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Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE Enterprise JavaBeans Developer's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10324-01
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<abstract-schema-name> element, 5-5, 5-8
<assembly-descriptor> element, A-21, A-22
<caller> element, A-22
<cascade-delete/> element, 4-11
<cmp-field-mapping> element, 3-21, 4-27, 4-52, 4-59, A-10, A-22, C-4
<cmp-version> element, C-2
<cmr-field> element, 3-21, 4-7, 4-13, 4-45
<cmr-field-name> element, 4-4, 4-7
<cmr-field-type> element, 4-7
<collection-mapping> element, 4-30, 4-45, 4-47, 4-49, 4-51, 4-52, 4-56, 4-59, A-23
<container-transaction> element, 7-3, 7-9
<context-attribute> element, A-23
<default-method-access> element, 8-10, A-22, A-23
<delay-updates-until-commit> attribute, A-25
<description> element, A-23
<destination-type> element, 7-9
<ejb> element, 2-27
<ejb-link> element, 9-16, 9-17, 9-18
<ejb-location> element, 6-12
<ejb-mapping> element, 9-17
<ejb-module> element, 2-23
<ejb-name> element, 9-17, A-24
<ejb-ql>, 5-5
<ejb-ql> element, 5-14
<ejb-ref> element, 2-21, 9-17, 9-18
<ejb-ref-mapping> element, 9-16, 9-18, A-5, A-11, A-16, A-24
<ejb-ref-name> element, 2-11, 9-17, 9-18
<ejb-ref-type> element, 9-18
<ejb-relation> element, 4-7
<ejb-relation-name> element, 4-7
<ejb-relationship-role> element, 4-7
<ejb-relationship-role-name> element, 4-7
<enterprise-beans> element, A-3, A-24
<entity-deployment> element, 4-17, 4-19, 4-27, 4-30, 4-38, 4-49, 4-56, 9-9, 9-11, A-9, A-10, A-24
<entity-ref> element, A-27
<env-entry> element, 9-13
<env-entry-mapping> element, A-5, A-11, A-16, A-27
<env-entry-name> element, 9-13
<env-entry-type> element, 9-13
<env-entry-value> element, 9-13
<fields> element, A-27
<finder-method> element, 5-9, A-10, A-27, C-6
<group> element, A-28
<home> element, 9-18
<ior-security-config> element, A-5, A-10, A-28
<java> element, 2-27
<jem-deployment> element, A-18, A-28
<jem-server-extension> element, A-18, A-29
<jndi-name> element, 9-17, 9-23, 9-26
<lookup-context> element, A-29
<map-key-mapping> element, A-29
<mapping> element, 9-17, 9-23, 9-26
<max-tx-retries> element, 1-8, 9-10
<message-driven> element, 7-9
<message-driven-deployment> element, 7-14, 7-15, 7-23, 7-24, 7-26, A-16, A-29
<message-driven-destination> element, 7-9
<method> element, A-20, A-21, A-30
defined, 8-6
<method-intf> element, A-30
<method-name> element, 5-5, A-30
<method-param> element, 5-14, A-31
<method-params> element, A-31
<method-permission> element, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6
<module> element, 2-27
<multiplicity> element, 4-7, 4-8
<orion-ejb-jar> element, A-3, A-31
<persistence-type> element, 6-12
<prim-key-class> element, 3-9, 6-5, B-8
<primkey-mapping> element, 4-47, 4-52, 4-60, A-10, A-31
<properties> element, A-31
<query> element, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5, 5-13, C-6
<query> element., 5-7
<relationship> element, C-4
<relationship-role-source> element, 4-7
<relationships> element, 4-6, 4-19, 4-49
<remote> element, 9-18
<res-auth> element, 9-23, 9-26
<resource-env-ref> element, 7-34
<resource-env-ref-mapping> element, A-5, A-11, A-16, A-32
<resource-provider> element, 7-23
<resource-ref> element, 6-12, 7-34
<resource-ref-mapping> element, 9-23, 9-26, A-5, A-11, A-16, A-31
<res-ref-name> element, 9-23, 9-26
<res-type> element, 9-23, 9-26
<result-type-mapping> element, 5-4
<role-link> element, 8-3, 8-4, 8-5
<role-name> element, 8-3, 8-4
<run-as> element, 8-8
<security-identity> element, 8-8
<security-role> element, 8-3, 8-4
<security-role-mapping> element, 8-9, 8-10, A-22, A-33
<security-role-ref> element, 8-3, 8-4
<server> element, 2-23
<session-deployment> element, 10-5, A-4, A-33
<set-mapping> element, 4-30, 4-49, 4-56, A-35
<sfsb-config> element, 9-3
<subscription-durability> element, 7-9
<transaction-type> element, 7-9
<unchecked/> element, 8-7
<use-caller-identity/> element, 8-8
<user> element, A-35
<value-mapping> element, A-36
<value-mapping> element, 4-47, 4-53, 4-60
<web> element, 2-27


