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Oracle Workflow Release Notes
Release 2.6.2

Part Number A95814-01
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Oracle® Workflow

Release Notes

Release 2.6.2

April 2002

Part No. A95814-01

This document summarizes the differences between Oracle Workflow Release 2.6.2 in Oracle9i Application Server Release 2 (9.0.2) and its documented functionality.

See Also:

Oracle9i Application Server Release Notes

1 Certification and System Requirements

1.1 Oracle Workflow Server Hardware and Software Requirements

Attention: Do not install the Oracle Workflow server in an Oracle E-Business Suite database. If you are licensing Oracle Workflow to define new workflow processes in Oracle E-Business Suite, you can continue to use the version of the Oracle Workflow server embedded in Oracle E-Business Suite.

The components of Oracle Workflow Server require the following hardware and software configurations:

If you are installing Oracle Workflow Server on Microsoft Windows NT, the following additional hardware and software configurations are required:

If you plan to implement Oracle Workflow integration with Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Single Sign-On Server, the following additional hardware and software configurations are required:

The notifications component of Oracle Workflow includes a program called the Notification Mailer. This program communicates notifications to users via e-mail and interprets responses. The Notification Mailer has implementations that can integrate directly with UNIX Sendmail or MAPI-compliant mail applications.

1.2 Oracle Workflow Client Hardware and Software Requirements

1.2.1 Oracle Workflow Builder

Oracle Workflow Builder is a GUI tool that allows you to create and edit workflow definitions on a PC running either Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows NT, or Windows XP. A workflow definition can be saved to a flat file or to your Workflow Server database if you have Oracle Net installed on your PC. Oracle Workflow Builder requires the following hardware and software configurations:

1.2.2 Notification Mailer

The notifications component includes a program called the Notification Mailer. This program communicates notifications to users via e-mail and interprets responses. The Notification Mailer has implementations that can integrate directly with UNIX Sendmail or MAPI-compliant mail applications.

2 General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issues and their workarounds for Oracle Workflow.

2.1 Business Event System Limitation

You may encounter a known issue with LOB support in Oracle9i Database Server version when using the Oracle Workflow Business Event System. (Bug 2258881)

2.2 Single Sign-On

If you encounter issues when signing on or signing off using Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On with Oracle Workflow Release 2.6.2, please check bug 2302142 for instructions.

3 Configuration Issues and Workarounds

This section describes configuration issues and their workarounds for Oracle Workflow.

3.1 Creating a Database Access Descriptor for Oracle Workflow

When using Oracle Enterprise Manager to create a database access descriptor (DAD) for Oracle Workflow, it is recommended to set the Session State Management to Stateless-ResetPackageState. However, because of a known issue, you may encounter the following error when you save the DAD:

Changes not applied. The value: Stateless-ResetPackageState must match 
with one of the values from the list: [StatelessWithResetPackageState, 
StatelessWithFastResetPackageState, StatelessWithPreservePackageState].

If you encounter this error, you can leave the Session State Management field blank as a workaround in order to save your DAD definition. (Bug 2282789)

3.2 Installing Oracle Workflow Builder (Windows 2000 only)

If you plan to install Oracle Workflow Builder on a Windows 2000 PC, you should first check the system32 directory on the PC for the following files:

Save backup copies of these files to another directory. Then install Oracle Workflow Builder. During the installation, you may encounter the following error:

Files that are required for Windows to run properly have been replaced 
by unrecognized versions. To maintain system stability, Windows must 
restore the original versions of these files.

After this error occurs, complete the installation, and then copy the original versions of these two files back to the system32 directory from your backups. (Bug 2255993)

3.3 Workflow Translation Files

To obtain updated Workflow translation files for Release 2.6.2, please download and install patch 2301967.

4 Documentation Errata

This section describes known errors in the documentation.

4.1 Synchronizing Workflow Directory Services with Oracle Internet Directory

In the Setting Up Oracle Workflow chapter of the Oracle Workflow Guide, the section Step 4 Synchronizing Workflow Directory Services with Oracle Internet Directory shows examples of the commands used to run the WF_LDAP.Synch_all() and WF_LDAP.Schedule_changes() APIs. When running these APIs for a production instance, you should remove the following statement from these commands:

wf_log_pkg.WF_DEBUG_FLAG := TRUE;

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