Oracle Business Components for Java Developing Business Components
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10390-01

About EJB Finder View Links

EJB finder view links implement hierarchical relationships between EJB finder view objects. Like BC4J view links, an EJB finder view links can be used to construct an application module. Usages of EJB finder view objects joined by EJB finder view links will be automatically synchronized.

For example, consider two EJB finder view objects:

You can create an EJB finder view link, DeptEmpLink, to join these EJB finder view objects in a hierarchical relationship.

Now, suppose you create an application module containing a usage of DepartmentsView as the master, and a usage of EmployeesView, bound by DeptEmpLink, as the detail.

When the client selects a particular row in the DepartmentsView usage (such as a row with DepartmentId 30), that row's DepartmentId attribute (30) will be automatically passed to EmployeesView's finder method, keeping the two view objects synchronized. EmployeesView will contain exactly the entity facades corresponding to entity beans with Department ID 30.


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