AC4J, 11-1
architecture overview, 11-3
data bus, 11-10
data source configuration, 11-16
data tokens, 11-10
example, 11-17
example explanation, 11-22
firing reactions, 11-11
installing and configuring, 11-14
interaction, 11-7
matching reactions, 11-11
process, 11-7
reaction, 11-8
AC4J beans, 11-3
AC4J components
overview, 11-6
AC4J data bus routes, 11-4
AC4J data tokens, 11-4
AC4J reactions, 11-5
accessing EJBs, 2-10
in another application, 2-22
Active Components for Java, see AC4J
Active EJBs, 11-6
active EJBs, 11-3
application.xml file, 2-27, 7-4
example, 2-28
overview, 2-27
directions, 2-26
EAR file, 2-29
EJBs, 2-26
association table, 4-36, 4-47, 4-54
autocreate-tables element, 4-18, 4-19, 4-61


accessing remotely, 1-9
activation, 1-13
creating, 2-4, 3-3, B-2
environment, 1-15
implementation, 2-8
interface, 1-8
overview, 1-1
passivation, 1-13
removal, 2-12
steps for invocation, 1-9
bean-managed persistent, see BMP
BLOB, 3-20
create database tables, 6-13
creation process, 6-2
defined, 6-1
deployment descriptor, 6-12
ejbCreate implementation, 6-4
home and remote interfaces, 6-3
implementation details, 6-3
persistence, 1-22


cache-timeout attribute, A-17
called-by attribute, A-22
caller-identity attribute, A-22
call-timeout attribute, A-6, A-11, A-24, A-33
ClassCastException, 9-2, 9-28
CLOB, 3-20
clustering, 10-1 to 10-7
concurrency mode effect, 9-12
clustering-schema attribute, A-24
data types, 3-19
migration, C-1
overview, 1-22
persistence update configuration, 9-8
association table, 4-36, 4-47, 4-54
cardinality, 4-8
cascade delete option, 4-10
default mapping, 4-12
define get/set methods, 4-5
deployment descriptor, 4-6
direction, 4-8
explicit relationship mapping, 4-17
many-to-many, 4-3, 4-8, 4-54
many-to-one, 4-3, 4-8
mapping relationships, 4-12
one-to-many, 4-3, 4-8, 4-15, 4-29, 4-36, 4-45, 4-47
one-to-one, 4-3, 4-8, 4-14
relationship definition, 4-4
types of relationships, 4-2
retry JMS message, A-18, A-30
Collections, 3-21
command-line options, 9-27
component interface
overview, 1-10
concurrency modes, 9-8
clustering, 9-12
connection-factory-location attribute, 7-14, 7-24, A-29
session, 1-15
transaction, 1-15
copy-by-value attribute, A-6, A-11, A-24, A-33
create method, 2-12, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6, B-2, B-3
EJBHome interface, 1-9, 2-4, 2-5
CreateException, 2-5, 2-6


