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Oracle® Application Server Syndication Services Developer’s and Administrator’s Guide
10g (9.0.4)
Part No. B10667-01
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A Error Messages

This appendix lists and describes the error messages used by Syndication Services to assist administrators and developers. This appendix is divided into four sections: server error messages, client error messages, provider error messages, and ICE error messages.

Runtime errors are recorded in the application.log file.

On UNIX, this log file is located under the $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/application-deployments/syndserver/$ISLAND_NUMBER directory, while $ORACLE_HOME is where Oracle Application Server Portal and Oracle Application Server Wireless are installed.

On Windows, this log file is located under the <ORACLE_HOME>\j2ee\OC4J_Portal\application-deployments\syndserver\<ISLAND_NUMBER> directory, while <ORACLE_HOME> is where Oracle Application Server Portal and Oracle Application Server Wireless are installed on Windows.

The value for $ISLAND_NUMBER or <ISLAND_NUMBER>, for instance, should be something like, "OC4J_Portal_default_island_1".

Any errors encountered while using the Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Application Server Syndication Services Administrator are returned to the administrator as a message within the GUI.

A.1 Server Error Messages and Their Descriptions

The following sections describe server error messages.

A.1.1 General Error Messages

Error Code: OSS-00120
JAXP APIs and XML Parser are not correctly configured.

Cause: A configuration error was reported by the XML Parser during its execution.

Action: Verify that xmlparserv2.jar library is in the Oracle Application Server classpath and that the classes are available to OC4J.

A.1.2 Invalid Data Source Init Mode Error Messages

Error Code: OSS-01002
Protocol {0} unsupported.

Cause: The incoming request contains an unsupported protocol.

Action: Check the client-side message library and make sure it complies with what Syndication Services supports.

A.1.3 Database Error Messages

Error Code: OSS-01100
An internal exception occurred. {0}.

Cause: An internal exception occurred, as presented in the exception text.

Action: Check the application.log file.

On UNIX, this log file is located under the $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/application-deployments/syndserver/$ISLAND_NUMBER directory, while $ORACLE_HOME is where Oracle Application Server Portal and Oracle Application Server Wireless are installed.

On Windows, this log file is located under the <ORACLE_HOME>\j2ee\OC4J_Portal\application-deployments\syndserver\<ISLAND_NUMBER> directory, while <ORACLE_HOME> is where Oracle Application Server Portal and Oracle Application Server Wireless are installed on Windows.

The value for $ISLAND_NUMBER or <ISLAND_NUMBER>, for instance, should be something like, "OC4J_Portal_default_island_1".

If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Error Code: OSS-01102
Invalid ID format {0}.

Cause: Internal error. Supplied ID is invalid.

Action: ID should be a valid integer.

A.1.4 Negotiation Error Messages

Error Code: OSS-01203
Syndicator proposes a counter offer.

Cause: Syndicator proposes a counter offer to a subscriber because the supplied offer for the subscription does not conform to what is expected.

Action: Review the counter offer and reply in order to proceed with the subscription.

A.1.5 Database Connection Manager Error Messages

Error Code: OSS-02100
No DataSource initialized.

Cause: No DataSource initialized.

Action: Check the infrastructure database and restart the current instance if needed.

Error Code: OSS-02101
Error opening database connection.

Cause: Error opening database connection.

Action: Check the infrastructure database status and restart the listener or the database instance, or both, if needed.

Error Code: OSS-02103
Error performing JNDI lookup of {0}.

Cause: Error performing JNDI lookup of the listed entry.

Action: Check the data-sources.xml file in your OC4J instance config directory and make sure the jdbc/OracleOSS entry on UNIX or the jdbc\OracleOSS entry on Windows exists and contains the correct database connection information.

Error Code: OSS-02104
Error opening OID connection.

Cause: Error opening OID connection.

Action: Check the Oracle Internet Directory in the infrastructure instance and restart it if needed.

Error Code: OSS-02105
Missing user/group search base.

Cause: Missing user or group search base.

Action: Make sure the Oracle Internet Directory is installed and configured correctly during the infrastructure setup stage.

Error Code: OSS-02106
Syndication mid-tier (version {0}) is incompatible with infrastructure(version {1}), please update the infrastructure.

