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Oracle9i Application Server Release Notes Addendum,
Release 2 ( for AIX-Based Systems, hp HP-UX PA-RISC (64-bit), hp Tru64 UNIX, and Linux x86
Part No. B10102-11
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3 Installation and Migration Issues

This chapter describes installation and migration issues and their workarounds. Topics include:

3.1 Installation Issues

This section covers the following installation issues:

3.1.1 Simultaneous Installations Using Common Infrastructure May Result in Errors

If you perform multiple installations using the same Oracle9iAS Infrastructure, be sure to perform only one installation at a time. Simultaneous installations and configurations pointing to a common Oracle9iAS Infrastructure can result in a failure during OC4J deployment with some resource dead lock errors.

3.1.2 Multiple Installations Using Same Installer Session May Result in Errors

Following installation of Oracle9iAS, exit the installer before installing another instance of Oracle9iAS. If the same installer session is used to install another instance of Oracle9iAS, then SQLJ, JAZN, and Oracle Java Server Page applications may fail in the second instance with "URL not found" errors.

3.1.3 Perform Additional Infrastructure Database Installations in a Serial Manner

If you have an existing infrastructure and you want to install additional Oracle9iAS Infrastructure databases, then perform an infrastructure database-only installation and point it to the existing Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On/Oracle Internet Directory. To specify the global database name, the Oracle Universal Installer searches Oracle Internet Directory and the local oratab file for the names of existing databases. It then specifies the next global database name incrementally. For example, if you have an existing infrastructure which already includes databases named iasdb1 and iasdb2, then it would specify iasdb3 as the global database name for the next installation. This happens early in the installation process during the dialog phase.

Later, toward the end of the installation process, the Database Creation Assistant (DBCA) registers that global database name with the directory. It does this by creating a distinguished name (DN), namely, cn=iasdb3, cn=oraclecontext. This DN stores information about the database, for example, the host name, listener string, listener port, Oracle Home, and so on.

Now, suppose that you perform the new database installation and the Oracle Universal Installer chooses iasdb3 as the global database name. Suppose further that, before DBCA registers this database in the directory, you perform a second database installation on a different host. In the second installation, the installer would likewise select iasdb3 as the global database name. This is because, at the time of the second installation, the DBCA from the first installation has not yet registered the DN of iasdb3 in the directory.

In this case, the DBCA from the second installation does not report an error when it sees that an another entry with the same DN is already present in the directory. Instead, it overwrites the entry from the first installation with its own values. This causes the first installation with the same simple name to fail.

To avoid this problem, perform any additional infrastructure database installations in a serial manner, that is, wait until the first installation has completed before beginning the second.

3.1.4 Infrastructure Database Should Not Be Used During Infrastructure Installation

You should not use the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure database until the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure installation is complete. Using the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure database during installation may cause the installation to hang.

3.1.5 Service Errors and NoClassDefFound Exceptions

After accessing a large number of different module services or HTTP adapter-based services (with JSP-based content sources hosted on the same Java VM), some of the services fail with a 'service error'. Accessing the target JSPs results in a 'NoClassDefFound' exception. Restarting the server corrects the problem.

When an application is loaded for the first time, the OC4J classloaders read the class bytes in the library jars into memory; it does so even without the classes being instantiated (because the application instantiates classes from an in-memory array).

Class files resulting from compiling JSP files are loaded dynamically. With time, the heap gets filled up and newer classes from compiled JSPs cannot be read into the memory array(s), nor instantiated on the heap. Hence the top-level classloaders fail with a 'NoClassDefFound' exception. In subsequent lookups, the 'OutOfMemoryError' is not thrown since the JDK classloader loadClass( ) implementation semantics prescribe NOT reloading classes that could not deterministically be loaded earlier.

To determine if this is the case, check the number of OutOfMemoryErrors in sys_panama.log. That number should be the same as the number of times the server has been restarted.

If it is the case, increase the heap-size for the VM by modifying the Java option subelement of the OC4J element corresponding to the instanceName OC4J_Wireless.

  1. From your browser, point to Oracle Enterprise Manager at http://<host>:1810.

  2. Log in to Enterprise Manager as ias_admin/<password supplied at install time>.

  3. Select your middle tier instance.

  4. Select OC4J_Wireless. The OC4J_Wireless screen appears.

  5. Select "Server Properties" (located under Instance Properties at the bottom of the OC4J_Wireless page) to invoke the Server Properties page. A page with command-line options appears which includes an editable field for Java Options which you use to set the heap size.

  6. Use the Java Options field to set the heap size.

  7. Remove the option -noclassgc.

  8. Click Apply.

    See Also:

    "Setting the JVM Heap Size for OC4J Processes" section in the Oracle9i Application Server Performance Guide.

3.1.6 Instructions for Multi-User Installations

If user1 installs Oracle9iAS in ORACLE_HOME1 (this is the Oracle home from which Oracle Enterprise Manager runs) and user2 attempts to install Oracle9iAS in ORACLE_HOME2, then the installation stops automatically because Oracle recommends doing multiple Oracle9iAS installs as the same O/S user.

