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Oracle Calendar Server Reference Manual
Release 5.5

Part Number B10094-01
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User and Resource Parameters

This appendix details the parameters available to configure default user and resource profiles in the /users/unison/misc/user.ini and /users/unison/misc/resource.ini files respectively. For details on how to implement user and resource profiles, see your calendar server's Administrator's Guide.

Each parameter's stated default value is used if that parameter is omitted from its configuration file. These defaults are not necessarily the optimal settings for your installation. The initialization files supplied with the software contain settings that provide a good starting point for further configuration. It is strongly recommended that for reference purposes you keep a copy, in either printed or electronic format, of these files before modification.

Parameters for default user and resource profiles

The information that can be specified includes:

Display preferences

ShowSunday = TRUE/FALSE 
ShowSaturday = TRUE/FALSE 

These parameters determine whether or not these days will be part of the week view on the client. The default is TRUE.

TimeFormat = 1/2 

This parameter determines whether or not time is displayed in military (24h) or standard (AM/PM) time. The default is 2 -- AM/PM.

StartDay = <time of day>

This parameter determines the first time slot displayed in the user's agenda (day & week view only). Earlier time slots can still be viewed by using the vertical scroll bar. This does not affect the regular business hours of the user. The default is 08h00.

EndDay = <time of day>

This parameter is used to define the last time slot displayed in a user's agenda (day & week view only), although it has little effect given that other settings, such as StartDay, time slot increments and spacing height, also affect how little or how much of the day is displayed. Later time slots can still be viewed by using the vertical scroll bar. This does not affect the regular business hours of the user. The default is 18h00.

TimeInc = <time_in_minutes> 

This parameter defines the time slot increment for the day & week views. Adjusting the value of this parameter affects how much of your day is displayed on the screen. Only the following values can be specified: 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60 (minutes). The default is 15 minutes.

Refresh, notification & reminder preferences

RefreshFrequency = <time_in_minutes> 

This parameter sets the refresh frequency of the client in minutes. A value of 0 would effectively disable the refresh. The default is 15 minutes.

MailNotification = TRUE/FALSE 

This parameter specifies whether or not the user can receive mail notification. Note, this setting has no effect on the users' ability to send mail notification. The default is FALSE.

Language = en-US (English) 
           fr-FR (French) 
           it-IT (Italian)
           es-ES (Spanish)
           fi-FI (Finnish)
           de-DE (German)
           pt-PT (Portuguese)
           ja-JP (Japanese)
           zh-CN (Chinese)
           ko-KR (Korean)
           sv-SE (Swedish)
           pt-BR (Brazilian Portuguese)
           nl-NL (Dutch)

Determines the language used for server-side reminder messages. Consult Chapter 6 of your calendar server Administrator's Guide for details on server-side reminders and user languages.

DefaultReminder = 0/1 

If set to 1, the Default Reminder for Agenda Entries and Day Events is set to Pop-up Reminder. For Tasks, only the Default Task Due Reminder is set to Pop-up Reminder, the Default Task Start Reminder is NOT set. Furthermore, The Daily Notes Default Reminder is also not set. The default is 0, or no reminders.

TimeBeforeReminder = <time_in_minutes> 

This parameter is used to set the default reminder time. In other words, a value of 24 would mean that default reminders would appear 24 hours before the start of the event. Only the following values can be specified: 0, 2, 5, 10, 60, 120, 240 (minutes); 12, 24, 48, 96 (hours); 7, 14, 31 (days).

SMSServiceEnable = TRUE/FALSE

This parameter determines whether or not wireless notification is enabled for this user. The "MOB-ENABLE" user field is set according to the value of this parameter. The default value is "TRUE".

