Configuration Settings Editor

This figure displays one pane with two available menu items above two available radio buttons and a directory tree below. The two available menu items are 'File' and 'Profile'. Below this are two radio buttons.  To the right of the second radio button is an activated pull-down menu box. Below the radio buttons is the lower section that displays a directory tree.

The top pane displays two radio buttons, on atop the other.  The top radio button is labeled 'Global Settings' and is not selected.  The bottom radio button is labeled 'Profile' and is selected.

To the right of the bottom radio button is a pull-down menu.  In this pull-down menu are two choices:

Below this pane is a partially covered dialog box.  This dialog box displays a directory tree with 'Categories' at the top of this tree.  Below 'Categories' are three unselected branches: FTP and SAP R/3.