However, if different users want to perform multiple installs on the same host, then the following preinstallation tasks are required before the second install begins:


Be sure that both the users belong to the same group.

  1. Find out which ORACLE_HOME has the active EMD. To do so, check for the ACTIVE_EMD_HOME entry in /tmp/emtab.

  2. As user1, create a directory called ORACLE_HOME/install/lockdir in ORACLE_HOME1.

  3. Give user2 "write" privileges to this directory.

  4. Start the second install as user2.


    Using the above workaround will disable Oracle Enterprise Manager for the new instance you are installing.

3.1.7 Oracle Enterprise Manager Web Site Must Be Shut Down Before Installation

Before performing an installation on a machine that already has an Oracle9iAS instance, be sure to stop the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web site.

Use the following command to stop the Web site:

ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop

3.1.8 Portal Configuration Issues During Portal and Wireless Upgrade

If you install the J2EE and Web Cache install type and then install the Portal and Wireless install type over it, then the Portal runtime generates the following error when you click on the login link in the Portal home page:

"Error: You cannot login because there is no configuration information stored in the enabler configuration table. (WWC-41439)"

Complete the following steps as a workaround:

  1. Open the file in the ORACLE_HOME/assistants/opca directory, and replace the SSL port number assigned to the variable http_port with Oracle HTTP Server port (same as Oracle9iAS Web Cache port) of the middle tier installation. Save and close the file.

    For example, in the line set http_port = <value>, the existing value should be replaced with the HTTP server port of the middle tier installation.

  2. Run the edited file.

3.1.9 Help Information is Missing for Infrastructure Summary Screen

The help information for the infrastructure Summary screen is missing in the Oracle Universal Installer. The help screen should display the following:

The host for your Oracle9iAS installation is already associated with an Oracle9iAS Infrastructure. The host name and port number for associated Oracle9iAS Infrastructure components are listed on the Summary screen.

3.1.10 Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository Coexisting with Other Oracle Databases

Your Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository, installed as part of the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure installation, can coexist with existing installations of either the Oracle 8.1.7 Database or Oracle9i Database.

The following steps describe how to enable coexistence of Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository with the existing Oracle databases:

  1. Verify that you are a member of the administrative group for existing installations of either the Oracle 8.1.7 Database or Oracle9i Database.

  2. Verify that your machine contains the following minimum hardware requirements for Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository installation and coexistence:

    • Disk space = 6 GB

    • TMP or swap space = 1 GB

    • Memory = 1 GB

  3. Ensure the Oracle Home directory selection for your Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository installation is in a different Oracle home than the Oracle 8.1.7 Database and the Oracle9i Database installations.

  4. Make sure the orahome and oraInventory directories for the existing Oracle databases have read, write, and execute permissions for both the group and user.

  5. For coexistence with the Oracle 8.1.7 Database, make sure the oui.loc file located in the existing Oracle products oraInventory directory has write permission for your administrative group.

  6. Make sure that the coexisting Oracle databases are running during Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository installation so that port conflicts can be resolved.

    See Also:

    Oracle9i Application Server Installation Guide for information about using different port numbers.

3.1.11 Reusing Instance Name Generates Errors

If you deinstall an instance that uses an Oracle9iAS Infrastructure, you cannot reuse the name of that deinstalled instance when installing subsequent instances.

As a workaround, manually delete the entry for the deinstalled instance in Oracle Internet Directory.

3.1.12 Ulimit and Swap File Settings

Oracle recommends setting the following ulimit parameters before installation:

Parameter Recommended Value
time unlimited
file unlimited
data 1048576
stack 32768
memory 2045680
coredump unlimited
nofiles 4096
vmemory 4194304

On Linux, Oracle recommends setting the swap file size to 3 times the size of RAM before installation.

3.1.13 Preinstallation Packages for Linux Intel

Install the ksh package if you have not already installed it on your machine. Oracle recommends installing one of the following ksh packages:

Operating System Recommended Package
SuSE SLES7 pdksh-5.2.14-206
Red Hat AS pdksh-5.2.14-13


The information in this section supersedes Section 3.1.11, ÒOperating System Patches for Host Metrics,Ó in the Oracle9i Application Server Release Notes Release 2 (9.0.2) for AIX-Based Systems, Compaq Tru64 UNIX, HP 9000 Series HP-UX, and Linux Intel.

3.1.14 Installing on Red Hat Linux

If you are installing Oracle9iAS on Red Hat Linux, make sure to

  • Install the binutils- patch. This patch can be downloaded from, search for Patch number 2389349.

  • Include the /usr/bin directory as the first entry of the PATH environment variable.

If either of these requirements above are not satisfied, relinking will fail.

Also, create a link from the /sbin/fuser file to /bin/fuser. This is required to successfully detect whether Oracle Enterprise Manager is running during second and subsequent installations on the same machine.

