This figure shows the User Manager area of a Properties page.

This page provides radio buttons with which you can specify a user manager to be associated with the application.

The page has the following choices:

Use JAZN XML User Manager (Keyboard shortcut: alt-J) This choice provides fields to specify the Default Realm (alt-R) and the XML Data File (alt-X).

Use XML User Manager  (Keyboard shortcut: alt-X) This choice provides a field to specify the Path to principals file (alt-P).

Use JAZN LDAP User Manager  (Keyboard shortcut: alt-L) This choice provides a field to specify the Default Realm (alt-R).

Use Custom User Manager  (Keyboard shortcut: alt-U) This choice provides fields to specify Name (alt-N), Class Name (alt-C), and Description (alt-D).

In this figure, the radio button for Use JAZN LDAP User Manager is selected.