The figure shows how values in the configuration file for the Web Services Assembly tool are used to populate elements in the application.xml file.

The configuration file contains these lines:

  <!-- display-name populates the display-name element in application.xml -->
  <display-name>Employee Benefit Manager Web Service</display-name>
  <!-- context populates the context-root element in application.xml -->

    <!-- path populates the ejb element in application.xml -->

The application.xml file generated by the Web Services Assembly tool contains these lines:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE application ... >

<!-- value for display-name taken from display-name in the config file -->
<display-name>Employee Benefit Manager Web Service</display-name>
<description>Oracle Web Service empbft-ws.ear</description>
      <!-- value for context-root taken from context element in the config file -->
   <!-- value for ejb taken from path element in the config file -->