Cause: Syndication mid-tier is incompatible with infrastructure.

Action: Update the infrastructure installation to the latest release.

A.1.6 Content Connector Error Messages

Error Code: OSS-03100
Error during inspection of CPAdaptor class.

Cause: Failed to inspect CPAdaptor implementation.

Action: Check the deployed content connector (CPAdaptor) implementation, and make sure its implementation classes or library is available in the classpath.

Error Code: OSS-03101
The CPAdaptor class was not found.

Cause: The corresponding CPAdaptor class was not found.

Action: Make sure the deployed content connector (CPAdaptor) library is located under the $ORACLE_HOME/syndication/lib/cp directory on UNIX or under ORACLE_HOME\syndication\lib\cp directory on Windows, and restart the Oracle Application Server instance correspondingly.

Error Code: OSS-03102
The CPAdaptor class cannot be instantiated.

Cause: The CPAdaptor class cannot be instantiated.

Action: Check the content connector (CPAdaptor) implementation and refer to the Syndication Services documentation, if needed.

Error Code: OSS-03103
The CPAdaptor class cannot be accessed.

Cause: The CPAdaptor class cannot be accessed.

Action: Check the content connector (CPAdaptor) implementation and refer to the Syndication Services documentation, if needed.

Error Code: OSS-03104
CPA cannot invoke the target.

Cause: The current content provider adaptor instance cannot invoke the target.

Action: Check the content connector (CPAdaptor) implementation and refer to the Syndication Services documentation, if needed.

Error Code: OSS-03105
Security exception.

Cause: Security exception.

Action: Check the content connector (CPAdaptor) implementation and refer to the Syndication Services documentation, if needed.

Error Code: OSS-03106
Illegal argument.

Cause: Invalid argument.

Action: Check the content connector (CPAdaptor) implementation and refer to the Syndication Services documentation, if needed.

Error Code: OSS-03107
Bad property format.

Cause: Bad property format.

Action: Check the content connector (CPAdaptor) configuration and make sure that the values of the connector properties correspond to the right property type.

Error Code: OSS-03110
The value for the property {0} is missing.

Cause: The value for the content connector (CPAdaptor) property listed in the message is missing.

Action: Review the content connector (CPAdaptor) configuration and add a value for the offending property.

A.1.7 Offer Error Messages

Error Code: OSS-04100
Offer {0} is not active.

Cause: The specified offer is not active.

Action: Contact the administrator of Syndication Services for more details about the specific offer.

Error Code: OSS-04101
Offer {0} is not granted to the subscriber {1}.

Cause: The specified offer is not granted to the user.

Action: The user is trying to a subscribe to an offer not granted to him. Review the offer access settings and modify, if necessary.

Error Code: OSS-04102
{0} is not compliant. Field {1} expecting value {2} while it received {3}.

Cause: The user is trying to subscribe to an offer, however the offer is requesting a subscription that has some differences from the one the user is granted.

Action: The user will have to review and change the offer before resubmitting it for subscription. The only offer fields the user can customize in a subscription request are push_url or remove_ice_element.

A.1.8 Subscription Error Messages

Error Code: OSS-05101
Unrecognized subscriber {0}.

Cause: Unrecognized subscriber. A user with an invalid ID has tried to log in.

Action: Check the identity of the subscriber to verify the correct subscriber ID has been sent to the server.

Error Code: OSS-05103
Unrecognized subscription {0}.

Cause: Unrecognized subscription with the listed ID. The user tried to perform an operation on a subscription that does not exist, or whose state is not active.

Action: Verify the subscription ID is correct, and if applicable, modify the subscription state to active to let the user perform subscription operations.

Error Code: OSS-05104
Subscription {0} is not active.

Cause: Subscription with the listed ID is not active. The user tried to perform an operation on a subscription that does not exist, or whose state is not active.

Action: Verify that the subscription ID is correct, and if applicable, modify the subscription state to active to let the user perform subscription operations.

Error Code: OSS-05105
Subscriber {1} does not own subscription {0}.

Cause: Subscriber with the ID shown does not own the specified subscription.

Action: Verify both the subscriber ID and the subscription ID.

Error Code: OSS-05106
Subscription {0} has no delivery rule.

Cause: Subscription with the ID shown has no delivery rule.

