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Oracle® Application Server 10g Performance Guide
10g (9.0.4)
Part No. B10379-01
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2 Monitoring Oracle Application Server

This chapter discusses how to monitor the performance of Oracle Application Server and its components. Monitoring Oracle Application Server and obtaining performance data can assist you in tuning the system and debugging applications with performance problems.

This chapter contains the following topics:

Overview of Monitoring Oracle Application Server

This section describes how to use the Oracle Application Server tools for performance monitoring. You can monitor the server and its components using one or more of the following:

Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control

Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control (Application Server Control) allows you to monitor Oracle Application Server and its components. Application Server Control shows performance metrics for Oracle Application Server components, including:

  • Oracle HTTP Server (OHS)

  • Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J) and Applications running under OC4J

  • Oracle Application Server Web Cache

  • Oracle Application Server Portal (OracleAS Portal)

Oracle Application Server Built-in Performance Metrics

Oracle Application Server automatically measures runtime performance and collects metrics for the Oracle HTTP Server, including child servers, and Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J) servers. The server performance metrics are measured automatically and continuously using performance instrumentation inserted into the implementations of Oracle Application Server components. The performance metrics are automatically enabled; you do not need to set options or perform any extra configuration to collect them (for performance reasons the JDBC metrics are enabled by setting options).

The Oracle HTTP Server performance metrics enable you to do the following:

  • Monitor the duration of important phases of Oracle HTTP Server request processing.

  • Collect status information on Oracle HTTP Server requests. For example, you can monitor the number of requests being handled at any given moment.

The OC4J performance metrics allow you to monitor the performance of J2EE containers and enable you to do the following:

  • Monitor the number of active servlets, JSPs, EJBs, and EJB methods.

  • Monitor the time spent processing an individual servlet, JSP, EJB, or EJB method.

  • Monitor the sessions and JDBC connections associated with servlets, JSPs, EJBs, or EJB methods.

  • Monitor OC4J JMS events and status.

You can use the performance metrics while troubleshooting Oracle Application Server components to help locate bottlenecks, identify resource availability issues, or help tune your components to improve throughput and response times.


You can use the commands that access the built-in metrics in scripts or in combination with other monitoring tools to gather performance data or to check application performance.

Native Operating System Performance Commands

In order to solve performance problems or to monitor your system’s activity, you can use the available native operating system commands. Native operating system commands allow you to gather and monitor CPU utilization, paging activity, swapping, and other system activity information.

See Also:

Refer to the system level documentation for information on native operating system monitoring commands.

Network Performance Monitoring Tools

You can use network monitoring tools to verify the status of requests that access your Oracle Application Server components. Tools are available that allow you to examine and save network traffic information. These tools can be helpful in analyzing and solving performance problems.

Using Oracle Application Server Built-in Performance Metrics

You can monitor performance using Application Server Control or by viewing the Oracle Application Server built-in performance metrics.

This section describes how to view the built-in performance metrics using the AggreSpy servlet, the Spy servlet, or using the dmstool command.

This section covers the following:

Table 2-1 summarizes the tools that allow you to view built-in performance metrics.

Table 2-1 Oracle Application Server Built-in Monitoring Commands

Command Description
AggreSpy AggreSpy is a pre-packaged servlet that reports performance metrics for an Oracle Application Server instance. You can only run AggreSpy when an OC4J instance is configured to support it. By default the OC4J instance named home supports AggreSpy.
dmstool Allows you to monitor a specific performance metric, a set of performance metrics, or all performance metrics. Options allow you to specify a reporting interval to report the requested metrics. This command also allows you to show a text report listing all the built-in performance metrics available on the site. dmstool is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory.
Spy Spy is a pre-packaged servlet that reports performance metrics for OC4J standalone. Spy reports performance data for an OC4J process.

Viewing Performance Metrics Using AggreSpy

The AggreSpy Servlet displays metrics for Oracle Application Server processes, including Oracle HTTP Server, OC4J, Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server, and other Oracle Application Server component processes.

