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Oracle Application Server Discoverer Plus User's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10268-01
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New Condition dialog

Use this dialog to create a new condition item. For example, you might want to filter the data in the worksheet data in a new way.

For more information, see:

"What are conditions?"

What would you like to name your condition

Use this field to enter a descriptive name for the condition item. This name is displayed in the condition list on the Conditions dialog.

Generate name automatically?

Use this check box if you want Discoverer to create a default name for you. The default name is based on the condition syntax.

What description would you like to give your condition

Use this field to enter a brief description for the new condition. This description is displayed in the description box on the Conditions dialog and helps workbook users choose which condition they want to use.


This area is where you build the condition. The condition can contain one or more condition statements.


Use this drop down list to filter the worksheet by selecting an item to match against. For example, to filter information about people whose salary is more than $30,000, you might choose an item called 'Salary' here.

You can also choose from the following options:


This drop down list displays a list of logical operators that you can use to match against the Item selected. For example, to filter information about people who earn more than $30,000, you might choose the 'greater than' operator (>) here.

For more information on logical operators available, see Notes below.


Use this field to enter one or more values that you want to use to match against the selected Item. For example, if you want filter information about people who earn more than $30,000, enter 30,000 here.

You can also choose from the following options:

Note: You can enter up to 254 values in this field. If you want to enter more than 254 values in the condition, click Advanced and use the OR option to add a new condition statement line for the extra values.

Case sensitive

Use this check box to make the condition case sensitive when matching against text data. For example, if turned on, the value 'New York' would not find details containing 'NEW YORK' because the text cases do not match exactly. If turned off, the value 'New York' would find details containing 'NEW YORK' and 'new york'.


Use this button to expand the dialog box enabling you to apply multiple condition statements to an item. The expanded dialog displays New Item, And, Or, Delete and Undo buttons. A Group column is also added to the Formula box (see Group below).

Expanded Advanced options

New Item

Use this button to add a new condition statement line to the condition. By default, new condition statement lines are grouped with the logical AND operator. In other words, the data must satisfy both condition statements to be filtered in the worksheet (see Group below).


Use this button to add a new condition statement line to the condition and group it with the previous condition statement line with a logical AND operator. Using 'AND' narrows a search to display only items that match all criteria. For example, with two condition statements, data must match condition statement one and condition statement two.


Use this button to add a new condition statement line to the condition and group it with the previous condition statement line with a logical OR operator. Using 'OR' widens a search to display items that match any of the criteria. For example, with two condition statements, data must match either condition statement one or condition statement two. (In SQL terms, this is an inclusive OR clause.)


Use this button to remove the currently selected condition statement line from the condition.


Use this button to retrieve the deleted condition details if you delete a condition statement line from the condition and then change your mind.



Use this button to change the Group operator to a logical `AND'. You must have the current Group item selected. Using 'AND' narrows a search to display only items that match all criteria in the group.


Use this button to change the Group operator to a logical `OR'. You must have the current Group item selected. Using 'OR' widens a search to display items that match any of the criteria in the group.


Use this button to change the Group operator to a logical `NOT AND' operator.


Use this button to change the Group operator to a logical `NOT OR' operator.


Operator  Meaning  How it is used 


Year = 2001

Display only data for the year 2001. 


Not equals 

Year <> 2001

Display data where the year is not 2001 

Greater than 

Clicks > 10

Display data where the number of clicks on a website is more than 10 

Less than 

Salary < 50,000

Display data for people who earn less than 50,000 


Similar to 

Employee_name LIKE CH%

Display data for employees whose name begins with CH. 


Equal to any member of 


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