Action: Verify the subscription ID. Also review the offer being subscribed and make sure its contract contains a valid delivery rule.

Error Code: OSS-05107
No delivery rule allows access to subscription {0} at time {1}.

Cause: A content delivery is requested, but no delivery rules associated with the subscription allow access at this time.

Action: Verify the delivery rules associated with the subscriptions. The user will have to retry the delivery request in an appropriate time period.

Error Code: OSS-05108
The URL {0} is not a valid URL.

Cause: The syndicator is trying to push the user a new content package but the user’s push URL is not a supported URL.

Action: Review the user’s push URL for the subscription push delivery rules and, if necessary, notify the user to change the push URL.

Error Code: OSS-05109
Subscription {0} does not have delivery rule {0}.

Cause: Subscription does not have a delivery rule matching the user request.

Action: Verify the delivery rules associated with the subscriptions. The user will have to retry the delivery request according to the delivery rules the user has been granted.

Error Code: OSS-05110
Subscription {0} has expired.

Cause: Subscription state has been automatically changed to expired because the expiration policy criteria have been met.

Action: Review the subscription state and make sure it is expired.

Error Code: OSS-05111
Subscription {0} has outstanding confirmations.

Cause: The user is requesting a content delivery for a subscription that has outstanding confirmations.

Action: The user will have to confirm the previously received in-bound content packages before requesting a new content delivery.

Error Code: OSS-05112
Cannot find package to be confirmed {0} for subscriber {1}.

Cause: The user is trying to confirm a previously delivered content package is unrecognized.

Action: Verify the subscription status and the ID of the last content package delivered to the user. Notify the user of the ID so that he can confirm the delivery.

A.1.9 Scheduler Error Messages

Error Code: OSS-07001
Invalid Scheduler Rule: start date {0} is later than stop date {1}.

Cause: Internal exception, the start date of a push scheduling rule is later than the stop date.

Action: Review the contract associated with the subscribed offer and check the push delivery rule regarding the start date and stop date.

Error Code: OSS-07002
Scheduler not initialized: null database provider.

Cause: The Oracle Application Server Syndication Services scheduler component cannot be initialized because the infrastructure database cannot be contacted.

Action: Check the infrastructure database status and restart the listener or the database instance, or both, if needed.

Error Code: OSS-07003
Scheduler with ID {0} is down.

Cause: An operation involving the Oracle Application Server Syndication Services scheduler component is needed, but the scheduler status is down.

Action: Review the Oracle Application Server Syndication Services system properties and turn on the scheduler component, if needed. A restart of the OC4J_Portal instance where the Syndication Services application is deployed is required.

Error Code: OSS-07004
Invalid Scheduler Rule: number of updates zero or less.

Cause: A push delivery rule with a number of updates per time period of less than zero cannot be scheduled.

Action: Review the number of updates per time period in the Edit Contract page, and change it to a positive number.

A.1.10 Server Message Related Error Messages

Error Code: OSS-08781
OSS Payload validation failure: invalid value {2} for attribute {1} in message {0}.

Cause: The user submitted a request in an invalid message payload. The message contains invalid attributes.

Action: Verify that the user is using the Oracle Application Server Syndication Services client library to develop the application.

Error Code: OSS-08782
OSS Payload validation failure: unexpected element {1} encountered instead of {0}.

Cause: The user submitted a request in an invalid message payload. The message contains an unexpected element.

Action: Verify that the user is using the Oracle Application Server Syndication Services client library to develop the application.

Error Code: OSS-08783
OSS Payload validation failure: expected member {0} is missing.

Cause: The user submitted a request in an invalid message payload. The message does not contain an expected element.

Action: Verify that the user is using the Oracle Application Server Syndication Services client library to develop the application.

A.1.11 SQLException Error Messages

Error Code: OSS-20001
There are dependent object(s) {0} that prevent the operation from being completed.

Cause: The Syndication Services metadata repository contains dependent object(s) in the message that prevent the deletion of one of the repository entities.

Action: Delete the dependent objects first, and then remove the current object.

Error Code: OSS-20002
{0} dependent object(s) are missing. Operation cannot be completed.

Cause: Expected dependent object(s) are missing from the Syndication Services metadata repository. The backend storage is in an inconsistent state, as the external references of the current object no longer exist.

