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Table of Contents Image Oracle® Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10461-01
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What's New in Oracle Internet Directory Software Developer's Kit?

Part I Oracle Internet Directory Programming Concepts

1 Introduction

About Oracle Internet Directory Software Developer's Kit 10g (9.0.4)
Components of the Oracle Internet Directory Software Developer's Kit
Application Development in the Oracle Internet Directory Environment
Architecture of a Directory-Enabled Application
Directory Interactions During Application Lifecycle
Services and APIs for Integrating Applications with Oracle Internet Directory
Integrating Existing Applications with Oracle Internet Directory
Integrating New Applications with Oracle Internet Directory
Other Components of Oracle Internet Directory
Operating Systems Supported

2 Developing Applications with Standard LDAP APIs

History of LDAP
Overview of LDAP Models
LDAP Naming Model
LDAP Information Model
LDAP Functional Model
LDAP Security Model
About Standard LDAP APIs
API Usage Model
About the C API
About the Java API
About the DBMS_LDAP Package
Initializing an LDAP Session
Initializing the Session by Using the C API
Initializing the Session by Using JNDI
Initializing the Session by Using DBMS_LDAP
Authenticating an LDAP Session
Authenticating an LDAP Session by Using the C API
Authenticating an LDAP Session by Using JNDI
Authenticating an LDAP Session by Using DBMS_LDAP
Searching the Directory
Flow of Search-Related Operations
Search Scope
Searching the Directory by Using the C API
Searching the Directory by Using JNDI
Searching the Directory by Using DBMS_LDAP
Terminating the Session
Terminating the Session by Using the C API
Terminating the Session by Using JNDI
Terminating the Session by Using DBMS_LDAP

3 Developing Applications with Oracle Extensions to the Standard LDAP APIs

Overview of Oracle Extensions to the Standard API
Using the API Extensions in PL/SQL
Using the API Extensions in Java
Installation and First Use of Oracle Extensions to the Standard API
User Management Functionality
User Management APIs
User Authentication
User Creation
User Object Retrieval
Group Management Functionality
Identity Management Realm Functionality
Realm Object Retrieval for the Java API
Server Discovery Functionality
Benefits of Oracle Internet Directory Discovery Interfaces
Usage Model for Discovery Interfaces
Determining Server Name and Port Number From DNS
Environment Variables for DNS Server Discovery
Programming Interfaces for DNS Server Discovery
Java APIs for Server Discovery
Examples: Java API for Directory Server Discovery
Resource Information Management Functionality
Resource Type Information
Resource Access Information
Location of Resource Information in the DIT
SASL Authentication Functionality
SASL Authentication by Using the DIGEST-MD5 Mechanism
SASL Authentication by Using External Mechanism
Dependencies and Limitations for the PL/SQ LDAP API

4 Developing Provisioning-Integrated Applications

Introduction to the Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service
Developing Provisioning-Integrated Applications
Example of a Provisioning-Integrated Application
Provisioning Integration Prerequisites
Development Usage Model for Provisioning Integration
Initiating Provisioning Integration
Returning Provisioning Information to the Directory
Development Tasks for Provisioning Integration
Application Installation
User Creation and Enrollment
User Deletion
Extensible Event Definitions
Application Deinstallation
LDAP_NTFY Function Definitions
FUNCTION event_ntfy

5 Developing Oracle Internet Directory Server Plug-ins

Introduction to Oracle Internet Directory Server Plug-ins
Prerequisite Knowledge for Developing Oracle Internet Directory Server Plug-ins
Oracle Internet Directory Server Plug-ins Concepts
About Directory Server Plug-ins
About Server Plug-in Framework
Operation-Based Plug-ins Supported in Oracle Internet Directory
Requirements for Oracle Internet Directory Plug-ins
Designing Plug-ins
Creating Plug-ins
Compiling Plug-ins
Registering Plug-ins
Managing Plug-ins
Enabling and Disabling Plug-ins
Exception Handling
Plug-in LDAP API
Plug-ins and Replication
Plug-in and Database Tools
Plug-in Debugging
Plug-in LDAP API Specifications
Usage Model and Examples
Example 1: Search Query Logging
Example 2: Synchronizing Two DITs
Database Type Definition and Plug-in Module Interface Specifications
Database Object Type Definitions
Plug-in Module Interface Specifications
Directory Server Error Code Reference

