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Oracle Workflow API Reference
Release 2.6.3

Part Number B10286-02
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Notification Mailer Utility API

The notification mailer utility API can be used to encode data in a binary large object (BLOB) to base64. This API is defined in a PL/SQL package called WF_MAIL_UTIL.

Note: This package is only available if your database version is Oracle9i Database or higher. The Oracle8i Database does not support base64 encoding.


PL/SQL Syntax

procedure EncodeBLOB

    (pIDoc in blob,
pODoc in out nocopy clob);


Encodes the specified BLOB to base64 and returns the encoded data as a character large object (CLOB). You can use this procedure to store a BLOB in a PL/SQL CLOB document to be included in a notification message.

Note: This API is only available if your database version is Oracle9i Database or higher. The Oracle8i Database does not support base64 encoding.

Arguments (input)

pIDoc The BLOB to encode.
pODoc The CLOB in which the encoded data should be stored.

See Also

Standard APIs for "PL/SQL" Documents, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide

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