This section covers the following topics:

Using the AggreSpy Display

AggreSpy organizes metrics into two areas: DMS Spies and Metric Tables.

  • DMS Spies show the available metrics by parent process type and parent process number. By selecting individual DMS Spies, you can view, in text form, all metrics collected for the associated process.

  • Metric Tables show the available metrics by metric table type and when multiple OC4Js are running include OC4J metrics from multiple OC4J instances. By selecting individual metric tables you can view, in table form, all metrics of a specified type. For example, metric tables allow you to view the metrics associated with OC4J Servlets, Oracle HTTP Server Modules, and Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server processes.


To view DMS metrics using AggreSpy, you may need to configure your browser to disable the use of a proxy for the localhost, if your system is configured to use proxies. By default Oracle Application Server only allows access for the localhost. See "AggreSpy URL With a Proxy Server" for details.

DMS metric tables are identified by a name, such as ohs_server for the Oracle HTTP Server metrics. In AggreSpy, the term Metric Tables refers to the built-in performance metric table names.

You can access performance metrics using AggreSpy from the following URL:



host is the Oracle HTTP Server host, for example,

port is the Oracle HTTP Server listener port, for example 7778.


You can only run AggreSpy when an OC4J instance is configured to support it, and the instance is running. By default, the OC4J instance named home supports AggreSpy.

Figure 2-1 shows a sample AggreSpy display. The display shows two frames, one containing a list of DMS Spies and DMS Metric Tables, and one showing selected values for the DMS Spies or the Metric Tables.

AggreSpy provides navigation and display options, including:

  • Access DMS Spies and Metric Tables using the links in the left frame.

  • Sort rows in metric tables by clicking on the column headings.

  • Display a table containing the descriptions of a Metric Table’s metrics by clicking the Metric Definitions link shown on each metric table.

You need to refresh your browser to display built-in metric data after you start AggreSpy. When you first use AggreSpy many of the fields, and the complete list of DMS Spies and may not contain all of the current Metric Tables. If you wait a short time, and then refresh the display, the data is available and AggreSpy shows the complete list of Metric Tables.

Figure 2-1 AggreSpy Performance Metric Display

Description of aggrespy.gif follows
Description of the illustration aggrespy.gif

AggreSpy URL With a Proxy Server

If your browser is configured to use a proxy server, then to access AggreSpy on the localhost, you need to configure the browser to disable the use of proxies for the localhost. The exact steps required to disable the use of a proxy server for the localhost depends on the browser you use.

AggreSpy URL and Access Control

By default, the dms0/AggreSpy URL is redirected and the redirect location is protected, allowing only the localhost ( to access the AggreSpy Servlet.

To view metrics from a system other than the localhost you need to change the DMS configuration for the system that is running the Oracle Application Server that you want to monitor by modifying the file $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/dms.conf on UNIX, or %ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\conf\dms.conf on Windows systems. Example 2-1 shows a sample default configuration from dms.conf. This configuration limits AggreSpy to only access metrics on the localhost ( . The port shown, 7200, may differ on your installation.

Example 2-1 dms.conf Sample for localhost Access for DMS Metrics

# proxy to DMS AggreSpy
Redirect /dms0/AggreSpy http://localhost:7200/dmsoc4j/AggreSpy
#DMS VirtualHost for access and logging control
OpmnHostPort http://localhost:7200

By changing the dms.conf configuration to specify the host that provides, or serves DMS metrics, you can allow users on systems other than the localhost to access the DMS metrics from the location http://host:port/dms0/AggreSpy.

Example 2-2 shows a sample updated dms.conf that allows access from a system other than the localhost ( .


Modifying dms.conf has security implications. Only modify this file if you understand the security implications for your site. By exposing metrics to systems other than the localhost, you allow other sites to potentially view critical Oracle Application Server internal status and runtime information.

