The image shows bidirectional arrows between TP1 Host and TPA, and between TP2 Remote and TPA. Trading partner data for TP1 Host includes the party ID (DUNS), and for delivery channel, RNIF 1.1 (document exchange) and HTTP (transport). A bidirectional arrow connects the trading partner block of data and TP1 Host. A bidirectional arrow also connects the native role and TP1 Host. Collaboration +Role-Buyer data for TP1 Host includes a collaboration example, PIP3A4, and a business transaction example, request purchase order. Purchase order requests and purchase order acceptance both require receipt acknowledgments in the example. A bidirectional arrow connects the collaboration+role-buyer block of data and TP1 Host. Trading partner data for TP2 Remote is the same as for TP1 Host, with the except of the native role, which is not depicted for TP2 Remote. A bidirectional arrow connects the trading partner block of data and TP2 Remote. A bidirectional arrow connects the collaboration+role-buyer block of data and TP2 Remote.