data types, 3-19
mapping, 3-19
database constraints
foreign key, 4-67
data-bus attribute, A-23
data-source attribute, A-12, A-24
DataSource object, 9-21
data-source-location attribute, A-29
data-sources.xml file, 6-12, 6-13
Date, 5-14
DBMS_AQADM package, 7-20
recovery, 9-28
dedicated.rmicontext property, 9-29, 10-7
delay-updates-until-commit attribute, A-15
error recovery, 9-27
deployment descriptor, 1-10, 2-24, 3-3, 6-2, B-2
BMP, 6-12
EJB QL, 5-5
EJB reference, 9-14
entity bean, A-9, B-10
environment variables, 9-12
JDBC DataSource, 9-20
MDB, 7-3
message-driven bean, A-16
security, 8-3, 8-4, 8-10
session bean, A-5
dequeue-retry-count attribute, A-18, A-30
dequeue-retry-interval attribute, A-18, A-30
destination-location attribute, 7-14, 7-25, A-30
DNS round-robin, 2-21, 10-7
do-select-before-insert attribute, A-12, A-25
DTD file, 2-24


EAR file, 2-1
creation, 2-29
archive, 2-26
clustering, 10-1 to 10-7
creating, 2-2, 2-4, 2-8, 3-3, B-2
deployment descriptor, 2-24
development suggestions, 2-2
difference between session and entity, 1-26
home interface, 2-5
JAR file, 3-3, 6-2, 7-4, B-2
local interface, 2-7
overview, 1-1
parameter passing, 1-11
passivation, 9-3
referencing other EJBs, 9-2, 9-28
remote interface, 2-6
replication, 10-5
security, 8-2
setting pool size, 9-6
?1, 5-14
deployment descriptor, 5-5
DISTINCT keyword, 5-14
documentation, 5-1
finder method
example, 5-7
overview, 5-2
input parameter syntax, 5-14
overview, 5-2
query methods, 5-2
select method
example, 5-13
overview, 5-3
statement example, 5-6, 5-8
EJB Query Language, see EJB QL
ejbActivate method, 1-13, 1-20, 6-2, 6-10, 6-11
EJBContext interface, 1-14
ejbCreate method, 1-19, 1-20, 1-23, 2-4, 2-5, 3-6, 6-4, B-2
initializing primary key, 6-4
MDB, 7-5
SessionBean interface, 1-13
EJBException, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7
ejbFindByPrimaryKey method, 1-23, 6-4, 6-7, B-2
EJBHome interface, 2-4, 2-5, 3-4, B-2
create method, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6, B-2, B-3
findByPrimaryKey method, 3-3, 3-5, 6-2, B-2, B-3
ejb-jar.xml file, 2-24, 6-12
ejbLoad method, 1-19, 1-22, 1-23, 6-2, 6-10
EJBLocalHome interface, 2-4, 2-6, 3-4
EJBLocalObject interface, 2-4, 2-7, 3-5
ejb-name attribute, A-29
EJBObject interface, 2-4, 2-7, 3-5, B-2, B-3
ejbPassivate method, 1-13, 1-20, 6-2, 6-10
ejbPostCreate method, 1-19, 1-23, 3-6, B-2
ejb-reference-home attribute, A-23
ejbRemove method, 1-13, 1-19, 1-21, 1-23, 6-11
MDB, 7-5
accessing, 2-10
ejbStore method, 1-19, 1-22, 1-23, 6-2, 6-9
enable-passivation attribute, 9-4
Enterprise Archive file, see EAR file
Enterprise Java Beans, see EJB
entity bean
class implementation, 3-6, B-4
context information, 1-21
creating, 1-20, 3-3, 3-4, B-2, B-3
deploy, B-10
deployment descriptor, A-9
finder methods, 3-4, 6-4, B-3
home interface, 3-4, B-3
overview, 1-12, 1-17
persistent data, 1-18, 1-22
primary key, 1-18
relationships, see CMR
remote interface, 3-5, B-3
removing, 1-21
EntityBean interface, 1-10, 1-18, 1-23, 2-4, 3-6, B-2
ejbActivate method, 1-20, 6-2
ejbCreate method, 1-19, 1-20, 1-23
ejbFindByPrimaryKey method, 1-23, B-2
ejbLoad method, 1-19, 1-22, 1-23, 6-2
ejbPassivate method, 1-20, 6-2
ejbPostCreate method, 1-19
ejbRemove method, 1-19, 1-21, 1-23
ejbStore method, 1-19, 1-22, 1-23, 6-2
setEntityContext method, 1-20, 1-21, 1-23
unsetEntityContext method, 1-20
environment references
URL, 9-25
environment, retrieval, 1-15
error recovery, 9-27
ClassCastException, 9-28
deadlock, 9-28
NamingException thrown, 9-28
NullPointerException thrown, 9-28
out of memory, 9-27
exclusive-write-access attribute, 9-11, A-12, A-25