To view metrics from a system other than the localhost ( , do the following:

  1. Modify dms.conf by changing the entries with the value "localhost" or "" shown in Example 2-1 to the name of the server providing the metrics (obtain the server name from the ServerName directive in the httpd.conf file, for example

  2. Restart, or stop and start the Oracle HTTP Server using Application Server Control or using the Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server opmnctl command. For example,

    %opmnctl restartproc process-type=HTTP_Server


    %opmnctl stopproc process-type=HTTP_Server
    %opmnctl startproc process-type=HTTP_Server

Example 2-2 dms.conf Sample for Remote Host Access for DMS Metrics

# proxy to DMS AggreSpy
Redirect /dms0/AggreSpy
#DMS VirtualHost for access and logging control

See Also:

Oracle Application Server 10g Security Guide for information on Oracle HTTP Server access control

AggreSpy Limitation When Using Load Balancing With Clusters

AggreSpy does not work as expected when using Oracle Application Server Clusters. When using a cluster, the Oracle HTTP Server mod_oc4j component load balances OC4J requests across Oracle Application Server instances. In this case, AggreSpy may report results for systems that are not the localhost ( .


It is recommended, when using Oracle Application Server Clusters, that you use dmstool instead of AggreSpy.

Viewing Performance Metrics Using dmstool

The dmstool command allows you to view a specific performance metric, a set of performance metrics, or all performance metrics for an Oracle Application Server instance. The dmstool command also supports an option that allows you to set a reporting interval, specified in seconds, to report updated metrics every t seconds.

For example, you can monitor the performance of a specific servlet, JSP, EJB, EJB method, or database connection and you can request periodic snapshots of metrics specific to these components.

The format for using dmstool to display built-in performance metrics is:

% dmstool [options] metric metric ...


% dmstool [options] –list


% dmstool [options] –dump

Table 2-2 lists the dmstool command-line options. Following Table 2-2 this section presents examples that show sample usage with specific performance metrics. The dmstool command is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory on UNIX or in %ORACLE_HOME%\bin directory on Windows.


You can use dmstool in scripts or in combination with other monitoring tools to gather performance data, to check application performance, or to build tools that modify your system based on the values of performance metrics.

See Also:

"Using dmstool to List the Names of All Metrics"

Appendix A, " Performance Metrics" for a list and description of the DMS metrics

Access Control for dmstool

By default, dmstool shows metrics only when it is run from the localhost ( . If you want to view metrics from an Oracle Application Server running on a remote host, then you need to use dmstool with the -a option, on the local host, and update the dms.conf file of the remote Oracle Application Server instance in the $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/ directory on UNIX or %ORACLE_HOME%\Apache\Apache\conf\ directory on Windows.

The configuration changes required to control the access to metrics using dmstool are the same as those for accessing dms0/AggreSpy.

Table 2-2 dmstool Command-line Options

Option Description
–a[ddress] opmn:// host[:port] By default, without the -a option, dmstool gets metrics from the Oracle Application Server instance with the same $ORACLE_HOME as dmstool. When dmstool runs in the same $ORACLE_HOME as the Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server, OPMN, the –a option is not required.

You can specify –a with the opmn:// prefix and the arguments shown to monitor the Oracle Application Server processes under OPMN control that produce DMS metrics (some OPMN controlled processes, for example Oracle Application Server Web Cache, do not expose DMS metrics).


host is the domain name or IP address of the host on which the OPMN process is running.

port specifies the OPMN request port that supplies metrics. The request port is specified in $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml.

For example, the following shows the specification in opmn.xml for a request port (request="6003"):

<port local="6100" remote="6200" request="6003"/>

Note, if you use dmstool -a to request metrics from a remote system, the system must be configured to provide metrics (by default you can access DMS metrics on the localhost).

