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Oracle Workflow API Reference
Release 2.6.3

Part Number B10286-02
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PL/SQL Syntax

function Parameters

    (p_string in varchar2, 
p_numvalues in number,
p_separator in varchar2) return t_parameters;


Parses a string of text that contains the specified number of parameters delimited by the specified separator. Parameters() returns the parsed parameters in a varray using the T_PARAMETERS composite datatype, which is defined in the WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG package. The following table describes the T_PARAMETERS datatype:

Datatype Name Element Datatype Definition

Parameters() is a generic utility that you can call in Generate functions when the event key is a concatenation of values separated by a known character. Use this function to separate the event key into its component values.

Arguments (input)

p_string A text string containing concatenated parameters.
p_numvalues The number of parameters contained in the string.
p_separator The separator used to delimit the parameters in the string.

set serveroutput on

l_parameters wf_event_functions_pkg.t_parameters;
-- Initialize the datatype
l_parameters := wf_event_functions_pkg.t_parameters(1,2);

l_parameters := wf_event_functions_pkg.parameters('1111/2222',2,'/');
dbms_output.put_line('Value 1:'||l_parameters(1));
dbms_output.put_line('Value 2:'||l_parameters(2));

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