findByPrimaryKey method, 3-3, 6-2, B-2
findByPrimaryKey-lazy-loading attribute, 9-7, A-25
lazy loading, 9-7
finder method
backwards compatibility, 5-9
EJB QL example, 5-7
overview, 5-2
finder methods, 6-4
BMP, 6-8
entity bean, 3-4, B-3
findByPrimaryKey method, 3-5, B-3
force-update attribute, A-15
foreign key
database constraints, 4-67
deferrable, 4-67


getEJBHome method, 1-15
getEnvironment method, 1-15
getRollbackOnly method, 1-15
getUserTransaction method, 1-15


home interface
creating, 2-4, 3-3, 6-2, B-2
lookup, 2-11
overview, 1-9, 1-10


idletime attribute, 9-4, A-8
immutable attribute, A-36
impliesAll attribute, 8-10, A-33
instance-cache-timeout attribute, A-13, A-25
invoking EJBs, 2-10
isCallerInRole method, 8-4
isolation attribute, 9-9, A-13, A-25
isolation modes, 9-8


interpretation, 11-15
archiving command, 2-26
jar command, 2-26
JAR file, 3-3, 6-2, 7-4, B-2
EJB, 2-26
Java mail
Session object, 9-22
JEM, 11-6
JEMHandle, 11-6
jem-name attribute, A-29
Destination, 7-20
durable subscriptions, 7-3
handled by MDB, 1-25
OC4J JMS, 7-11 to 7-16
Oracle JMS, 7-16 to 7-27
queue, 7-14
retry message, A-30
Topic, 7-24
clustering, 10-6
lookup, 2-11
namespace replication, 10-6


lazy loading, 1-8, 9-7
lazy-loading attribute, 5-12, 9-8, A-28, B-13
listener-threads attribute, 7-14, 7-25, A-18, A-30
Lists, 3-21
load balancing, 10-6, 10-7
LoadBalanceOnLookup property, 10-6, 10-7
local home interface
example, 2-6
local interface
creating, 2-7
example, 2-7
overview, 1-10
local-wrapper attribute, A-9, A-15, A-25, A-34
location attribute, A-6, A-13, A-25, A-29, A-31, A-32, A-34
locking-mode attribute, 9-11, A-13, A-25


Session object, 9-22
relationships, 4-17
default value, 1-8
max-instances attribute, 9-7, A-6, A-13, A-17, A-26, A-34
max-instances-threshold attribute, 9-4, A-8, A-34
max-tx-retries attribute, A-7, A-14, A-26, A-34
configuration, 7-14, 7-24, 7-26
creation, 7-3
deployment descriptor, 7-3
dequeue-retry-count attribute, A-30
dequeue-retry-intervale attribute, A-30
example, 7-3
onMessage method, 7-17
overview, 1-12, 1-25, 7-2
performance, 7-14, 7-25, A-30
transaction timeout, 7-25, A-30
memory-threshold attribute, 9-4, A-8, A-34
message-driven bean
deployment descriptor, A-16
Message-Driven Beans, see MDB
MessageDrivenBean interface, 1-25, 7-4
setMessageDrivenContext method, 7-4
MessageListener interface, 1-25, 7-4
onMessage method, 7-4
CMP, C-1
min-instances attribute, 9-7, A-6, A-14, A-17, A-26, A-34
multi-tier environment, 2-22


name attribute, A-7, A-14, A-17, A-26, A-30, A-33, A-34
narrowing, 2-11
NullPointerException, 9-28


command-line options, 9-27
Windows shutdown, 7-38
OC4J JMS, 7-11 to 7-16
onMessage method, 1-26, 7-4, 7-17
optimisitic concurrency mode, 9-10
optimistic concurrency mode, A-13, A-26
ORA-8177 exception, 9-12
Oracle JMS, 7-16 to 7-28
create resource provider, 7-22
oracle.mdb.fastUndeploy property, 7-38
orion-ejb-jar.xml file, 7-3
out of memory, 9-27
Out of Memory error, 9-27