See Also: "AggreSpy URL and Access Control"

–c[ount] num Specifies the number of times to retrieve values when monitoring metrics. If not specified, dmstool continues retrieving metric values until the process is stopped.

The –count option is not used with the –list option.

–dump [format=xml] Using dmstool with the -dump option reports all the available metrics on the standard output. Oracle recommends that you run with the -dump option periodically, such as every 15 to 20 minutes, to capture and save a record of performance data for your Oracle Application Server server.

The -dump option also supports the format=xml query. Using this query at the end of the command line supplies the metric output in XML format.

–help List the dmstool command-line options.
–i[nterval] secs Specifies the number of seconds to wait between metric retrievals. The default is 5 seconds. The interval argument is not used with the –list option. The interval specified is approximate.

Note: if the system load is high, the actual interval may vary from the interval specified using the –interval option.

–l[ist] [-table] Generates a list of all metrics available. Use the –list option with the –table option to display a list of all the metric table names.

Note, including metric names on the command-line is not valid when using the –list option with dmstool.

–table metric_table Includes all the performance metrics for the specified metric table with the name, metric_table.

See Appendix A, " Performance Metrics" or run AggreSpy for a list of metric table names.

Using dmstool to List the Names of All Metrics

Every Oracle Application Server performance metric has a unique name. Using dmstool with the –list option produces a list of all metric names. The –list output contains the metric names that you can use with dmstool to request monitoring information for a specific metric or set of metrics.

Using the following command, dmstool displays a list of all metrics available on the server:

% dmstool –list

This command displays a list of the available metrics.

Using dmstool to Report Values for Specific Performance Metrics

To monitor a specific metric or set of metrics, use dmstool and include the metric name on the command-line. For example, to monitor the time the JVM has been running, perform the following steps:

  1. Use dmstool with the -list option to find the name of the metric that shows the JVM uptime:

    % dmstool -list | grep JVM/upTime.value
  2. Use dmstool and supply the full metric name as an argument to show the metric value:

    % dmstool /system1/OC4J:3000:6004/JVM/upTime.value 
    Tue Apr 29 16:20:05 PDT 2003
    /system1/OC4J:3000:6004/JVM/upTime.value     14022008        msecs

Using dmstool, the default repeat interval is 10 seconds, so this command shows the updated metric value every 5 seconds. Use the -count option to limit the number of times dmstool reports values. For example:

% dmstool /system1/OC4J:3000:6004/JVM/upTime.value -count 2
Tue Apr 29 16:20:05 PDT 2003
/system1/OC4J:3000:6004/JVM/upTime.value     14336273        msecs

Tue Apr 29 16:20:15 PDT 2003
/system1/OC4J:3000:6004/JVM/upTime.value     14345881        msecs

Using dmstool With the Interval and Count Options

To monitor the load balance between the two identified OC4J processes for two hours, use the following dmstool command, supplying several metric names on the command-line:

% dmstool -i 60 -c 120 \
/myhost/OC4J:3000:6003/oc4j/default/WEBs/default/processRequest.completed \
/myhost/OC4J:3000:6003/oc4j/default/WEBs/processRequest.completed \
/myhost/OC4J:3001:6003/oc4j/default/WEBs/default/processRequest.completed \
/myhost/OC4J:3001:6003/oc4j/default/WEBs/processRequest.completed \
/myhost/OC4J:3001:6003/oc4j/ojspdemos/WEBs/ojsp/JSPs/processRequest.completed \
/myhost/OC4J:3001:6003/oc4j/ojspdemos/WEBs/ojsp/processRequest.completed \

This command reports 120 sets of output for the metrics listed on the command line, while collecting data at intervals of 60 seconds:

