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Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide
Release 2.6.3

Part Number B10283-02
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Workflow Open Mail (More Information Request) Message

The Notification System uses the Workflow Open Mail (More Information Request) message as a default template to send a request for more information about a notification from one user to another user. The notification template includes generic instructions on how to respond with the requested information. It also includes the following information about a message: the name of the sender of the message, the history of any previous requests for more information and responses to those requests, the date that a response is due, and any comments from the sender or, if the notification is forwarded from another user, any comments from the forwarder.

The response instructions in the plain text message body describe how to reply manually. This message is used for notifications sent to performers with a notification preference of MAILTEXT or MAILATTH. The response instructions in the HTML-formatted message body describe how to reply using the automatically generated response template. This message is used for notifications sent to performers with a notification preference of MAILHTML or MAILHTM2, and is also attached to notifications sent to performers with a notification preference of MAILATTH.

The Workflow Open Mail (More Information Request) message has the following message attributes. The values are drawn from the message definition associated with a notification activity.

DUE_DATE The date by which a response is required, specified in the notification activity.
BODY The text of the body defined in the message.
SUBJECT The subject line defined in the message.
COMMENT Comments added by the sender or the forwarder.
SENDER The name of the sender of the message, as displayed in the From column in the Worklist.
HISTORY Any previous requests for more information about the notification and the responses to those requests.
QUESTION Details about what information is being requested.
RESPONSE The user response section.
NOTIFICATION Required notification code used to identify the information in the notification.
HEADER Standard header attributes and any custom header attributes defined to hold key information for the message. See: Header Attributes, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.
You can customize the boilerplate text that appears in the body of the Workflow Open Mail (More Information Request) message, where attributes preceded by an ampersand (&) are token substituted with runtime values when the notification is sent.

The boilerplate text for a plain text message body is as follows:

Oracle Workflow Notification

_________________Start of Response Template_________________

More Information Template for &NOTIFICATION
User &SENDER has requested more information for the notification. Please reply to this message, including this response template with your reply.  Copy and paste from this message if necessary to obtain an editable copy of the template. Insert your comments between the quotes against the prompt.
Question: &QUESTION
__________________End of Response Template__________________
Notification Details:
Due Date: &DUE_DATE

The boilerplate text for a HTML-formatted message body is as follows:

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Oracle Workflow Notification </TITLE> </HEAD> 
<P>User &SENDER has requested more information for the following notification.
<P>Question: <B>&QUESTION</B>
<P><B>Please click on the following link to automatically generate an E-mail response for this question. Before sending the E-mail response, ensure desired comments within quotes.</B>

See: Modifying Your Message Templates

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