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Class oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLTokenizer


public class XMLTokenizer
extends DefaultXMLDocumentHandler
implements XMLConstants
This class implements an eXtensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 parser according to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommendation.

Constructor Index

 o XMLTokenizer()
Creates a new Tokenizer object.
 o XMLTokenizer(XMLToken)
Creates a new Tokenizer object.

Method Index

 o parseDocument()
Document ::= Prolog Element Misc*
 o setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler)
Applications can use this to register a new error event handler.
 o setErrorStream(OutputStream)
Register a output stream for errors
 o setToken(int, boolean)
Applications can use this to register a new token for XML tokenizer.
 o setTokenHandler(XMLToken)
Applications can use this to register a new XML tokenizer event handler.
 o tokenize(InputSource)
Tokenizes the XML from given input source
 o tokenize(InputStream)
Tokenizes the XML from given input stream.
 o tokenize(Reader)
Tokenizes the XML from given input stream.
 o tokenize(String)
Tokenizes the XML from the URL indicated
 o tokenize(URL)
Tokenizes the XML document pointed to by the given URL and creates the corresponding XML document hierarchy.


 o XMLTokenizer
 public XMLTokenizer()
Creates a new Tokenizer object.

 o XMLTokenizer
 public XMLTokenizer(XMLToken handler)
Creates a new Tokenizer object.


 o setErrorStream
 public void setErrorStream(OutputStream out)
Register a output stream for errors

 o setErrorHandler
 public void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler handler)
Applications can use this to register a new error event handler. This replaces any previous setting for error handling.

handler - ErrorHandler being registered
 o tokenize
 public final void tokenize(URL url) throws XMLParseException, SAXException, IOException
Tokenizes the XML document pointed to by the given URL and creates the corresponding XML document hierarchy.

url - the url points to the XML document to parse.
Throws: XMLParseException
if syntax or other error encountered.
Throws: SAXException
Any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception.
Throws: IOException
IO Error.
 o tokenize
 public final void tokenize(InputSource in) throws XMLParseException, SAXException, IOException
Tokenizes the XML from given input source

in - the org.xml.sax.InputSouce to parse
Throws: XMLParseException
if syntax or other error encountered.
Throws: SAXException
Any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception.
Throws: IOException
IO Error.
 o tokenize
 public final void tokenize(String in) throws XMLParseException, SAXException, IOException
Tokenizes the XML from the URL indicated

in - the String containing the URL to parse from
Throws: XMLParseException
if syntax or other error encountered.
Throws: SAXException
Any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception.
Throws: IOException
IO Error.
 o tokenize
 public final void tokenize(InputStream in) throws XMLParseException, SAXException, IOException
Tokenizes the XML from given input stream.

in - the InputStream containing XML data to parse.
Throws: XMLParseException
if syntax or other error encountered.
Throws: SAXException
Any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception.
Throws: IOException
IO Error.
See Also:
 o tokenize
 public final void tokenize(Reader r) throws XMLParseException, SAXException, IOException
Tokenizes the XML from given input stream.

r - the Reader containing XML data to parse.
Throws: XMLParseException
if syntax or other error encountered.
Throws: SAXException
Any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception.
Throws: IOException
IO Error.
See Also:
 o setTokenHandler
 public void setTokenHandler(XMLToken handler)
Applications can use this to register a new XML tokenizer event handler.

handler - XMLToken being registered
 o setToken
 public void setToken(int token,
                      boolean val)
Applications can use this to register a new token for XML tokenizer.

token - XMLToken being set
 o parseDocument
 public void parseDocument() throws SAXException, IOException
Document ::= Prolog Element Misc*

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