Action: Verify the entities currently existing in the Syndication Services metadata repository, and take the system to a consistent state by removing the offending ones.

Error Code: OSS-20003
The {0} object was not found.

Cause: An object was not found in the Syndication Services metadata repository.

Action: Internal server error. Verify the object identity.

Error Code: OSS-20004
{0} cannot be created because there is a duplicate.

Cause: The listed specified entity cannot be created in the Syndication Services metadata repository because it is a duplicate.

Action: Avoid duplication when creating a new entity.

Error Code: OSS-20005
Association of {0} and {1} does not exist.

Cause: Internal server error: association of the two specified entities does not exist.

Action: Verify the two entities and see if the problem can be resolved.

Error Code: OSS-20007
Association of {0} and {1} already exists.

Cause: Association between the two specified entities already exists.

Action: No action required because the requested association has already been performed.

Error Code: OSS-20008
Object {0} not active.

Cause: The specified object is not active.

Action: Review the object state and change it to active, if appropriate.

Error Code: OSS-20009
Object {0} with {1} state has expired.

Cause: The specified object state has been changed to expired.

Action: Review the subscription state and make sure it is expired.

Error Code: OSS-20012
Offer {0} is not granted to {1}.

Cause: The offer is not granted to the specified user or group.

Action: Review the offer access information and grant it to the specified user, if appropriate.

A.2 Client Error Messages and Their Descriptions

The following are client error messages.

A.2.1 General Error Messages

Error Code: OSS-00120
JAXP APIs and XML parser are not correctly configured.

Cause: A configuration error was reported by the XML parser during its execution.

Action: Verify that xmlparserv2.jar library is in the Oracle Application Server classpath and that the classes are available to OC4J.

Error Code: OSS-00121
Unexpected syndication client internal exception encountered.

Cause: An unexpected exception was encountered by the syndication client.

Action: Look for the log information associated with the client implementation to get additional error information.

A.2.2 XML Client State Handler Error Messages

Error Code: OSS-00150
Cannot use file <filename> to save client state because it is a directory.

Cause: The specified file name cannot be used to save the client state because it is a directory.

Action: Specify a valid file name for the client state storage that does not conflict with an existing directory.

Error Code: OSS-00151
Cannot use file <filename> to save client state because it cannot be read.

Cause: The specified file name cannot be used to save the client state because it cannot be read.

Action: Check that the specified file name for the client state is readable. Grant read permission to the file, if needed.

Error Code: OSS-00152
Cannot create file <filename> to save client state.

Cause: The specified file cannot be created to save the client state.

Action: Check that the file can be created in the specified directory. Grant write permission to the directory, if needed.

Error Code: OSS-00153
An error occurred while parsing client state file <filename>.

Cause: The specified file name is not a valid client state file, or it may be corrupted.

Action: Verify that the client state storage file exists, is not corrupted, and complies with the state handler used to read it.

Error Code: OSS-00154
Cannot write client state to file <filename>.

Cause: The application encountered an error during the attempt to write the client state information to the specified file.

Action: Verify that the client state storage file has been granted write permission.

Error Code: OSS-00155
Cannot add new subscriber with ID <subscriberid> because it is a duplicate.

Cause: The application encountered an error when attempting to add subscriber information to the client state storage file. The file already contains information for a subscriber having the specified ID. Adding a new subscriber with the same ID is not allowed.

Action: Use a different subscriber ID for the new subscriber.

Error Code: OSS-00156
Cannot add a new subscription with ID {0} because it is a duplicate.

Cause: The application encountered an error when attempting to add subscription information to the client state storage file. The file already contains information for a subscription having the specified ID. Adding a new subscription with the same ID is not allowed.

Action: Use a different subscription ID for the new subscription.

A.2.3 FileSAXPackageHandler Error Messages

Error Code: OSS-00160
Cannot initialize directory {0}.

Cause: The application encountered an error when attempting to use the specified directory as the storage root destination for the incoming content packages.

Action: Check that the specified directory exists, can be accessed by the client application, and has write permission.

Error Code: OSS-00161
Cannot create file for item {0}.

Cause: The application was not able to create a file to store the specified item delivered through a content package.

