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Oracle Workflow API Reference
Release 2.6.3

Part Number B10286-02
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PL/SQL Syntax

procedure SetItemAttrTextArray

    (itemtype in varchar2,
itemkey in varchar2,
aname in Wf_Engine.NameTabTyp,
avalue in Wf_Engine.TextTabTyp);

procedure SetItemAttrNumberArray
(itemtype in varchar2,
itemkey in varchar2,
aname in Wf_Engine.NameTabTyp,
avalue in Wf_Engine.NumTabTyp);

procedure SetItemAttrDateArray
(itemtype in varchar2,
itemkey in varchar2,
aname in Wf_Engine.NameTabTyp,
avalue in Wf_Engine.DateTabTyp);


Sets the values of an array of item type attributes in a process. Use the SetItemAttributeArray APIs rather than the SetItemAttribute APIs for improved performance when you need to set the values of large numbers of item type attributes at once.

Use the correct procedure for your attribute type. All attribute types except number and date use SetItemAttrTextArray.

Note: The SetItemAttributeArray APIs use PL/SQL table composite datatypes defined in the WF_ENGINE package. The following table shows the column datatype definition for each PL/SQL table type.

PL/SQL Table Type Column Datatype Definition
NameTabTyp Wf_Item_Attribute_Values.NAME%TYPE
TextTabTyp Wf_Item_Attribute_Values.TEXT_VALUE%TYPE
NumTabTyp Wf_Item_Attribute_Values.NUMBER_VALUE%TYPE
DateTabTyp Wf_Item_Attribute_Values.DATE_VALUE%TYPE

Arguments (input)

itemtype A valid item type.
itemkey A string generated from the application object's primary key. The string uniquely identifies the item within an item type. The item type and key together identify the process. See: CreateProcess.
aname An array of the internal names of the item type attributes.
avalue An array of the values for the item type attributes.

The following example shows how using the SetItemAttributeArray APIs rather than the SetItemAttribute APIs can help reduce the number of calls to the database.

Using SetItemAttrText():

SetItemAttrText('ITYPE', 'IKEY', 'VAR1', 'value1');
SetItemAttrText('ITYPE', 'IKEY', 'VAR2', 'value2');
SetItemAttrText('ITYPE', 'IKEY', 'VAR3', 'value3');

// Multiple calls to update the database.

Using SetItemAttrTextArray():

varname Wf_Engine.NameTabTyp;
varval Wf_Engine.TextTabTyp;
varname(1) := 'VAR1';
varval(1) := 'value1';
varname(2) := 'VAR2';
varval(2) := 'value2';
varname(3) := 'VAR3';
varval(3) := 'value3';
Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrTextArray('ITYPE', 'IKEY', varname, varval);
when OTHERS then
// handle your errors here

// Only one call to update the database.

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