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Class oracle.jsp.event.JspScopeEvent


public class JspScopeEvent
The JSP "out of scope" event.

Constructor Index

 o JspScopeEvent(ServletContext, Object, String, int)

Method Index

 o getApplication()
Returns the JSP application (ServletContext) that this object is running in.
 o getContainer()
Returns the JSP object that manages this scope.
 o getName()
Returns the attribute name that the object being notified is registered with.
 o getScope()
Returns the JSP scope that is ending.


 o JspScopeEvent
 public JspScopeEvent(ServletContext sc,
                      Object container,
                      String name,
                      int scope)


 o getContainer
 public Object getContainer()
Returns the JSP object that manages this scope. This is either the application, session, request, or page object on which your object is attached.

 o getName
 public String getName()
Returns the attribute name that the object being notified is registered with. If the JspScopeListener is not implemented by the object the notification pertains to, the listener calls the container's getAttribute method to acquire the object.

 o getScope
 public int getScope()
Returns the JSP scope that is ending. The scope is represented by the four javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext constants PAGE_SCOPE, REQUEST_SCOPE, SESSION_SCOPE, and APPLICATION_SCOPE.

 o getApplication
 public ServletContext getApplication()
Returns the JSP application (ServletContext) that this object is running in. The application is provided so clients can log necessary information.

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