Action: Check that the destination directory has the appropriate write permission, and that the name of the file to be created does not conflict with an existing directory.

Error Code: OSS-00162
Cannot create flush file for item {0}.

Cause: The application was not able to flush the content delivered with the specified item into the destination file.

Action: Check that there is enough space in the destination file system to hold the content of the specified item, and that the destination directory has write permission.

Error Code: OSS-00163
Cannot close file for item {0}.

Cause: There was an error on the attempt to close the file output stream for the specified item.

Action: Verify that the destination file for the specified item was not used by any other application.

A.2.4 SyndicateClientServlet Error Messages

Error Code: OSS-00170
Missing value for property {0}.

Cause: The client servlet failed at initialization time when looking for the specified property in the web.xml configuration file.

Action: Check that the specified property is defined in the web.xml file of the application.

Error Code: OSS-00171
Cannot load class {0}.

Cause: The class specified in the web.xml file for the SyndDelegator implementation cannot be loaded at runtime.

Action: Check that the specified class is available through the OC4J classloader.

A.2.5 DAVSAXPackageHandler Error Messages

Error Code: OSS-00180
Invalid DAV URL {0}.

Cause: The client application encountered an error during the attempt to connect to the specified URL and to establish WebDAV contact using the specified URL.

Action: Make sure that the specified URL is a valid WebDAV end point and that the DAV server is up and running.

Error Code: OSS-00181
Cannot use resource {0} to deliver content package.

Cause: The application encountered an error when attempting to use the specified DAV resource as the storage root destination for the incoming content packages.

Action: Check that the specified DAV collection exists, can be accessed by the client application, and the connected user has write permission.

Error Code: OSS-00182
Cannot create resource for item {0}.

Cause: The application was not able to create a DAV resource to store the specified item delivered through a content package.

Action: Check that the connected user is granted write permission on the destination collection, and that the name of the resource to be created does not conflict with an existing DAV collection.

Error Code: OSS-00183
Cannot flush resource for item {0}.

Cause: The application was not able to flush the content delivered with the specified item in the destination DAV resource. The reason may be due to limited storage space, or to a permission problem on the destination collection.

Action: Check that there is enough space in the destination DAV system to hold the content of the specified item.

Error Code: OSS-00184
Cannot close resource for item {0}.

Cause: There was an error on the attempt to close the resource output stream and to commit the new content delivered with the specified item in the DAV repository.

Action: Verify that the destination resource for the specified item was not used by any other application. Check also that the user connected to the DAV repository has the appropriate permission to write and update resources.

Error Code: OSS-00185
Cannot delete resource for item {0}.

Cause: There was an error on the attempt to delete the resource in the DAV repository.

Action: Verify that the destination resource for the specified item was not used by any other application. Check also that the user connected to the DAV repository had the appropriate permission to delete resources.

Error Code: OSS-00186
Cannot connect to the DAV end point.

Cause: There was an error on the attempt to establish the HTTP connection to the DAV repository.

Action: Verify that the DAV end point is up, the user name and password used to connect are valid, and the authentication system (SSO/OID) is up.

A.2.6 Syndicate Connection Implementation Error Messages

Error Code: OSS-00196
The state handler is not available.

Cause: The client application cannot use the configured state handler.

Action: Check the state handler setting.

Error Code: OSS-00197
Cannot delete subscriber.

Cause: The subscriber could not be deleted because it has some dependent objects that have to be deleted first, or because an error occurred.

Action: Check that the state handler system works properly and that all dependent objects have been removed; then, retry.

A.3 Provider Error Messages and Their Descriptions

The following are provider error messages.

A.3.1 General Error Messages

Error Code: OSS-00120
JAXP APIs and XML parser are not correctly configured.

Cause: A configuration error was reported by the XML parser during its execution.

Action: Verify that xmlparserv2.jar library is in the Oracle Application Server classpath and that the classes are available to OC4J.

A.3.2 SyndicateClientServlet Error Messages

Error Code: OSS-00170
Missing value for property {0}.

Cause: The client servlet failed at initialization time when looking for the specified property in the web.xml configuration file.

Action: Check that the specified property is defined in the web.xml file of the application.

Error Code: OSS-00171
Cannot load class {0}.