The IBMJava2-131 JRE is provided with RedHat AS 2.1 and, by default, the IBMJava2-131/bin directory is included in the value of the PATH environment variable. Remove any directory entries that contain references to IBMJava2-131 from the PATH environment variable. If the IBMJava2-131 JRE is required, restore the entries after completing the installation of Oracle9iAS.

3.1.15 Using Oracle Internet File System with Red Hat Linux

For Oracle9i Internet File System release 9.0.2 to work on Red Hat AS, you need to apply the patch for bug 2037255 to the backend database.

To configure Oracle9i Internet File System release 9.0.2 to work with a Oracle9i release 2 database on RedHat Linux, you need to apply the patch for bug 2446892 to the Oracle9i release 2 database. Without this patch, Intermedia Text Verification fails during configuration.

These patches are available at:

3.1.16 Using Oracle Ultra Search with Red Hat Linux

For Oracle Ultra Search release 9.0.2 to work on Red Hat AS, you need to apply the patch for bug 2037255 to the backend database.

To configure Oracle Ultra Search release 9.0.2 to work with a Oracle9i release 2 database on RedHat Linux, you need to apply the patch for bug 2446892 to the Oracle9i release 2 database.

Without this patch, indexing of documents of certain types will fail.

3.1.17 Default Port Number for Oracle Internet Directory on Linux

On Linux, port number 389 is reserved in the /etc/services file. If you want Oracle9iAS to install using the default port number for Oracle Internet Directory, delete the entries in the /etc/services file.


You must remove all lines containing the port number 389 from the /etc/services file if you want to use that port number. Attempting to comment out lines containing 389 does not free the port.

3.1.18 Oracle Universal Installer on Linux

The Oracle Universal Installer fails on Linux if you try to perform multiple installations or deinstallations from the same Oracle Universal Installer session. If you encounter this problem, restart Oracle Universal Installer.

3.1.19 ORACLE_HOME Path

Make sure the ORACLE_HOME environment variable points to an absolute path directory. That is, make sure there are no symbolic links in the path.

Oracle Management Server (OMS) has known issues with failures in starting services if the value of ORACLE_HOME exceeds a certain length. The section "Interconnect Services Not Started by Management Server on IBM AIX" describes a scenerio for Interconnect services. Oracle recommends using short ORACLE_HOME values for Oracle9iAS installations.

3.1.20 Uniqueness of Instance Names Not Verified in All Cases

If you install more than one J2EE and Web Cache install type on a machine and the installations do not use Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On, then, during installation, you must verify that the instance name for each instance is unique.

This issue will not occur in the following cases:

  • J2EE and Web Cache installations use Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On.

  • You are installing any of the other Oracle9iAS install types.

3.1.21 Oracle Universal Installer Restrictions on 16-bit Colors

For Java versions later than Java 1.1.n, Oracle Universal Installer fails to come up if a monitor component has 16 colors. This is because monitors with 16 colors are not supported by Sun in JDK versions later than Java 1.1.n.

3.1.22 Verify Permissions to /tmp, /var/tmp, $TMP, $TEMP, and $TMPDIR Directories Before Installation

Make sure you have write access to the /tmp, /var/tmp, $TMP, $TEMP, and $TMPDIR directories on your system before you start installation of Oracle9iAS.

3.1.23 Installing on HP-UX

If you are installing on HP-UX, you must manually create some symbolic links before performing the installation. This is due to a known HP-UX problem, Doc. ID. KBRC00003627. To create the required links:

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Change to the /usr/lib directory:

    # cd /usr/lib

  1. Create the required links:

    # ln -s /usr/lib/libX11.3
    # ln -s /usr/lib/libXIE.2
    # ln -s /usr/lib/libXext.3
    # ln -s /usr/lib/libXhp11.3
    # ln -s /usr/lib/libXi.3
    # ln -s /usr/lib/libXm.4
    # ln -s /usr/lib/libXp.2
    # ln -s /usr/lib/libXt.3
    # ln -s /usr/lib/libXtst.2

To give the OSDBA group the MLOCK privilege:

  1. As the root user, enter the following command:

    # setprivgrp dba MLOCK
  2. To ensure that the dba group retains the MLOCK privilege after the system reboots, create the /etc/privgroup file, if it does not exist on your system, and add the following line to it:

    dba MLOCK

3.1.24 Oracle9iAS Migration Assistant Installation

If you try to install the Migration Assistant without setting the $TMP and $TMPDIR environment variable, a message appears saying that the installer cannot create the /oraInstall directory.

Before running the installer, set the $TMP and $TMPDIR environment variables to point to the /tmp directory or to any directory with at least 25MB free disk space

3.1.25 Installing on Tru64 UNIX

On Tru64 systems, the group ID of a directory is the same as that of the parent directory (if the parent is not root) and is not controlled by the active group of the current user.

Oracle recommends that you set the active group of the oracle user to be the same as the group ID of the $ORACLE_HOME directory. If you do not set the active group as recommended above, the Web Cache Configuration Assistant might fail.

