This is a text description of aswsv004.gif.

This figure shows the runtime architecture of Oracle JMS Web Services. The figure shows a client application that connects by HTTP to an OC4J server. The figure includes six steps connected by numbered arrows.

1. The client connects by HTTP to a JMS Servlet within OC4J. The client performs a "Send" operation in this step, sending a message to the JMS Servlet.

2. The JMS Servlet sends the message to JMS Destination 1.

3. An MDB within an EJB Container processes the message on JMS Destination 1.

4. The MDB produces a new message on JMS Destination 4.

5 and 6. The JMS Web Service client performs a receive operation (step 6), the JMS servlet receives a message from JMS Destination 2 (5) and sends it by HTTP to the JMS client.