Cause: The class specified in the web.xml file for the SyndDelegator implementation cannot be loaded at runtime.

Action: Check that the specified class is available through the OC4J classloader.

A.3.3 DAVSAXPackageHandler Error Messages

Error Code: OSS-00180
Invalid DAV URL {0}.

Cause: The client application encountered an error during the attempt to connect to the specified URL and to establish WebDAV contact using the specified URL.

Action: Make sure that the specified URL is a valid WebDAV end point and that the DAV server is up and running.

Error Code: OSS-00181
Cannot use resource {0} to deliver content package.

Cause: The application encountered an error when attempting to use the specified DAV resource as the storage root destination for the incoming content packages.

Action: Check that the specified DAV collection exists, can be accessed by the client application, and the connected user has write permission.

Error Code: OSS-00182
Cannot create resource for item {0}.

Cause: The application was not able to create a DAV resource to store the specified item delivered through a content package.

Action: Check that the connected user is granted write permission on the destination collection, and that the name of the resource to be created does not conflict with an existing DAV collection.

Error Code: OSS-00183
Cannot flush resource for item {0}.

Cause: The application was not able to flush the content delivered with the specified item in the destination DAV resource. The reason may be due to limited storage space, or to a permission problem on the destination collection.

Action: Check that there is enough space in the destination DAV system to hold the content of the specified item.

Error Code: OSS-00184
Cannot close resource for item {0}.

Cause: There was an error on the attempt to close the resource output stream and to commit the new content delivered with the specified item in the DAV repository or the timeout value specified is too small.

Action: Verify that the destination resource for the specified item was not used by any other application. Check also that the user connected to the DAV repository has the appropriate permission to write and update resources and has specified a large enough timeout value for the oracle.syndicate.ui.provider.ProviderSyndDelegator.TimeoutSyndConn initialization parameter. See Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide for more information.

Error Code: OSS-00185
Cannot delete resource for item {0}.

Cause: There was an error on the attempt to delete the resource in the DAV repository.

Action: Verify that the destination resource for the specified item was not used by any other application. Check also that the user connected to the DAV repository had the appropriate permission to delete resources.

Error Code: OSS-00186
Cannot connect to the DAV end point.

Cause: There was an error on the attempt to establish the HTTP connection to the DAV repository.

Action: Verify that the DAV end point is up, the user name and password used to connect are valid, and the authentication system (SSO/OID) is up.

A.3.4 ProviderSyndRequestHandler Error Messages

Error Code: OSS-00206
Cannot find channel ID for the push request.

Cause: The push request cannot be completed because the channel ID was not correctly specified in the request URL.

Action: Verify that the server is pushing content using the URL originally created at subscription time.

Error Code: OSS-00207
Cannot find the WebDAV URL for the requested channel ID {0}.

Cause: The provider application cannot retrieve the DAV URL setting to connect to the content repository.

Action: Check that provider settings are correctly entered. Use the edit default page to check or update those settings.

Error Code: OSS-00208
Cannot find the connection for the current transaction.

Cause: The application failed to get the connection to commit the current transaction associated with the push process.

Action: Restart the provider Web application. If the problem persists contact the administrator.

A.4 ICE Error Messages and Their Descriptions

The following are ICE error messages.

A.4.1 3nn: Payload-Level Status Messages

Error Code: ICE-300
Generic catastrophic payload error.

Cause: A generic status code indicating an inability to comprehend the received payload.

Action: Check the request payload and resend it; if the problem persists, have your Syndication Services administrator check the status of the requester's account.

Error Code: ICE-301
Payload incomplete or cannot parse.

Cause: The payload sent is severely garbled and cannot be parsed, possibly because it is not an XML payload. Expecting an XML payload and received a payload that was not XML.

Action: Resend the payload and be sure it is an XML payload.

Error Code: ICE-302
Payload not well formed XML.

Cause: The payload sent is recognizable as XML, but is not well formed per the definition of XML.

Action: Ask your Syndication Services administrator to fix the corresponding syndication operation module.

Error Code: ICE-303
Payload validation failure.

Cause: The payload failed validation according to the document type definition (DTD).

Action: Check the request payload. It must conform to the specified request DTD provided by Syndication Services.

Error Code: ICE-304
Temporary responder problem.