3.1.26 Oracle Universal Installer Errors on AIX, HP-UX and Tru64 UNIX Systems

The Oracle Universal Installer displays the following message when copying JDK extensions on AIX, HP-UX and Tru64 UNIX Systems:

Unable to write to file <ORACLE_HOME>/jdk/jre/lib/ext/US_export_policy.jar

This message is displayed because the JDK extensions are already installed in the JDK home directory specified during the installation and the owner of the JDK home directory does not have write permissions for files in the JDKHOME/jre/lib/ext directory.

Oracle recommends that you use either of the following workarounds:

  • Make a fresh installation of JDK 131 without JDK extensions, and reinstall Oracle9iAS 9.0.2.

  • To retain the JDK extensions, allocate write permissions to all files in the JDKHOME/jre/lib/ext directory to the owner of these files, and reinstall Oracle9iAS 9.0.2.

3.1.27 Installation Might Report an Insufficient Swap Space Error

Oracle9iAS installation might report that you have insufficient swap space to proceed with the install, even if you have the required amount.

To work around this problem, unset the TMP environment variable and restart the install.

3.1.28 Reboot System After Modifying etc/hosts File

The install checks to see if the fully qualified host name is present in the etc/hosts file on UNIX systems. If this check fails, an error message is displayed informing the user to fix the file and then restart the install.

If the etc/hosts file needs to be edited, then you must reboot the machine after doing so before restarting the install. Otherwise, the change may not take effect.

3.1.29 Oracle9iAS Does Not Support Changing the Host Name and IP Address After Installation

Oracle9iAS does not support changing the host name and IP address after installation.

3.1.30 Domain Name Must Start with an Alphabetical Character

When installing Oracle9iAS on a machine that uses a number as the first character for the domain, instead of a letter, the install fails with the following error:

Invalid database domain name. The database domain name must start with an alphabetical character.

Keep the following in consideration when naming your host:

  • No blank or space characters are permitted as part of a domain name.

  • No distinction is made between upper and lower case.

  • The first character must be an alpha character.

  • The last character must not be a minus sign or period.

  • A host which serves as a GATEWAY should have "-GATEWAY" or "-GW" as part of its name. Hosts which do not serve as Internet gateways should not use "-GATEWAY" and "-GW" as part of their names.

3.1.31 Information About Domain Name Change Issues After Reboot

If your machine is not configured as per the instructions provided in the "Hostnames File Configuration" section of the "Getting Started" chapter of theOracle9i Application Server Installation Guide, the installer stops the installation process with the following error:

Your /etc/hosts and other required files are not configured with the domain and the user may make the changes in the required files by following the docs. 

However, neither the documentation nor the installer error specify that you must reboot the machine after making the changes. Reboot the machine at the point before continuing with the Oracle9iAS installs.

Although a reboot is necessary, the installation will continue at this point if you choose not to reboot the machine. However, after installation, if you reboot the machine after the host name changes were made, you will see problems such as the following in the infrastructure and middle tier:

  • Oracle HTTP Server will not start and you will see the following error in the OPMN logs.

    "Syntax error on line 6 of OH/Apache/Apache/conf/mod_osso.conf: 
    Unable to deobfuscate the SSO server config file, <ORACLE_HOME>/Apache/Apache/conf/osso/osso.conf, error 
    Bad padding pattern detected in the last block." 
  • Metadata repository API will not work resulting in most middle tier components failing to connect to Oracle Internet Directory/Database with the following error:

    oracle.ias.repository.schema.SchemaException:Password could not be retrieved 

If you get the above mentioned errors after the reboot, perform the following steps:

  1. Start the infrastructure database.

  2. Start the infrastructure Oracle Internet Directory.

  3. Set the library path environment variable to include <ORACLE_HOME>/lib to the beginning of the existing path.

  4. Run the following command to reset the Oracle9iAS password: "cn=orcladmin" <password><ORACLE_HOME> 


    <password> is your Oracle Internet Directory administration password and <ORACLE_HOME> is the absolute path for Oracle home.

  5. Run the following command to reregister mod_osso:

    <ORACLE_HOME>/jdk/bin/java -jar <ORACLE_HOME>/sso/lib/ossoreg.jar -site_name 
      <iASInstanceName>.<FQDN> -success_url 
    http://<FQDN>:<ApachePort#>/osso_login_success -cancel_url 
    http://<FQDN>:<ApachePort#> -logout_url 
    http://<FQDN>:<ApachePort#>/osso_logout_success -home_url 
    http://<FQDN>:<ApachePort#> -config_mod_osso TRUE -oracle_home_path 
    <ORACLE_HOME> -u root -apache_server_root <ORACLE_HOME>/Apache/Apache 
      -config_file <ORACLE_HOME>/Apache/Apache/conf/osso/osso.conf 
      -sso_server_version v1.2 


    • <ORACLE_HOME>: Absolute path for Oracle home

    • <iASInstanceName>: Instance name given during install

    • FQDN: Fully Qualified Host Name (

    • ApachePort#: Oracle HTTP Server listen port

This workaround can also be used in cases where a machine crashes and the Oracle9iAS install must be restored on a different machine, assuming that machine is given the same hostname/IP address as the original machine.

