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Class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber


public final class JmlFPNumber
JmlFPNumber wraps the primitive type double in a Java bean. It has a single property, value that represents the bean's typed value. It is designed to work more effectively in JSPs than Java primitive types or their corresponding wrapper java.lang.* objects. Specifically, JmlFPNumber overcomes:

Constructor Index

 o JmlFPNumber()
Constructs a default JmlFPNumber object.
 o JmlFPNumber(Double)
Constructs a JmlFPNumber object whose value is java.lang.Double.
 o JmlFPNumber(double)
Constructs a JmlFPNumber object whose value is double.
 o JmlFPNumber(Float)
Constructs a JmlFPNumber object whose value is java.lang.Float.
 o JmlFPNumber(float)
Constructs a JmlFPNumber object whose value is float.
 o JmlFPNumber(int)
Constructs a JmlFPNumber object whose value is int.
 o JmlFPNumber(Integer)
Constructs a JmlFPNumber object whose value is java.lang.Integer.
 o JmlFPNumber(JmlFPNumber)
Constructs a JmlFPNumber object whose value is JmlFPNumber.
 o JmlFPNumber(String)
Constructs a JmlFPNumber object whose value is java.lang.String.

Method Index

 o equals(double)
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to double.
 o getValue()
Returns the beans's value property as a double.
 o setTypedValue(Double)
Sets the beans's value property to the java.lang.Double.
 o setTypedValue(double)
Sets the beans's value property to the double.
 o setTypedValue(Float)
Sets the beans's value property to the java.lang.Float.
 o setTypedValue(float)
Sets the beans's value property to the float.
 o setTypedValue(int)
Sets the beans's value property to the int.
 o setTypedValue(Integer)
Sets the beans's value property to the java.lang.Integer.
 o setTypedValue(JmlFPNumber)
Sets the beans's value property to the JmlFPNumber.
 o setTypedValue(String)
Sets the beans's value property to the java.lang.String.
 o setValue(double)
Sets the beans's value property to the double.
 o toString()
Returns the beans's value property as a java.lang.String.
 o typedEquals(Double)
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to java.lang.Double.
 o typedEquals(float)
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to float.
 o typedEquals(Float)
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to java.lang.Float.
 o typedEquals(int)
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to int.
 o typedEquals(Integer)
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to java.lang.Integer.
 o typedEquals(JmlFPNumber)
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to JmlFPNumber.
 o typedEquals(String)
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to java.lang.String.


 o JmlFPNumber
 public JmlFPNumber()
Constructs a default JmlFPNumber object. The object's default value is 0.

 o JmlFPNumber
 public JmlFPNumber(String num)
Constructs a JmlFPNumber object whose value is java.lang.String. Conversion is equivalent to java.lang.Double.valueOf().

 o JmlFPNumber
 public JmlFPNumber(Integer num)
Constructs a JmlFPNumber object whose value is java.lang.Integer.

 o JmlFPNumber
 public JmlFPNumber(int num)
Constructs a JmlFPNumber object whose value is int.

 o JmlFPNumber
 public JmlFPNumber(Float num)
Constructs a JmlFPNumber object whose value is java.lang.Float.

 o JmlFPNumber
 public JmlFPNumber(float num)
Constructs a JmlFPNumber object whose value is float.

 o JmlFPNumber
 public JmlFPNumber(Double num)
Constructs a JmlFPNumber object whose value is java.lang.Double.

 o JmlFPNumber
 public JmlFPNumber(double num)
Constructs a JmlFPNumber object whose value is double.

 o JmlFPNumber
 public JmlFPNumber(JmlFPNumber num)
Constructs a JmlFPNumber object whose value is JmlFPNumber.


 o getValue
 public double getValue()
Returns the beans's value property as a double.

 o setValue
 public void setValue(double num)
Sets the beans's value property to the double.

 o setTypedValue
 public void setTypedValue(String num)
Sets the beans's value property to the java.lang.String. Conversion occurs according to the same rules as java.lang.Double.valueOf().

 o setTypedValue
 public void setTypedValue(Integer num)
Sets the beans's value property to the java.lang.Integer.

 o setTypedValue
 public void setTypedValue(int num)
Sets the beans's value property to the int.

 o setTypedValue
 public void setTypedValue(Float num)
Sets the beans's value property to the java.lang.Float.

 o setTypedValue
 public void setTypedValue(float num)
Sets the beans's value property to the float.

 o setTypedValue
 public void setTypedValue(Double num)
Sets the beans's value property to the java.lang.Double.

 o setTypedValue
 public void setTypedValue(double num)
Sets the beans's value property to the double.

 o setTypedValue
 public void setTypedValue(JmlFPNumber num)
Sets the beans's value property to the JmlFPNumber.

 o equals
 public boolean equals(double num)
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to double.

 o typedEquals
 public boolean typedEquals(Integer num)
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to java.lang.Integer.

 o typedEquals
 public boolean typedEquals(int num)
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to int.

 o typedEquals
 public boolean typedEquals(Float num)
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to java.lang.Float.

 o typedEquals
 public boolean typedEquals(float num)
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to float.

 o typedEquals
 public boolean typedEquals(Double num)
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to java.lang.Double.

 o typedEquals
 public boolean typedEquals(String num)
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to java.lang.String. The comparison is made after converting the java.lang.String to a JmlFPNumber.

 o typedEquals
 public boolean typedEquals(JmlFPNumber num)
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to JmlFPNumber.

 o toString
 public String toString()
Returns the beans's value property as a java.lang.String. The java.lang.String is represented as java.lang.Double.toString().

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