The image displays two roles from left to right: Native Role and Application Role. The Native Role has four role ports on its left side (two for incoming events (NE_ACK and NE_CAA) and two for outgoing events (NE_CAR and NE_ACK)) and four role ports on its right side (two for incoming events and two for outgoing events). The role ports are denoted with small boxes and the events are denoted by slanted rectangles. The Native Role has four steps inside. Each step is connected through data flows and step ports to a role port on the left side and a role port on the right side. The steps are denoted by circles, the data flows are denoted by solid arrows, and the step ports are denoted by narrow boxes. Control flows connect the four steps to each other inside the role. The control flows are denoted by dashed arrows.

The Application Role to the right has two ports on its left side and two on its right side. The incoming event on the left side is named AE_CAA. The outgoing event on the left side is named AE_CAR. The outgoing event on the right side is named AE_CAR. The incoming event on the right side is named AE_CAA. The role includes two steps. Each step is connected with a data flow on its left side and a data flow on its right side. The steps are connected to each other by a control flow. Each data flow connects to a step with a step port.

There are four events between the Native Role and the Translation Binding Role. Two incoming (NE_ACK and NE_CAA) and two outgoing (NE_CAR and NE_ACK). The legend at the bottom shows that straight rectangles with either solid or dashed borders identify roles, circles identify steps, solid arrows identify data flow, dashed arrows identify control flow, slanted rectangles identify events, boxes identify roles, and thin boxes identify step ports.