Mon Nov 19 17:13:01 PDT 2002
/myhost/OC4J:3000:6003/oc4j/default/WEBs/default/processRequest.completed           437 ops
/myhost/OC4J:3000:6003/oc4j/default/WEBs/processRequest.completed                   441 ops
/myhost/OC4J:3001:6003/oc4j/default/WEBs/default/processRequest.completed           432 ops
/myhost/OC4J:3001:6003/oc4j/default/WEBs/processRequest.completed                   436 ops
/myhost/OC4J:3001:6003/oc4j/ojspdemos/WEBs/ojspdemos/JSPs/processRequest.completed  452 ops
/myhost/OC4J:3001:6003/oc4j/ojspdemos/WEBs/ojspdemos/processRequest.completed       425 ops
/myhost/OC4J:3001:6003/oc4j/ojspdemos/WEBs/processRequest.completed                 455 ops
Mon Nov 19 17:14:01 PDT 2002
/myhost/OC4J:3000:6003/oc4j/default/WEBs/default/processRequest.completed           452 ops
/myhost/OC4J:3000:6003/oc4j/default/WEBs/processRequest.completed                   470 ops
/myhost/OC4J:3001:6003/oc4j/default/WEBs/default/processRequest.completed           462 ops
/myhost/OC4J:3001:6003/oc4j/default/WEBs/processRequest.completed                   451 ops
/myhost/OC4J:3001:6003/oc4j/ojspdemos/WEBs/ojspdemos/JSPs/processRequest.completed  469 ops
/myhost/OC4J:3001:6003/oc4j/ojspdemos/WEBs/ojspdemos/processRequest.completed       452 ops
/myhost/OC4J:3001:6003/oc4j/ojspdemos/WEBs/processRequest.completed                 472 ops

Using dmstool to Report All Metrics with Metric Values

Using dmstool with the -dump option displays all the metrics from an Oracle Application Server instance to the standard output.

The following command displays all available metrics:

% dmstool –dump

Oracle recommends that you run dmstool with the -dump option periodically, such as every 15 to 20 minutes, to capture and save a record of performance data. If you save performance data over time, this data can assist you if you need to analyze system behavior to improve performance or when problems occur.

Using dmstool to Report All Metrics with Metric Values in XML Format

When you need to process metric data, use the format=xml query on the dmstool command line to report all metric values in XML format.

The following command displays all available metrics using XML format:

% dmstool –dump format=xml

Using dmstool to View Metrics on a Remote Oracle Application Server System

Using dmstool with the -a option reports the metrics from a remote Oracle Application Server instance.


By default the Oracle Application Server only allows dmstool to access metrics from the localhost. You need to modify dms.conf to support access from systems other than the localhost. See "AggreSpy URL and Access Control" for information on DMS access control.

The following command displays all available metrics and metric values on the Oracle Application Server Instance, as specified with the –a option:

% dmstool –a opmn://system1:6003 -list

Using the dmstool -a option, supply an argument with the prefix opmn:// and include the host name where you want to obtain metrics, and the OPMN request port number. The port specifies the OPMN request port that supplies metrics for Oracle Application Server which is specified the request attribute under the <notification-server> element in $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml on UNIX and %ORACLE_HOME%\opmn\conf\opmn.xml on Windows.

Viewing Performance Metrics Using Spy (for Standalone OC4J)

When you are using OC4J in standalone mode, without the Oracle Application Server, the Spy Servlet allows you to access OC4J metrics in a manner similar to AggreSpy.

When running OC4J standalone, access performance metrics using Spy from the following URL:



You can only run Spy when OC4J is configured to support it, and OC4J is running. By default, OC4J supports Spy.

Table 2-3 covers the dmstool option that only applies to OC4J standalone mode. In addition, the options shown in Table 2-2 also apply to dmstool (except the -a option with the opmn:// prefix.

Table 2-3 dmstool Command-line Options (for Standalone OC4J only)

Option Description
–a[ddress] host[:port][path],... For a standalone OC4J system, use the -a option. This specifies the http:// protocol, where:

host is the domain name or IP address of the host on which the Oracle HTTP Server is running and port specifies the associated port.