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Oracle® Application Server 10g Application Developer’s Guide
10g (9.0.4)
Part No. B10378-01
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A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W 


absolute paths (for portal), 9.7
absoluteLink method (for portals), 9.3.2, 9.4.1, 9.7, 9.7.1
AbstractActionHandler abstract class, 4.4, 9.5
action handlers, 4.4
wireless support and, 8.1
Action tag (in wireless clients), 8.5.2
ActionHandler interface, 4.4
ActionHandlerFactory class, 4.4
add benefits, 6.3, 6.4
for wireless clients, 8.5.3
retrieving benefits for a user, 6.4.2
sequence (high-level), 6.4.1
sequence diagram, 6.4.3
updating database, 6.4.3
Add Benefits page, 3.2
for portal, 9.2
for wireless, 8.2.1
Add More Benefits page (wireless), 8.2.1
AddBenefitToEmployee class, 2.3.2, 8.5.3
addBenefitToEmployee.jsp, 4.7
addBenefitToEmployeeWireless.jsp, 8.5.3
addNewBenefit method (EmployeeBenefitManager bean), 10.4
AppJNDINames class, 4.8
designing, 2
development steps, 1.4
development tools, 1.5
overview, 1


Benefit bean, 10.1.1, 10.7.2
persistent fields, 10.1.3, 10.7.1
relationship fields in, 10.8
benefit data, retrieving, 6.2.4
BenefitCatalog bean, 4.6
details, 4.6.3
home interface, 4.6.1
remote interface, 4.6.2
BenefitItem class, 4.6.3
BenefitModel class, 4.6.1, 4.6.3
in second sample application, 10.3
BENEFITS table, 1.3
blueprints URL on Sun site, 2.3.3
business logic, 2.3.3
objects needed for, 4.1


caching. See web cache.
chaining pages design, 2.2
clientType parameter, 8.3.1, 8.3.3
configuration file for Web Services Assembly tool, 11.1.1
configuration files, A
data-sources.xml, A.3
default-web-site.xml, A.2
server.xml, A.1
container-managed persistence, 10.7
content type, for wireless clients, 8.4.2
controller, 2.3.2, 4.3
mappings to classes, 2.3.2
countEnrollmentsForBenefit method (EmployeeBenefitManager bean), 10.6, 10.8
create method (Benefit bean), 10.4


DAOs, 2.3.3
employee data and, 4.5.6
interface for,
specifications for, 4.5.6
data access objects. See DAOs.
database schema, 1.3
data-sources.xml, A.3
Debug class, 4.8
default-web-site.xml, A.2
design of application
chaining pages, 2.2
design goals, 2.1
model-view-controller, 2.3
Design Patterns Catalog URL on Sun site, 2.3.3
designing applications, 2
development steps, 1.4
development tools, 1.5


EJB 2.0 (as used in the second sample application), 10
select all employees, 10.2
ejbCreate method (Benefit bean), 10.4
ejbHomeEmployeeCount method (Employee bean), 10.2
ejb-jar.xml, 10.8
persistent fields in, 10.7.1
EJBs, 1.1.1
2.0 features, 10.1.3
employee data, 4.5
needed by application, 4.1
when to use, 4.2.1
ejbSelectAllEmployees method (Employee bean), 10.2
empbft.xml, 8.2.1, 8.3.1, 8.3.3
Employee bean (first sample application), 4.5
DAO for, 4.5.6
home interface, 4.5.1
load method, 4.5.4
persistence, 4.5.3
remote interface, 4.5.2
Employee bean (second sample application), 10.1.1, 10.7.2
mapping fields to table columns, 10.7.3
persistent fields, 10.1.3, 10.7.1
relationship fields in, 10.8
employee data, 4.5
retrieving, 6.2.2
EmployeeBenefitManager session bean, 10.1.1, 10.1.3, 11.1
employeeCount method (EmployeeBenefitManager bean), 10.2
EmployeeDAO interface,
EmployeeDAOImpl class,,
EmployeeManager bean, 4.7
home interface, 4.7.1
JSPs and, 6.1
remote interface, 4.7.2
EmployeeModel class, 4.5.5
EMPLOYEES table, 1.3
Enterprise JavaBeans. See EJBs.
entity beans
Benefit bean, 10.1.1
database tables and, 10.7
Employee bean (first sample application), 4.5
Employee bean (second sample application), 10.1.1
JSPs and, 4.7
relationship fields in, 10.8
Error page, 3.2
errorWireless.jsp, 8.5.3