Cause: The responder may be too busy, or an update may be in progress, and so forth. Eventually an identical retry request might succeed.

Action: Check the requester's local message system for any notification of system downtime, or try again later.

Error Code: ICE-320
Incompatible version.

Cause: The communication protocol used in the request is not supported.

Action: If you use the Syndication Services client library, check the list of protocol versions it supports and then contact Oracle Support Services. If you do not use the Syndication Services client library, contact your local system administrator for help.

Error Code: ICE-331
Failure fetching external data.

Cause: The receiver could not follow an external reference (URL) given to it by the sender as an external entity reference. Syndication Services must not reply with this code.

Action: Double-check the content offer reference link and all of its related access policies, such as certificates for an HTTP or HTTPS approach.

Error Code: ICE-390
Payload temporary redirect.

Cause: The payload is being redirected temporarily using the supplied new transport communication end point. In ICE or HTTP, this means a new URL is supplied.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Error Code: ICE-391
Payload permanent redirect.

Cause: The payload is being redirected permanently using the supplied new transport end point. In ICE or HTTP, this means a new URL is supplied.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

A.4.2 4nn: Request-Level Status Messages

Error Code: ICE-400
Generic request error.

Cause: A generic status code indicating an inability to comprehend the request.

Action: Check the request payload for errors and resend it.

Error Code: ICE-401
Incomplete or cannot parse.

Cause: The request sent is severely garbled and cannot be parsed.

Action: Check the request payload for errors, and also make sure you close the communication channel only after the request is completely sent out.

Error Code: ICE-402
Not well formed XML.

Cause: The request sent is recognizable XML, but is not well formed per the definition of XML.

Action: Check the request payload for errors.

Error Code: ICE-403
Validation failure.

Cause: The request failed validation according to the DTD.

Action: Make sure the request payload conforms to the request DTD provided by Syndication Services.

Error Code: ICE-405
Unrecognized sender.

Cause: The sender does not have permission to access the current server.

Action: Contact your Syndication Services administrator to verify sender information.

Error Code: ICE-406
Unrecognized subscription.

Cause: Either the subscription ID is not correct, or the subscription is not in a consistent state.

Action: Contact your Syndication Services administrator to verify sender information.

Error Code: ICE-407
Unrecognized operation.

Cause: The request type is not supported at the server side.

Action: Make sure the operation you want to perform is supported for Syndication Services.

Error Code: ICE-408
Unrecognized operation arguments.

Cause: The request argument is not supported at the server side.

Action: Check the request payload against the request DTD provided by Syndication Services. If the error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Error Code: ICE-409
Not available under this subscription.

Cause: The requester has referred to something not covered by the subscription referenced in the request.

Action: Resubscribe with additional conditions.

Error Code: ICE-410
Not found.

Cause: A generic error for being unable to find something.

Action: Check the error message for the detailed description.

Error Code: ICE-411
Unrecognized package sequence state.

Cause: The package sequence identifier supplied by the sender is not understood by the receiver.

Action: Check the payload for errors. If the error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Error Code: ICE-412

Cause: The subscriber does not have permission to access Syndication Services or a certain set of content providers.

Action: Contact your Syndication Services administrator.

Error Code: ICE-413

Cause: Access violation according to the subscriber's profile.

Action: Contact your Syndication Services administrator.

Error Code: ICE-414
Business term violation.

Cause: The current operation or the content of the current request does not comply with the business terms between the subscriber and Syndication Services.

Action: Review the business terms for the subscriber account and adjust the request.

Error Code: ICE-420
Constraint failure.

Cause: The subscriber's request for content occurred from Syndication Services violated or was inconsistent with the constraints specified in the subscriptions.

Action: Review the constraint for the subscription and adjust the subscriber's request payload.

Error Code: ICE-422
Schedule violation, try again later.

Cause: The request was made at an incorrect time.

Action: Issue the request for a package update within the agreed-upon timing window.

Error Code: ICE-430
Not confirmed.

Cause: A generic error indicating the operation is not confirmed.

Action: Check the subscriber's local system setting to send confirmations. If the error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Error Code: ICE-431
Error fetching external data.

Cause: The receiver could not follow an external reference (URL) given to it by the sender.

Action: Check the subscriber's local system settings to enable such action.