3.1.32 Information About Users And Groups is Lost While Running Oracle9iAS Portal Configuration Assistant

If you use Oracle9iAS Portal to enter information about users and groups and then run the Oracle9iAS Portal Configuration Assistant, that information is deleted by the assistant. The Oracle9iAS Portal Configuration Assistant runs whenever you choose to install Oracle9iAS Portal. If you have created users and groups before running an installation that uses this assistant, those users and groups are deleted.

This problem is described in bug no. 2445125 and is fixed in the HP and Linux Oracle9iAS releases. However, for AIX and Tru64, you need to use the following workaround.To avoid losing user and group information:

  1. Perform an Oracle9iAS installation and choose not to configure Oracle9iAS Portal.

  2. Configure the Oracle9iAS Portal Configuration Assistant to use an incorrect Oracle Internet Directory password:

    1. Open the following file in an editor:

    2. Set the oid_pwd variable to a string so that the assistant cannot connect to Oracle Internet Directory.

  3. Run the following command:

  4. Run the Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE configuration assistant to deploy the Portal application.

This workaround generates error messages in the log file but this does not affect the operation of Oracle9iAS.

3.1.33 Linux Installation Screen

If you are installing on a Linux system, the following screen appears after the Welcome screen during the installation:

Figure 3-1 Linux Installation Screen

Screen lists the following requirements for Linux:[a) SuSE SLES7 (kernel V2.4.7 and glibc v2.2.2-55 ) and (b) RedHAT AS 2.1 (kernel v2.4.9 and glibc 2.2.4-25) (Additional requirements are: For SuSE SLES7: (1) ’ksh’ package - pdksh-5.2.14-206 or any compatible package. For RedHAT AS 21: (1) ’ksh’ package - pdksh-5.2.14-13 or any compatible package (2) ’binutils1 package - binutils- (3) symbolic link /sbin/fuser to /bin/fuser] Refer to for the latest certified platforms and kernel/glibc combinations.
Description of the illustration linux.gif

Make sure the system meets the requirements and click OK to continue the installation.

3.1.34 Installing on IBM AIX-Based Systems

If you performing an infrastructure installation on AIX with a Japanese Locale environment, a dialog appears stating that the following file could not be found:


Click Ignore to continue the installation. The missing file should not affect the installation. If you encounter a problem related to this issue, please contact your local Oracle Support Services.

If you are using IBM JDK 1.3.1 SR-3 , the /usr/java131/bin/java file may be hard linked to /usr/java131/jre/bin/java. Installing Oracle9iAS copies this link to the $ORACLE_HOME/jdk directory and causes Oracle specific JDK extensions to be ignored. To avoid this issue, enter the following commands before installing Oracle9iAS:

# cd /usr/java131/bin
# mv java java.ORIG
# ln -sf ../jre/bin/java ./java

3.1.35 Information about Portal and Wireless Instance Passwords

If you install the Portal and Wireless install type on one machine and then deinstall it, and then install Portal and Wireless on a separate machine, then the password of the second installation will not work if both the Portal and Wireless installations were pointing to the same infrastructure.

Consider the following scenario:

Infrastructure is installed on machine A and Portal and Wireless is installed on machine B, pointing to the infrastructure on machine A. Portal and Wireless instance password is instance1. Then the Portal and Wireless instance is deinstalled from machine B.

Now Portal and Wireless is installed on machine C, pointing to the infrastructure on machine A. The instance password is instance2. Here, it is not possible to login to portal using the latest instance password, instance2. It is possible to login by the first Portal and Wireless instance password, instance1, which is connected to the infrastructure.

3.1.36 Information about Concurrent Portal and Wireless Installations

Multiple middle tiers of Portal and Wireless install type can be installed concurrently against the same infrastructure, the only requirement being that the first middle tier be installed with no other middle tier installation occurring against the infrastructure simultaneously. From then on, as in from the second middle tier onwards, any number of middle tiers can be installed at the same time.

3.1.37 UM Configuration Assistant Fails if UM is Installed in Same Oracle Home as Portal and Wireless

If you have a Portal and Wireless installation and then install Unified Messaging in that Oracle home, then the Unified Messaging Configuration Assistant fails with the following error:

<ORACLE_HOME>/um/scripts/ /jdk/jre/bin/java: not found

Currently, there is no workaround for this issue.

3.1.38 Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence Not Accessible After Upgrade

Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence is not accessible using the HTTP port when you upgrade an existing Oracle9iAS installation to Business Intelligence and Forms or Unified Messaging.

As a workaround, change the <ORACLE_HOME>/click/conf/click-apache.conf file with the Server SSL port, as shown below.

# Enable SSL for Runtime Administrator (config subdirectory) 
<Location /click> 
  RewriteEngine on 
  RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on 
  RewriteRule^(config/.*)$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}:<Server_SSL_Port>/click/$1 [R] 

Restart OPMN after the above changes are made.

