The image shows a Start step at the top. The Start step has an outgoing control flow to a Split 1 step. The Split 1 step receives an incoming data flow labeled PO (event) from a role on the left side. The Split 1 step has three outgoing data flows: one to a generatePORejectMessage Transformation step, one to a IsPOValid Condition step, and one to a generatePOApproval Transformation step. The IsPOvalid Condition step has two outgoing control flows. If true, there is a control flow to a generatePOApproval Transformation step, which has an outgoing data flow to a Split2 Split step. If false, there is a control flow to a generatePORejectMessage Transformation step, which has an outgoing data flow to a SetParty1 SetParty step. The SetParty1 SetParty step has an outgoing control flow to an Or step and an outgoing data flow (P1 event) to a role port on the left side of the role. The Split2 Split step has four outgoing data flows: one to a SetParty2 SetParty step, one to a SetParty3 SetParty step, one to a isPOAmountGT1000 Condition step, and one to a SetParty4 SetParty step. The isPOAmountGT1000 Condition step has two outgoing control flows. If false, a control flow goes to the SetParty3 SetParty step. If true, a control flow goes to the SetParty4 SetParty step. The SetParty4 SetParty step has an outgoing data flow (P4 event) to a role port on the right side of the role. The SetParty3 SetParty step has an outgoing data flow (P3 event) to the same role port on the right side of the role. Both the SetParty3 SetParty step and SetParty4 SetParty step have outgoing control flows to an Or step. The Or step has an outgoing control flow to an And step. The SetParty2 SetParty step also has an outgoing control flow to the same And step and also has an outgoing data flow (P2 event) to a role port on the left side of the role. The And step has an outgoing control flow to an Or step (the same Or step to which the SetParty1 SetParty step has an outgoing control flow. The Or step has an outgoing control flow to an End step. End of description.