Error Code: ICE-440

Cause: As part of the negotiation process, this response indicates the proposal is unacceptable for some reason.

Action: Review the subscription request and make necessary modifications; then, resend the request.

Error Code: ICE-441
Counter proposal.

Cause: As part of the negotiation process, this response indicates an updated offer or a counter proposal.

Action: Review the counter offer subscription request and make necessary modifications, then, send the response.

Error Code: ICE-442
Renegotiation in progress.

Cause: As part of the renegotiation process, this response indicates that renegotiation is in progress.

Action: Proceed to the renegotiation process.

Error Code: ICE-443
Offer acknowledged but deferred.

Cause: Used during parameter negotiation. The receiver of an offer cannot evaluate the offer without human intervention. The sender may try again later with the offered parameters and the same subscription ID. The receiver is expected to respond with a new offer (reflecting the result of the intervention) at some later time.

Action: After waiting for a reasonable period of time, if there is no response, contact your Syndication Services administrator to see if there was a network problem or system problem, which might explain why no response was received. If there were no obvious network or system problems, then the receiver may either contact the sender directly and come to some agreement, at which time the sender will send out a new offer, or the sender may resend the previous offer at a later time.

Error Code: ICE-450
Range type invalid.

Cause: Used during parameter negotiation. A protocol-specific range of type numerical, lexical, time, or enumeration, has been incorrectly specified.

Action: Review the corresponding sections inside the request payload and make corrections.

Error Code: ICE-451
Span selection out of range.

Cause: Used during parameter negotiation. The value selected in a span is less than the minimum or greater than the maximum.

Action: Review the request payload and make the correction.

Error Code: ICE-452
Selection error.

Cause: Used during parameter negotiation. The number of items selected in an enumeration does not match the select attribute. For example, the select attribute may require one or more items to be selected but the number selected in the response was zero.

Action: Review the request payload and make the correction.

Error Code: ICE-453
Enumeration selection empty or invalid.

Cause: Used during parameter negotiation. The number of selectable ice-enum-item elements is not compatible with the select attribute. For example, the select attribute might indicate that at least one ice-enum-item element must be selected, but the actual number of items available is less than the number of ice-enum-item elements in the enumeration.

Action: Review the request payload and make the correction.

Error Code: ICE-454
Span invalid.

Cause: Used during parameter negotiation. A span has values that violate its structure. For example, a span point must not have a value less than the span minimum, nor larger than the span maximum.

Action: Review the request payload and make the correction.

Error Code: ICE-456
Time formats incompatible for comparison.

Cause: Used during parameter negotiation. Two time values to be compared during negotiation are in incompatible formats. For example, a duration is being compared with an ICE date or time.

Action: Review the request payload and make the correction.

A.4.3 5nn: Implementation Error and Operational Failure Messages

Error Code: ICE-500
Generic internal responder error.

Cause: This is a catch-all response for general problems.

Action: Contact your Syndication Services administrator.

Error Code: ICE-501
Temporary responder problem.

Cause: The responder may be too busy, or an update may be in progress, and so forth.

Action: Eventually, an identical retry request might succeed.

Error Code: ICE-503
Not implemented.

Cause: The service does not implement the requested operation.

Action: Make sure the operation you want to perform is supported by Syndication Services.

A.4.4 6nn: Pending State Status Messages

Error Code: ICE-601
Unsolicited message must be processing now.

Cause: The syndicator has unsolicited messages to send to the subscriber, and the subscriber has not yet requested them.

Action: Issue the request for pending packages to Syndication Services.

Error Code: ICE-602
Excessive confirmations outstanding.

Cause: The syndicator had requested confirmation of package delivery, and now refuses to perform any additional operations until the subscriber supplies the confirmations (positive or negative).

Action: Issue the confirmation for the requested package delivery.

Error Code: ICE-603
No more confirmations to send.

Cause: Syndication Services requests a package delivery confirmation that the subscriber believes has already been sent out.

Action: No action is needed.

Error Code: ICE-604
No more unsolicited messages.

Cause: The subscriber sent an ice-unsolicited-now message, but the syndicator has no unsolicited messages to send.

Action: Check the subscriber's local system; if the inconsistencies still persist, contact Oracle Support Services.