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Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide
Release 2.6.3

Part Number B10283-02
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Using the Workflow XML Loader

The Workflow XML Loader is a command line utility that lets you upload and download XML definitions for Business Event System objects between a database and a flat file. When you download Business Event System object definitions from a database, Oracle Workflow saves the definitions as an XML file. When you upload object definitions to a database, Oracle Workflow loads the definitions from the source XML file into the Business Event System tables in the database, creating new definitions or updating existing definitions as necessary.

The XML definitions for Business Event System objects are structured according to the following document type definitions (DTDs):

Note: Agent groups are currently only available for the version of Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications.

XML files uploaded or downloaded by the Workflow XML Loader should have the extension .wfx to identify them as Workflow object XML definitions.

You can download Business Event System object definitions in either normal download mode or exact download mode.

In normal download mode, the Workflow XML Loader uses the following tokens to replace system-specific data within Business Event System object definitions. The tokens are prefixed by #.

By converting these system-specific values to tokens, the loader produces template definitions that you can use to create similar objects in other systems. When you upload object definitions that contain tokens to a database, Oracle Workflow replaces the tokens with the appropriate values for that system.

You can upload Business Event System object definitions in either normal upload mode or force upload mode.

See: Access Protection for Business Event System Data.

See Also

Managing Business Events, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide

arrow icon   To Download Business Event System XML Definitions from a Database

To download Business Event System object definitions from a database to a flat XML file, you can either run the Workflow XML Loader manually, or, if you are using the standalone version of Oracle Workflow, you can use a script to run the loader.

To run the Workflow XML Loader manually, run JRE against You must specify your CLASSPATH pointing to the Java Runtime Environment, the directory containing the Workflow JAR files, the Oracle JDBC implementation, and the following Workflow JAR files:

Note: If you are using the standalone version of Oracle Workflow, the Workflow JAR files are located in the <ORACLE_HOME>/jlib directory. If you are using the version of Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications, the Workflow JAR files are located in the <ORACLE_HOME>/wf/java/oracle/apps/fnd/wf/jar/ directory.

For example, on UNIX, use the following command to run the Workflow XML Loader:

jre -classpath "$<JREPATH>/rt.jar:$<Workflow_JAR_file_directory>:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/jdbc/lib/" -d[e] <user> <password> <connect_string> <protocol> <lang> <output_file> <object> <key> OWNER_TAG <owner_tag>

On Windows NT, use the following command:

jre -classpath ";<JREPATH>\rt.jar;<Workflow_JAR_file_directory>;
<ORACLE_HOME>\jdbc\lib\;" -d[e] <user> <password> <connect_string> <protocol> <lang> <output_file> <object> <key> OWNER_TAG <owner_tag>

If you are using the standalone version of Oracle Workflow, you can use sample scripts called wfxload for UNIX or wfxload.bat for Windows NT to run the Workflow XML Loader. These scripts are located on your server in the Oracle Workflow admin subdirectory. For example, on UNIX, use the following command:

wfxload -d[e] <user> <password> <connect_string> <protocol> <lang> <output_file> <object> <key> OWNER_TAG <owner_tag>

On Windows NT, use the following command:

wfxload.bat -d[e] <user> <password> 
<connect_string> <protocol> <lang> <output_file> <object> <key> OWNER_TAG <owner_tag>

When running the Workflow XML Loader, use either the -d option or the -de option to specify the download mode that you want.

Additionally, replace the variables in the download command with your parameters as follows:

Note: The Workflow XML Loader only downloads event subscription, agent, agent group member, and system definitions that belong to the local system.

Note: To report more extensive debugging information in the program output, you can run the Workflow XML Loader in debug mode by including the DebugMode argument just before the -d or -de option. For example, use the following command:

		jre -classpath <classpath> 
DebugMode -d[e] <user> <password> <connect_string>
<protocol> <lang> <output_file> <object> <key>
OWNER_TAG <owner_tag>

Attention: To use the Workflow XML Loader in download mode, your Oracle Database version must be Oracle8i Database Release 3 (8.1.7) or higher.. The download utility is not supported for earlier versions of Oracle8i Database. To replicate Business Event System objects from one system to another for earlier database versions, you should follow the steps to synchronize systems using predefined subscriptions provided with the Business Event System. See: Synchronizing Systems, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.

You can, however, use the Workflow XML Loader in upload mode with versions of Oracle8i Database earlier than Release 3 (8.1.7).

arrow icon   To Upload Business Event System XML Definitions to a Database

To upload Business Event System object definitions from an XML file to a database, you can either run the Workflow XML Loader manually, or, if you are using the standalone version of Oracle Workflow, you can use a script to run the loader.

To run the Workflow XML Loader manually, run JRE against You must specify your CLASSPATH pointing to the Java Runtime Environment, the directory containing the Workflow JAR files, the Oracle JDBC implementation, and the following Workflow JAR files:

Note: If you are using the standalone version of Oracle Workflow, the Workflow JAR files are located in the <ORACLE_HOME>/jlib directory. If you are using the version of Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications, the Workflow JAR files are located in the <ORACLE_HOME>/wf/java/oracle/apps/fnd/wf/jar/ directory.

For example, on UNIX, use the following command to run the Workflow XML Loader:

jre -classpath "$<JREPATH>/rt.jar:$<Workflow_JAR_file_directory>:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/jdbc/lib/" -u[f] <user> <password> <connect_string> <protocol> <lang> <source_file>

On Windows NT, use the following command:

jre -classpath ";<JREPATH>\rt.jar;<Workflow_JAR_file_directory>;
<ORACLE_HOME>\jdbc\lib\;" -u[f] <user> <password> <connect_string> <protocol> <lang> <source_file>

If you are using the standalone version of Oracle Workflow, you can use sample scripts called wfxload for UNIX or wfxload.bat for Windows NT to run the Workflow XML Loader. These scripts are located on your server in the Oracle Workflow admin subdirectory. For example, on UNIX, use the following command:

wfxload -u[f] <user> <password> <connect_string> <protocol> <lang> <source_file>

On Windows NT, use the following command:

wfxload.bat -u[f] <user> <password> <connect_string> <protocol> <lang> <source_file>

When running the Workflow XML Loader, use either the -u option or the -uf option to specify the upload mode that you want.

Additionally, replace the variables with your parameters as follows:

Note: Each subscription definition that you want to upload must include a phase number, owner name, and owner tag. The Workflow XML Loader cannot upload a source file containing subscription definitions that are missing this information.

Note: To report more extensive debugging information in the program output, you can run the Workflow XML Loader in debug mode by including the DebugMode argument just before the -u option. For example, use the following command:

		jre -classpath <classpath> 
DebugMode -u[f] <user> <password> <connect_string>
<protocol> <lang> <source_file>

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