The image shows the Application Server home page. There are links at the top left section of the page: Home, J2EE Applications, Ports, and Infrastructure. To the far right of these tabs is the time at which the page was last refreshed. Below the three links are the General, CPU Usage, and Memory Usage sections. General includes Stop All, Restart All, and Start All buttons. General also includes a Status field, a Host field, and Installation Type field, and an Oracle Home field. The CPU Usage section includes a graphical view of CPU usage. The Memory Usage section includes a graphical view of memory usage. Below the General, CPU Usage, and Memory Usage sections is the System Components section and table. To the right of the System Components name are buttons for Enable/Disable Components, Configure Component, and Create OC4J Instance. Below these three buttons are buttons for Start, Stop, Restart, and Delete OC4J Instance. The System Components table, which is below these buttons, includes fields for Select, Name (has links), Status, Start Time, CPU Usage (%), and Memory Usage (%). Below the table is a link to Process Management. The Home, J2EE Applications, Ports, and Infrastructure links also display at the bottom. End of description.