The image shows the main page for an Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect instance. The page includes a Summary section in the upper left, an OC4J Instance section in the lower left, an Adapter Framework section in the upper right, and an Integration Manager section in the bottom right. The Summary section includes Status, Version, Host, and Oracle Home fields, as well as Stop All and Restart All buttons. The Adapter Framework section includes Status, Start, Time, CPU Usage, and Memory Usage fields, as well as Stop and Restart buttons. The OC4J Instance section includes Status, Name, Start Time, CPU Usage, Memory Usage, and Related Links fields, as well as Stop and Restart buttons. A link to the ProcessConnect UI tool appears here. The Integration Manager section includes Status, Start Time, CPU Usage, and Memory Usage fields, as well as Stop and Restart buttons. At the bottom of the page is an Administration section, with links to Performance, Server Properties, Integration Manager Log File, and Adapter Framework Log File. End of description.