Default security to other users

ViewNormalEvent = YES/NO/TIME 
ViewPersonalEvent = YES/NO/TIME
ViewConfidentialEvent = YES/NO/TIME 
ViewNormalTask = YES/NO (user profiles only)
ViewPersonalTask = YES/NO (user profiles only)
ViewConfidentialTask = YES/NO (user profiles only) 

The above parameters determine the default security rights granted to other users when creating events or tasks of these designations. For example, if ViewNormalEvent were set to TIME, only the time slot of the event would be visible to other users, not its title, location or description. Conversely, if ViewNormalEvent were set to YES, all details of the event would be visible to other users. If ViewNormalEvent were set to NO, the event would not be visible at all to other users.

The default value for all of the above parameters is NO.

All details of a public event are always visible to other users. There is no way to modify this behaviour using these parameters.

The ViewNormalEvent and ViewNormalTask settings map to the "Normal" Access Level on the client.

The ViewPersonalEvent and ViewPersonalTask settings map to the "Personal" Access Level on the client.

The ViewConfidentialEvent and ViewConfidentialTask settings map to the "Confidential" Access Level on the client.


Setting this parameter to TRUE allows any undefined user to schedule with the user. Of course, this can be overridden by the user within the client. The default setting is FALSE.

Group and administrative rghts (user profiles only)

CreatePublicGroups = FALSE 

This parameter determines whether or not users have the ability to create Public groups (i.e. groups available to all users in the database). The default is FALSE.

ManageAdmGroups = FALSE 

This parameter determines whether or not users have the ability to create Admin groups. Like Public groups, Admin groups are available to all users in the database, except that Admin groups are not owned by the user who created them, but rather by the SYSOP. Why would someone want to create a SYSOP-owned group? If you delete a user who has created a Public group, the Public group is deleted along with his/her data. Conversely, Admin groups created by that user will not be deleted. The default is FALSE.

ManageHolidays = FALSE 

This parameter determines whether or not users have the ability to manage (i.e. create, modify or delete) holidays on the system.

X.400 address information (user profiles only)

The following parameters, when defined, can be useful for populating the database with a large number of users who share X.400 address information.

OU1 = <Org_unit_1> 
OU2 = <Org_unit_2> 
OU3 = <Org_unit_3> 
OU4 = <Org_unit_4> 
O = <Organization> 
C = <Country> 
A = <Administrative_Domain> 
P = <Private_Member_Domain> 


TimeZone = <time zone> 

This parameter is used to define a different time zone for the user.

Admin and public groups

This section allows you to define groups that users and resources will be placed in as they are added to the system. Note that the groups must be created beforehand, and that there is a maximum of 10 groups per section.

Group0 = <group_name> 
Group1 = <group_name> 
Group2 = <group_name> 
Group9 = <group_name> 


A designate is a user assigned the right to modify the agenda of another user or resource.

This section allows you to define designates for users and resources. Note that designates must exist in the database beforehand, and that there is a maximum of 10 designates per section.

Designate0 = <designate_name> 
Designate1 = <designate_name> 
Designate2 = <designate_name> 
Designate9 = <designate_name> 

The <designate_name> argument is a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", where "key" is one of those listed below, and "value" is any string. Both "key" and "value" are case insensitive. The "value" string may be terminated by a wild card symbol (*). If a forward slash "/" is to be included in a string, it should be escaped with the character "\" to prevent it from being interpreted as a key-value pair delimiter - i.e. "S=Hoopla/OU1=R\/D".

If, in a UNIX environment, a shell will be processing the string (e.g. the string is provided on the command line or is passed as an argument to the utility), the string should be enclosed in quotation marks. Furthermore, if characters meaningful to the shell are included in the string, they may need to be escaped (i.e. preceded by the escape character "\") to prevent the shell from interpreting them.


If the ID key-value pair is specified in the user argument, all other key-value pairs specified along with it are ignored.

Some example specifications are: "S=Kilpi/G=Eeva", "S=B*/G=Nicole/O=Acme", "O=Acme/ID=1111/OU1=authors", "S=Austen/G=Jane/"

Table A-2 Accepted keys
Key X.400 Field




Given name








Organizational Unit 1


Organizational Unit 2


Organizational Unit 3


Organizational Unit 4






Administration domain


Private domain