referenced EJB classes, 9-2, 9-28
object types, 1-11
passing conventions, 1-11
parent, 2-22
parent application, 9-2
partial attribute, A-28
pass by reference, 1-11
pass by value, 1-11
passivate-count attribute, 9-5, A-9, A-35
passivation criteria, 9-3 to 9-6
performance setting
DNS load balancing option, 2-21, 10-7
permissions, 8-2
bean-managed, 1-22
container-managed, 1-22
container-managed vs. bean-managed, 1-24
create database tables, 6-13
data management, 1-20
field modification, 9-8
managing, 3-3, B-2
managing in BMP, 6-2
overview, 1-18
persistence-filename attribute, 9-6, A-7, A-35
persistence-name attribute, A-23
persistence-type attribute, 3-19, 3-21, A-23
mappings, 3-19
pessimistic concurrency mode, A-13, A-26
pessimistic conncurrency mode, 9-10
setting size, 9-6
pool-cache-timeout attribute, A-5, A-14, A-26, A-33
narrow method, 2-11
prefetch-size attribute, 5-12, A-28
primary key, 3-3, 6-2, B-2
mapping to table, 4-28
complex class, 6-6
complex definition, 6-5
creating, 6-4
entity bean, 1-22, 3-9, B-8
management, 1-20
overview, 1-18, 3-9, B-8
simple definition, 6-5
PropertyPermission, 8-2


query attribute, A-28


read-only concurrency mode, 9-10, A-13, A-26
accessing, 2-22
remote attribute, 2-22
remote home interface
example, 2-5
remote interface
business methods, 2-12
creating, 2-4, 2-6, 3-3, 6-2, B-2
example, 2-7
overview, 1-9, 1-10
RemoteException, 2-7
remove method, 2-12
EJBHome interface, 1-9
replication attribute, A-7
resource-check-interval attribute, 9-5, A-8, A-35
runAs security identity, 8-8
RuntimePermission, 8-2


scheduling-threads attribute, A-29
security, 8-2
permissions, 8-2
SecurityException, A-19
security-identity element, A-33
select method
EJB QL example, 5-13
overview, 5-3
Serializable interface, 1-11
session bean
class implementation, 1-10
context, 1-13
deployment descriptor, A-4, A-5
local home interface, 2-6
methods, 1-12
overview, 1-12
remote home interface, 2-5
removing, 1-13
stateful, 1-8, 1-16
stateless, 1-8, 1-15
Session object, 9-22
SessionBean interface, 1-10
EJB, 1-12, 2-4
ejbActivate method, 1-13
ejbCreate method, 1-13
ejbPassivate method, 1-13
ejbRemove method, 1-13
setSessionContext method, 1-13
interface, 1-14
setEntityContext method, 1-20, 1-21, 1-23
setMessageDrivenContext method, 1-26, 7-4
setRollbackOnly method, 1-15
setSessionContext method, 1-13, 1-21
SocketPermission, 8-2
SQRT, 5-14
stateful session bean
clustering, 10-3
overview, 1-16
stateless session bean
clustering, 10-2
overview, 1-15
subscription-name attribute, A-17, A-30


table attribute, A-14, A-26
Time, 5-14
TimedOutException, A-6, A-11
timeout attribute, A-8, A-35
TimeoutExpiredException, A-6, A-34
Timestamp, 5-14
commit, 1-15
context propagation, 1-15
retrieve status, 1-15
rollback, 1-15
transaction-timeout attribute, 7-25, A-18, A-30
default value, 1-8
troubleshooting, 9-27
tx-retry-wait attribute, A-7, A-14, A-26, A-34
type attribute, A-29, A-36


unsetEntityContext method, 1-20, 1-23
update-changed-fields-only attribute, 9-8, A-14, A-27


validity-timeout attribute, A-15, A-26


shutdown, 7-38
wrapper attribute, A-9, A-15, A-27, A-35


BMP, 6-12
deployment descriptor, 3-3, 6-2, B-2

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