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Oracle Workflow API Reference
Release 2.6.3

Part Number B10286-02
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procedure SetAdHocUserAttr

     (user_name in varchar2,
display_name in varchar2 default null,
notification_preference in varchar2 default null,
language in varchar2 default null,
territory in varchar2 default null,
email_address in varchar2 default null,
fax in varchar2 default null);


Updates the attributes for an ad hoc user.

Attention: If you implement Oracle Internet Directory integration, you must maintain your users only through OID. You must not use the SetAdHocUserAttr( ) API to update user information in the WF_LOCAL_ROLES table, because you risk discrepancies in your user information and unpredictable results if you use any tool other than OID to maintain users after integrating with OID.

Arguments (input)

user_name The internal name of the ad hoc user to update.
display_name A new display name for the ad hoc user. If null, the display name is not updated.
notification_preference A new notification preference of 'MAILTEXT', 'MAILHTML', 'MAILATTH', 'MAILHTM2', 'QUERY' or 'SUMMARY'. If null, the notification preference is not updated.
language A new value of the database NLS_LANGUAGE initialization parameter for the ad hoc user. If null, the language setting is not updated.
territory A new value of the database NLS_TERRITORY initialization parameter for the ad hoc user. If null, the territory setting is not updated.
email_address A new valid electronic mail address for the ad hoc user. If null, the electronic mail address is not updated.
fax A new fax number for the ad hoc user. If null, the fax number is not updated.

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