6 Developing Applications Integrated with Oracle Delegated Administration Services

Introduction to the Delegated Administration Services
Benefits of Oracle Delegated Administration Services-Based Applications
Developing Applications Integrated with Oracle Delegated Administration Services
Prerequisites for Integration with Oracle Delegated Administration Services
Oracle Delegated Administration Services Integration Methodology and
Java APIs Used to Access URLs

Part II Oracle Internet Directory Programming Reference

7 The C API for Oracle Internet Directory

About the Oracle Internet Directory C API
Oracle Internet Directory SDK C API SSL Extensions
C API Reference
Summary of LDAP C API
Initializing an LDAP Session
LDAP Session Handle Options
Working With Controls
Authenticating to the Directory
SASL Authentication Using Oracle Extensions
SASL Authentication
Closing the Session
Performing LDAP Operations
Abandoning an Operation
Obtaining Results and Peeking Inside LDAP Messages
Handling Errors and Parsing Results
Stepping Through a List of Results
Parsing Search Results
Sample C API Usage
C API Usage with SSL
C API Usage Without SSL
C API Usage for SASL-Based DIGEST-MD5 Authentication
Building Applications with the C API
Required Header Files and Libraries
Building a Sample Search Tool
Dependencies and Limitations of the C API

8 DBMS_LDAP PL/SQL Reference

Summary of Subprograms
Exception Summary
Data-Type Summary


Summary of Subprograms
Function Return Code Summary
Data Type Summary
User-Related Subprograms
Group-Related Subprograms
Subscriber-Related Subprograms
Property-Related Subprograms
Miscellaneous Subprograms
Function Return Code Summary
Data-Type Summary

10 DAS_URL Interface Reference

Oracle Delegated Administration Services Units and Corresponding Directory Entries
DAS Units and Corresponding URL Parameters
DAS URL API Parameter Descriptions
User or Group List of Values Access

11 Provisioning Integration API Reference

Versioning of Provisioning Files and Interfaces
Extensible Event Definition Configuration
PL/SQL Bidirectional Interface (Version 2.0)
Provisioning Event Interface (Version 1.1)
Predefined Event Types
Attribute Type
Attribute Modification Type
Event Dispostions Constants

Part III Appendixes

A Syntax for LDIF and Command-Line Tools

LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) Syntax
Starting, Stopping, Restarting, and Monitoring Oracle Internet Directory Servers
The OID Monitor (oidmon) Syntax
The OID Control Utility (oidctl) Syntax
Entry and Attribute Management Command-Line Tools Syntax
The Catalog Management Tool ( Syntax
ldapadd Syntax
ldapaddmt Syntax
ldapbind Syntax
ldapcompare Syntax
ldapdelete Syntax
ldapmoddn Syntax
ldapmodify Syntax
ldapmodifymt Syntax
ldapsearch Syntax
Oracle Directory Integration and Provisioning Platform Command-Line Tools Syntax
The Directory Integration and Provisioning Assistant
The Tool Syntax
The Tool Syntax
The Tool Syntax
The Tool Syntax
The schemasync Tool Syntax
The Oracle Directory Integration and Provisioning Server Registration Tool
The Provisioning Subscription Tool (oidprovtool) Syntax

B Sample Usage

DBMS_LDAP Sample Code
Using DBMS_LDAP from a Database Trigger
Using DBMS_LDAP for a Search
Example: User-Related Functions
Example: Property-Related Subprograms
Example: Subscriber-Related Functions
Example: Group-Related Functions
Java Sample Code
User Class Sample Code
Subscriber Class Sample Code
Group Class Sample Code
Print Sample Code
JNDI Sample Code
SASL-Based Authentication Sample Code

C DSML Syntax

Capabilities of DSML
Benefits of Using DSML
DSML Syntax
Top-Level Structure
Directory Entries
Schema Entries
Tools Enabled for DSML



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