findAll method, 10.3
findByPrimaryKey method (Employee bean),, 6.2.3
findByPrimaryKey method (EmployeeDAOImpl class), 6.2.3
first sample application
accessing from desktop browsers, 6.2
accessing from wireless clients, 8.6
add benefit operation (high-level), 6.4.1
caching, 7
clientType parameter, 8.3.1
configuration files, A
differences between wireless and desktop versions, 8.2.2
EJBs, 4.1
objects needed, 4.1
portal support, 9
query employee operation (high-level), 6.2.1
remove benefit operation (high-level), 6.5.1
requirements, 3.1
screenshots (desktop version), 3.2
screenshots (portal version), 9.2
screenshots (wireless version), 8.2.1
starting URL (for desktop browsers), 6.2
starting URL (for portal), 9.4.3
starting URL (for wireless clients), 8.6, 8.6.1
updating links in a portal, 9.4
wireless support, 8


getBenefits method (Employee bean), 10.5
getEmployeeLocalHome method (EmployeeBenefitManager bean), 10.2
getEmployees method (Benefit bean), 10.6


header information for wireless clients, 8.4
HR schema, 1.3
HR.BENEFITS table, 1.3
HR.EMPLOYEES table, 1.3
htmlFormActionLink method, 9.7
htmlFormActionLink method (for portals), 9.3.2, 9.7.2
HttpPortletRendererUtil class, 9.3.2


ID page, 3.2
for portal, 9.2
for wireless, 8.2.1
JDeveloper, 1.5
include method (for portals), 9.3.2, 9.5
Info page, 3.2
for portal, 9.2
for wireless, 8.2.1
invalidating pages in web cache, 7.1, 7.2.2
using database triggers, 7.2.3


J2EE, 1.1.1
specifications, 1.1.1
jar, 1.5
Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS), 1.1.1
Java Message Service (JMS), 1.1.1
Java objects
when to use, 4.2.3
Java Transaction API (JTA), 1.1.1
javac, 1.5
JavaServer Pages. See JSPs.
JDeveloper, 1.5
JSPs, 1.1.1, 5.3
advantages of, 5.3.2
EmployeeManager bean and, 6.1
entity beans and, 4.7
supporting different client types, 5.3.3
tag libraries, 5.3.1


listBenefits method (EmployeeBenefitManager bean), 10.3
listBenefitsOfEmployee method (EmployeeBenefitManager bean), 10.5, 10.8
load method, 4.5.4,
local interface
persistent fields and, 10.7.2


model (business logic), 2.3.3
model-view-controller (MVC) design. See MVC.
MVC, 2.3
controller, 2.3.2, 4.3
diagram, 2.3.1
model, 2.3.3
used by Web Services client application, 11.2.1
view, 2.3.4


next_page parameter, 9.4.2


objects needed by application, 4.1
OracleAS Web Cache Manager, 7.1, 7.2.1
persistent fields and, 10.7.3


pageParameterName tag, 9.4.2
parameter names and portals, 9.6
parameterizeLink method (for portals), 9.4.1
using web cache to improve, 7
container-managed, 10.7
Employee bean (first sample application), 4.5.3
persistent fields
in Benefit bean, 10.1.3
in ejb-jar.xml, 10.7.1
in Employee bean, 10.1.3
in entity beans, 10.1.3
in local interface, 10.7.2
in orion-ejb-jar.xml, 10.7.3
portal support, 9
absolute paths, 9.7
absoluteLink method, 9.3.2, 9.7.1
changes to the application, 9.3
htmlFormActionLink method, 9.3.2, 9.7.2
include method, 9.3.2, 9.5
next_page parameter, 9.4.2
pageParameterName tag, 9.4.2
parameter names, 9.6
parameterizeLink method, 9.4.1
portletParameter method, 9.3.2, 9.6
provider.xml file, 9.4.2
request processing, 9.1
retrieving parameter values, 9.6.1
sample figure, 9.3.1
screenshots, 9.2
setting parameter values, 9.6.2
setting up provider, 9.3.1
updating links between pages, 9.4
portals, 1.1.2
portletParameter method (for portals), 9.3.2, 9.6
presentation data, 2.3.4
wireless clients, 8.2, 8.3
provider, portal, 9.3.1
provider.xml file (for portals), 9.4.2
proxy classes (for Web Services), 11.2.4
proxy classes (for Web Services), downloading, 11.2.2