3.1.39 Installation of J2EE and Web Cache in Middle Tier Oracle Home Not Supported

Installation of Oracle9iAS J2EE and Web Cache, Release 2 (, available only through Oracle Technology Network, in the Oracle home of any Release 2 ( middle-tier installation is not supported.

3.1.40 Localhost entry in hosts file

Make sure the following entry exists in the /etc/hosts file: loopback localhost 

3.1.41 Checking the Hardware Requirements

Chapter 3 of the Installation Guide lists the requirements for installing Oracle9iAS. This section outlines the steps required to verify the hardware requirements:

  1. To determine the physical RAM size, enter one of the following commands:

    Platform Command
    # /usr/sbin/lsattr -E -l sys0 -a realmem
    # /usr/sbin/dmesg | grep "Physical:"
    # grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
    Tru64 UNIX
    # /bin/vmstat -P | grep "Total Physical Memory"

    If the size of the physical RAM installed in the system is less than the required size, you must install more memory before continuing.

  2. To determine the size of the configured swap space, enter one of the following commands:

    Platform Command
    # /usr/sbin/lsps -a
    # /usr/sbin/swapinfo -a
    # grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo
    Tru64 UNIX
    # /sbin/swapon -s

    If necessary, see your operating system documentation for information on how to configure additional swap space.

  3. To determine the amount of disk space available in the /tmp directory, enter one of the following commands:

    • HP-UX:

      # bdf /tmp
    • Other operating systems:

      # df -k /tmp
  4. To determine the amount of free disk space on the system, enter one of the following commands:

    • HP-UX:

      # bdf
    • Other operating systems:

      # df -k

3.1.42 Checking the Software Requirements

Chapter 3 of the Installation Guide lists the requirements for installing Oracle9iAS. This section outlines the steps required to verify the software requirements.

  1. To determine the operating system version, enter one of the following commands:

    Platform Command
    # oslevel -r
    # uname -a
    # cat /etc/issue
    Tru64 UNIX
    # /usr/sbin/sizer -v

  2. To determine the JDK version, enter one of the following commands:

    Platform Command
    # /usr/java131/bin/java -fullversion
    # /opt/java1.3/bin/java -fullversion
    Linux The JDK is installed with Oracle9iAS
    Tru64 UNIX
    # /usr/opt/java131/bin/java -fullversion

  3. On AIX, enter the following command to display information about the filesets and operating system patches:

    # lslpp -h
  4. On AIX, enter the following command to display APAR information:

    # instfix -i
  5. On HP-UX, enter the following command to display information about the installed software:

    # /usr/sbin/swlist 
  6. On Linux, enter the following command to display information about the installed kernel:

    # uname -r
  7. On Linux, enter the following command to display information about the installed packages:

    # rpm -qa
  8. On Tru64 UNIX, enter the following command to display information about the installed software:

    # /usr/sbin/setld -i | more

3.1.43 Additional Preinstallation Steps for UnitedLinux

In addition to the requirements listed in Section 2.5.1, "UnitedLinux Requirements", perform the following steps before installing Oracle9i Application Server on UnitedLinux:

  1. Create the following sybolic links. These are required because some Oracle makefiles have hard coded paths to the /usr/bin/gcc directory.

    prompt> ln -s /opt/gcc295/bin/gcc /usr/bin/gcc
    prompt> ln -s /opt/gcc295/bin/gcc /usr/bin/cc
  2. Create the following symbolic link for the perl executable:

    prompt> ln -sf /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/perl 
  3. Verify that the hostname command returns the fully qualified hostname as shown below:

    $ hostname   
  4. If any Java packages are installed on the system, unset the Java environment variables, for example JAVA_HOME.


    If you are installing UnitedLinux on a clean system, Oracle recommends that you do not install the any of the Java packages supplied with the UnitedLinux distribution.

  5. Unset the Oracle related environment variables for the account used to install Oracle9i Application Server. For example, make sure that the .profile, .login file and /etc/profile.d files do not set the ORACLE_HOME, PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables with references to Oracle binaries or directories.

  6. If the orarun package was installed on the system, complete the following steps as the oracle user to reset the environment:

    1. Enter the following commands:

      prompt> cd /etc/profile.d 
      prompt> mv oracle.csh oracle.csh.bak
      prompt> mv
      prompt> mv
      prompt> mv alljava.csh alljava.csh.bak
    2. Use any text editor to comment out the following line from the $HOME/.profile file:

      . ./.oracle
    3. Log out of the oracle user account.

    4. Log into the oracle user account for the changes to take effect.

  7. Make sure that the ports listed in Appendix F of the Installation Guide are available. Some ports are required, for example 1810 for Enterprise Manager and 1521 for the database listener, and must be available. For some component, the Installer can assign free ports to the component from a range as documented in the Appendix. For example, the Oracle9iAS Web Cache Administration component requires three free ports in the port range from 4000 - 4030. If the correct number of ports in the appropriate range are not available for any component, errors will occur during installation.

