data link between the cache and the origin database might be broken.

Action: Contact customer support.

WTE-02506 Origin database service name (AuthenticationServer): string

Cause: If the log level is set to debug, the service name of the origin database is written to the log file.

Action: Verify that the service name is correct.

WTE-02507 Listening to TCP port number

Cause: If the log level is set to debug, the port number used by the Oracle8i Cache management engine is written to the log file.

Action: Verify that the Oracle8i Cache management engine is using the correct port number.

WTE-02508 Client connection accepted. Spawning thread number

Cause: If the log level is set to debug, the thread number is written to the log file when a new client connects to the Oracle8i Cache management engine.

Action: No action is required.

WTE-02509 Closing connection

Cause: If the log level is set to debug, this message is written to the log file when a connection is closed.

Action: No action is required.

WTE-03502 Error updating list of users: Failed to copy export file to cache node

Cause: Oracle8i Cache could not copy the export file to the cache node.

Action: Check that the user who started Oracle8i Cache has write access to the directory. Check that there is available disk space on the cache node.

WTE-03504 Error updating list of users: Failed to drop users already deleted from origin database

Cause: Oracle8i Cache could not drop one or more users from the cache when the list of users was updated. The user or users were already dropped from the origin database. However, the users could not be dropped from the cache because they were connected to the cache.

Action: When the users disconnect from the cache, use Cache Manager to update the list of users.

WTE-03506 Error altering the size of data file string

Cause: The size of the data file could not be altered. If you tried to decrease the size of the file and doing so would result in loss of data, Oracle8i Cache prevented the decrease in size. If you tried to increase the size of the data file but there was insufficient disk space, Oracle8i Cache prevented the operation.

Action: Use Cache Manager to check the amount of unused space in each file before decreasing the size of the file. If insufficient disk space prevents increasing the size of an existing file, add a new data file to a different disk (one that has sufficient disk space).

WTE-03507 Error adding the new data file string

Cause: Oracle8i Cache could not add a new data file. Possible causes are: the directory does not exist, the Cache Manager user does not have appropriate privileges to create a file in the directory, the file already exists, or there is insufficient disk space.

Action: If the directory does not exist, create the directory. If the user does not have the appropriate privileges to create a file in the directory, grant the user the appropriate operating system privileges. If the file already exists, specify a different file name. If there is insufficient disk space, specify a directory on a different disk or delete unneeded files from the current disk.

WTE-03508 Error getting cache information: Failed to get number of blocks from init.ora file

Cause: The parameter db_block_buffers was not found in the init.ora file.

Action: Check the init.ora file to verify that it contains the parameter db_block_buffers.

WTE-03513 Error setting memory quota: Failed to set number of blocks

Cause: The Cache Manager user may not have the appropriate privileges to modify the init.ora file.

Action: Grant the user DBA privileges.

WTE-03608 Error caching table string.string: User string does not exist in cache

Cause: The owner of the table was not found in the cache. The owner may have been created since the cache was created or the last time the user list was updated.

Action: Use Cache Manager to update the user list from the origin database.

WTE-03610 Error caching table string.string: Table has already been cached

Cause: The table already exists in the cache. Another administrator may have added the table.

Action: Cancel the cache operation, then verify that the table exists in the cache.

WTE-03617 Error removing table string.string from cache: Table not in cache

Cause: The table does not exist in the cache. Another administrator may have dropped the table from the cache.

Action: Cancel the operation, then verify that the table exists in the cache before repeating the operation.

WTE-03621 Error synchronizing table string.string: Table not in cache

Cause: The table does not exist in the cache. Another administrator may have dropped the table from the cache.

Action: Cancel the operation, then verify that the table exists in the cache before repeating the operation.

WTE-03624 Error altering synchronization policy for table string.string: Table not in cache

Cause: The table does not exist in the cache. Another administrator may have dropped the table from the cache.

Action: Cancel the operation, then verify that the table exists in the cache before repeating the operation.

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