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Oracle Workflow API Reference
Release 2.6.3

Part Number B10286-02
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PL/SQL Syntax

procedure SetDispatchMode

     (p_mode in varchar2);


Sets the dispatch mode of the Event Manager to either deferred or synchronous subscription processing. Call SetDispatchMode() with the mode 'ASYNC' just before calling Raise() to defer all subscription processing forever for the event that you will raise. In this case, the Event Manager places the event on the WF_DEFERRED queue before executing any subscriptions for that event. The subscriptions are not executed until the agent listener runs to dequeue the event from the WF_DEFERRED queue.

You can call SetDispatchMode() with the mode 'SYNC' to set the dispatch mode back to normal synchronous subscription processing. In this mode, the phase number for each subscription determines whether the subscription is executed immediately or deferred.

Note: This method of deferring subscription processing is not recommended and should only be used in exceptional circumstances, since it requires hard-coding the deferral in your application. To retain the flexibility to modify subscription processing without intrusion into the application, you can simply mark some or all of the individual subscriptions for deferral using the subscription phase numbers.

Arguments (input)

p_mode The dispatch mode: either 'ASYNC' for deferred (asynchronous) subscription processing, or 'SYNC' for synchronous subscription processing.

See Also

Deferred Subscription Processing, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide


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