3.1.44 Additional Steps for Installing on UnitedLinux

When installing Oracle9i Application Server on UnitedLinux 1.0, an error is displayed during the relinking phase. Do not close the Installer window. Complete the following steps to resolve the error:

  1. Open a new terminal window.

  2. Edit the $ORACLE_HOME/lib/sysliblist file and add the following entry to the end of the line:

    -lgcc -L/opt/gcc295/lib/gcc-lib/i486-suse-linux/2.95.3 
  3. Run the following command:

    prompt> $ORACLE_HOME/bin/genclntsh

Click Retry in the Installer window. The installation will continue without displaying further errors.

3.1.45 Unset Environment Variable Before Installation

The Korn shell environment variable ENV can alter variables set by Oracle9iAS scripts. If you are using the Korn shell and the ENV environment variable is set, you must unset the variable before starting installation Oracle9iAS.

The command to unset the ENV variable is unset ENV.

3.1.46 Clustered Environments

You cannot install Oracle9iAS in a clustered environment, that is, Oracle does not support installing Oracle9iAS in a clustered environment for AIX-Based Systems, hp-ux PA-RISC (64-bit), hp Tru64 UNIX, or Linux x86. The Operating System Requirements section of the Installation Guide incorrectly lists various clusterware requirements. This clusterware software is not required or supported.

3.2 Postinstallation Issues

This section covers the following postinstallation issues:

3.2.1 JServ, By Default, is Not Configurable After Installation

Oracle9iAS install does not configure JServ by default. Perform configuration tasks using the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console as a postinstallation task. Oracle Management Server has a reporting servlet that runs within JServ. In order to access this reporting servlet, configure JServ from the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.

Infrastructure installs do not have "JServ" listed as an installed component in ORACLE_HOME/config/ Therefore, "JServ" is, by default, not configurable after installation.

To make JServ configurable in the infrastructure install, edit the file from ORACLE_HOME/config directory as below:

Change the following existing line (to append "JServ" to "Components" entry) from:




3.2.2 Reset SYS and SYSTEM Passwords After Installation

After the end of installation, you must reset the SYS and SYSTEM passwords for the infrastructure database for security. During install time, the installer does not prompt you for new SYS and SYSTEM passwords.

3.2.3 Files Left in /tmp Directory Following Installation

After installing Oracle9iAS, the following files and directory remain in the /tmp directory:

  • dtdbcache_ipaddress

  • ps_data

  • the fcgi directory

These two files and directory should not affect the product or system performance.

3.3 Silent and Non-Interactive Installation Issues

In addition to the issues documented in Chapter 5, "Silent and Non-Interactive Installation", note the following Silent and Non-Interactive Installation issues:

3.3.1 Performing a Silent Installation on AIX-Based Systems

If you attempt to perform a silent installation on AIX, a prompt appears asking whether the script has been run. To avoid this prompt, set the SKIP_ROOTPRE environment variable to TRUE.

3.4 Deinstallation Issues

This section covers these deinstallation issues:

3.4.1 Shut Down All Processes Before Deinstallation

Before deinstallation, perform the following steps to shut everything down:

  1. On the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web site, perform a "stopall" to shutdown the instance. Exit the OEM Web site.

  2. At a prompt, issue the following commands:

    • $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop

    • $ORACLE_HOME/bin/opmnctl stop

3.4.2 Installer Requests for Primary Installation During Deinstallation if More Than One Installation is Detected

Your primary installation contains the active Oracle9iAS Administration Service. If you deinstall the primary installation and there are other installations of Oracle9iAS on your host, the Oracle Universal Installer will request that you designate one of the remaining Oracle9iAS installations to be the primary installation. The new primary installation will maintain the configuration information for the remaining Oracle9iAS installations on the host.

3.4.3 Use Oracle Universal Installer 2.1 Or Greater to Deinstall

After Oracle9iAS is installed, use Oracle Universal Installer 2.1 or greater to deinstall, if required, any Oracle products installed on the system. This includes Oracle databases, version 8i and 9.0.1, and Oracle9iAS, versions 1.x.


The deinstallation of Oracle databases, version 8i and 9.0.1, and Oracle9iAS, versions 1.x, should not be done in the same session as installation or deinstallation of Oracle9iAS.

3.4.4 Transferring Oracle Enterprise Manager Web Site After Deinstallation of an Instance Produces Error

If you deinstall an instance and transfer the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web Site (also known as Oracle9iAS Administration Service) to a second instance, and then try to deinstall that second instance, you may see the following error:

"An inactive 9iAS Administration Service's control program is being executed Use ORACLE_HOME2/bin/emctl to administer the *active* 9iAS Administration Service"

To avoid the error, you must deactivate the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web Site from the second instance. You can do this by running the following command before deinstalling the second instance:

<ORACLE_HOME2>/bin/emctl switch home <ORACLE_HOME2>

where ORACLE_HOME2 is the Oracle home of the second instance.

