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Oracle Workflow API Reference
Release 2.6.3

Part Number B10286-02
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PL/SQL Syntax

procedure Send

     (p_event in out wf_event_t);


Sends an event message from one agent to another. If the event message contains both a From Agent and a To Agent, the message is placed on the outbound queue of the From Agent and then asynchronously delivered to the To Agent by AQ propagation, or whichever type of propagation is implemented for the agents' protocol.

If the event message contains a To Agent but no specified From Agent, the message is sent from the default outbound agent that matches the queue type of the To Agent.

If the event message contains a From Agent but no specified To Agent, the event message is placed on the From Agent's queue without a specified recipient.

Note: The subscriber list for a multi-consumer queue in Oracle Advanced Queuing is different from event subscriptions in the Oracle Workflow Business Event System. For more information, see: Subscription and Recipient Lists, Oracle Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing or Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide and Reference.

The send date within the event message indicates when the message should become available for the consumer to dequeue. If the send date is blank, the Send() procedure resets the value to the current system date, meaning the message is immediately available for dequeuing as soon as it is propagated. If the send date is a future date, the message is marked with a delay time corresponding to that date and does not become available for dequeuing until the delay time has passed. For more information, see: Time Specification: Delay, Oracle Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing or Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide and Reference.

Note: If you want to use the send date to determine when a message becomes available for dequeuing on the To Agent, you should set the send date during subscription processing before Send() is called.

Send() returns the final event message that was sent, including any properties set by the procedure.

Arguments (input)

p_event The event message.

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