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Oracle Workflow API Reference
Release 2.6.3

Part Number B10286-02
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Attention: Document management functionality is reserved for future use. This description of the get_launch_document_url API is provided for reference only.


procedure get_launch_document_url

    (username in varchar2,
document_identifier in varchar2,
display_icon in Boolean,
launch_document_url out varchar2);


Returns an anchor URL that launches a new browser window containing the DM integration screen that displays the specified document. The screen is a frame set of two frames. The upper frame contains a customizable company logo and a toolbar of Oracle Workflow-integrated document management functions. The lower frame displays the specified document.

Arguments (input)

username The username of the person accessing the document management system.
document_identifier The document identifier for the document you wish to display. The document identifier should be stored as a value in an item attribute of type document. You can retrieve the document identifier using the GetItemAttrDocument API. See: GetItemAttrDocument and SetItemAttrDocument.
display_icon True or False. True tells the procedure to return the URL with the paper clip attachment icon and translated prompt name, whereas False tells the procedure to return only the URL. This argument provides you the flexibility needed when you call this procedure from a form- or HTML-based UI agent.

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