3.4.5 Deinstallation of 9.0.2 or 9.0.3 Instances from a Computer that Also Contains Release 2 (9.0.4) Instances

If you have 9.0.2 or 9.0.3 and Release 2 (9.0.4) instances on the same computer, and you want to deinstall a 9.0.2 or 9.0.3 instance, perform these steps:

  1. Apply patch 3234681 to your 9.0.2 or 9.0.3 instances. You can download the patch from OracleMetaLink ( This patch is valid for all UNIX platforms, however when searching for this patch, specify the platform as Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-bit).

  2. Stop all processes associated with the instance you want to deinstall.

  3. Run the installer to deinstall the 9.0.2 or 9.0.3 instance. Make sure you run the installer for the 9.0.2 or 9.0.3 instance.

    For 9.0.2 and 9.0.3 instances, the installer is located in the oui/install directory at the same level as the Oracle home directory. For example, if the 9.0.2 or 9.0.3 Oracle home is /opt/oracle/orahome902, then the installer would be /opt/oracle/oui/install/runInstaller. Issue: Release 2 (9.0.4) Instance Must Not Contain the Active Oracle Enterprise Manager

If you have multiple 9.0.2 and/or 9.0.3 instances on the same computer, these instances share an Oracle Enterprise Manager. This is the "active Oracle Enterprise Manager". When you deinstall the instance that contains the active Oracle Enterprise Manager using the installer, the installer needs to switch the active Oracle Enterprise Manager to one of the remaining instances. If there is only one remaining instance, then the installer automatically makes it the active Oracle Enterprise Manager. If more than one instance remain, the installer prompts you to select the instance to contain the active Oracle Enterprise Manager.

Unlike 9.0.2 or 9.0.3 instances, Oracle9i Application Server Release 2 (9.0.4) instances on the same computer do not share an Oracle Enterprise Manager. Each Release 2 (9.0.4) instance has its own Oracle Enterprise Manager.

Because Release 2 (9.0.4) instances do not share an Oracle Enterprise Manager, you must not select a Release 2 (9.0.4) instance to contain the active Oracle Enterprise Manager. You must select a 9.0.2 or 9.0.3 instance to contain the active Oracle Enterprise Manager.

If you select a Release 2 (9.0.4) instance, or if the installer automatically switches the active Oracle Enterprise Manager to a remaining instance that happens to be a Release 2 (9.0.4) instance, the installer overwrites files in the Release 2 (9.0.4) Oracle home with files from the 9.0.2 or 9.0.3 home. This causes Oracle Enterprise Manager to stop working.

The patch prevents the installer from automatically switching the active Oracle Enterprise Manager to a Release 2 (9.0.4) instance in the case where the only remaining instances are Release 2 (9.0.4) instances. It also prevents the installer from displaying Release 2 (9.0.4) instances in the list where you select the instance to contain the active Oracle Enterprise Manager. If a Release 2 (9.0.4) Instance Becomes the Active Oracle Enterprise Manager

If a Release 2 (9.0.4) instance becomes the active Oracle Enterprise Manager, Oracle Enterprise Manager will stop working.

To fix this, perform these steps in the Release 2 (9.0.4) Oracle home:

  1. Shut down the Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control.

    prompt> emctl stop iasconsole
  2. Rename the following files. Do not delete the files, because you might need them in step 5. You can rename them with an "active" suffix (for example,

    • ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config/

    • ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/targets.xml

    • ORACLE_HOME/sysman/j2ee/config/jazn-data.xml

    • ORACLE_HOME/sysman/webapps/emd/WEB-INF/config/consoleConfig.xml

  3. Copy the backup files for the files listed in the preceding step.

    The backup files are in the same directory as the listed files. The names of the backup files are suffixed with a digit (for example, Check the timestamp, or check the content, of the backup files to determine the most recent backup file.

  4. Start the Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control.

    prompt> emctl start iasconsole
  5. If you have remaining 9.0.2/9.0.3 instances on the computer, you need to designate one of them to contain the active Oracle Enterprise Manager.

    1. Copy the files listed in step 2 (which you renamed with the active suffix) to the 9.0.2/9.0.3 instance's Oracle home. Rename them back to the original names (that is, remove the active suffix).

    2. Edit /var/opt/oracle/emtab to set the DEFAULT property to refer to the new active Oracle Enterprise Manager.

3.5 Reinstallation Issues

There are no known issues associated with reinstallation.

3.6 Migration Issues

This section covers these migration issues:

3.6.1 Subscriber Name Issue While Migrating Users

The subscriber name argument to the script must be the DNS subdomain that the machine is registered under (that is, if the machine has a fully-qualified DNS name, then the subscriber name argument is foo.). If for example, it is, then the subscriber name argument would be bar.

3.6.2 Migrating URL-Adapter Based Services

After migrating services that are based on the URL adapter, ensure that the input parameters are still valid. If not, modify them from the Service Designer:

  1. Click the radio-button next to the service to select it.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Choose "Input parameters" from the side tab.

  4. Enter the new URL.

Typically URLs that were hosted on the old instance itself, such as may not be valid anymore. In this particular instance, a solution could be to copy URLtest.jsp to <New_Oracle_Home>/j2ee/applications/webtool/webtool-web and modify the service referring to it, following the above-mentioned steps.