query employee, 6.2
findByPrimaryKey method, 6.2.3
for wireless clients, 8.5.1
retrieving benefit data, 6.2.4
retrieving data, 6.2.2
sequence (high-level), 6.2.1
sequence diagram, 6.2.4
Query Employee button, 3.2
QueryEmployee class, 2.3.2
queryEmployee.jsp, 4.6.3, 6.2.2
queryEmployeeWireless.jsp, 8.5.2


blueprints, 2.3.3
DAO, 4.5.6
Design Patterns Catalog, 2.3.3
J2EE specifications, 1.1.1
relationship fields
in entity beans, 10.8
remove benefits, 6.3, 6.5
for wireless clients, 8.5.3
getting benefits list, 6.5.2
sequence (high-level), 6.5.1
sequence diagram, 6.5.3
updating database, 6.5.3
Remove Benefits page, 3.2
for portal, 9.2
Remove More Benefits page (wireless), 8.2.1
RemoveBenefitFromEmployee class, 2.3.2, 8.5.3
removeBenefitFromEmployee.jsp, 4.7
removeBenefitFromEmployeeWireless.jsp, 8.5.3
getting origin of (wireless or desktop), 8.3.1
requirements of first sample application, 3.1


sample applications. See first sample application, second sample application, Web Services client application
schema, database, 1.3
screenshots of application
desktop browser client, 3.2
portal version, 9.2
wireless client, 8.2.1
second sample application
addNewBenefit method, 10.4
business operations in, 10.1.1
countEnrollmentsForBenefit method, 10.6
design of, 10.1.2
employeeCount method, 10.2
entity beans and database tables, 10.7
listBenefits method, 10.3
listBenefitsOfEmployee method, 10.5
overview, 10.1
persistent fields, 10.1.3
sequence diagrams
add benefits, 6.4.3
query employee, 6.2.4
remove benefits, 6.5.3
server.xml, A.1
servlets, 1.1.1, 5.2
automatic compilation, 5.2.1
calling EJB, 5.2.3
example, 5.2.2
when to use, 4.2.2
session beans
BenefitCatalog bean, 4.6
EmployeeBenefitManager bean, 10.1.1
EmployeeManager bean, 4.7
session facade, 10.1.2
SessionHelper class, 4.8
SimpleResult DTD, 8.2
J2EE, 1.1.1
Success page, 3.2
for portal, 9.2
successWireless.jsp, 8.2.2, 8.5.3


tag libraries for JSPs, 5.3.1
technologies used, 1.1
J2EE, 1.1.1
portals, 1.1.2
wireless support, 1.1.3
text/ value for contentType, 8.4.2
triggers to invalidate pages in web cache, 7.2.3


utility classes
AppJNDINames class, 4.8
Debug class, 4.8
SessionHelper class, 4.8


view, 2.3.4


web cache, 7
analyzing the application, 7.2
choosing pages to cache, 7.1
invalidating pages, 7.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.3
specifying pages to cache, 7.2.1
Web Services, 11
enabling, 11.1
proxy classes, 11.2.4
proxy classes, downloading, 11.2.2
testing, 11.1.4
WSDL, downloading, 11.2.2
Web Services Assembly tool
configuration file for, 11.1.1
running, 11.1.2
Web Services client application, 11.2
designing, 11.2.1
developing, 11.2.2
directory structure of, 11.2.3
request flow, 11.2.4
screens, 11.2.5
wireless support, 1.1.3, 8
accessing the application, 8.6
action handler objects, 8.1
add benefits operation, 8.5.3
changes to the application, 8.1
clientType parameter, 8.3.1
content type, 8.4.2
details, 8.5
differences from desktop application, 8.2.2
header information, 8.4
presentation data, 8.2, 8.3
query operation, 8.5.1
remove benefits, 8.5.3
screens, 8.2.1
SimpleResult DTD, 8.2
using a simulator, 8.6.1
using actual wireless devices, 8.6.2
ws-assemble.xml, 11.1.1
WSDL, 11.1.1
downloading, 11.2.2