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Oracle® Application Server Web Services Developer’s Guide
10g (9.0.4)
Part No. B10447-01
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1 Web Services Overview

What Are Web Services?
Understanding Web Services
Benefits of Web Services
About the Web Services e-Business Transformation
About Business Transformation with Web Services
About Technology Transformation with Web Services
Overview of Web Services Standards
SOAP Standard
Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI)
SOAP Message Exchange and SOAP Message Encoding
SOAP Message Components
Working With RPC Style SOAP Messages
Working With Document Style SOAP Messages

2 Oracle Application Server Web Services

Oracle Application Server OC4J (J2EE) and Oracle SOAP Based Web Services
Oracle Application Server Web Services Standards
Oracle Application Server Web Services Features
Developing End-to-End Web Services
Deploying and Managing Web Services
Using Oracle JDeveloper with Web Services
Securing Web Services
Aggregating Web Services
Oracle Application Server Web Services Architecture
About Servlet Entry Points for Web Services
What Are the Packaging and Deployment Options for Web Services
About Server Skeleton Code Generation for Web Services
Understanding WSDL and Client Proxy Stubs for Web Services
Overview of a WSDL Based Web Service Client
Overview of a Client-Side Proxy Stubs Based Web Service Client
Web Services Home Page
About Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration Registry
Oracle Enterprise Manager Features to Register Web Services

3 Developing and Deploying Java Class Web Services

Using Oracle Application Server Web Services With Java Classes
Writing Java Class Based Web Services
Writing Stateless and Stateful Java Web Services
Building a Sample Java Class Implementation
Defining a Java Class Containing Methods for the Web Service
Defining an Interface for Explicit Method Exposure
Writing a WSDL File (Optional)
Using Supported Data Types for Java Web Services
Preparing and Deploying Java Class Based Web Services
Creating a Configuration File to Assemble Java Class Web Services
Adding Web Service Top Level Tags
Adding Java Stateless Service Tags
Adding Java Stateful Service Tags
Adding WSDL and Client-Side Proxy Generation Tags
Running WebServicesAssembler To Prepare Java Class Web Services
Deploying Java Class Based Web Services
Serializing and Encoding Parameters and Results for Web Services

4 Developing and Deploying EJB Web Services

Using Oracle Application Server Web Services With Stateless Session EJBs
Writing Stateless Session EJB Web Services
Defining a Stateless Session Remote Interface
Defining a Stateless Session Home Interface
Defining a Stateless Session EJB Bean
Returning Results From EJB Web Services
Error Handling for EJB Web Services
Serializing and Encoding Parameters and Results for EJB Web Services
Using Supported Data Types for Stateless Session EJB Web Services
Writing a WSDL File for EJB Web Services (Optional)
Preparing and Deploying Stateless Session EJB Based Web Services
Creating a Configuration File to Assemble Stateless Session EJB Web Services
Adding Web Service Top Level Tags
Adding Stateless Session EJB Service Tags
Adding WSDL and Client-Side Proxy Generation Tags
Running WebServicesAssembler To Prepare Stateless Session EJB Web Services
Deploying Web Services Implemented as EJBs

5 Developing and Deploying Stored Procedure Web Services

Using Oracle Application Server Web Services with Stored Procedures
Writing Stored Procedure Web Services
Preparing Stored Procedure Web Services
Creating a Configuration File to Assemble Stored Procedure Web Services
Adding Web Service Top Level Tags
Adding Stateless Stored Procedure Java Service Tags
Adding WSDL and Client-Side Proxy Generation Tags
Running WebServicesAssembler With Stored Procedure Web Services
Setting Up Datasources in Oracle Application Server Web Services (OC4J)
Deploying Stored Procedure Web Services
Limitations for Stored Procedures Running as Web Services
Supported Stored Procedure Features for Web Services
Unsupported Stored Procedure Features for Web Services
Database Server Release Limitation for Boolean Use in Oracle PL/SQL Web Services
TIMESTAMP and DATE Granularity Limitation
LOB (CLOB/BLOB) Emulated Data Source Limitation

6 Developing and Deploying Document Style Web Services

Using Document Style Web Services
Writing Document Style Web Services
Supported Method Signatures for Document Style Web Services
Passing Null Values for Document Style Web Services
Arrays of Elements
Writing Stateless and Stateful Document Style Web Services
Writing Classes and Interfaces for Document Style Web Services
Defining Methods in a Document Style Web Service
Defining an Interface for Explicit Method Exposure
Handling Messages for Document Style Web Services
Preparing Document Style Web Services
Creating a Configuration File to Assemble Document Style Web Services
Adding Web Service Top Level Tags
Adding Java Service Tags with Document Message Style Specified
Adding WSDL and Client-Side Proxy Generation Tags
Running WebServicesAssembler With Document Style Web Services
Deploying Document Style Web Services

7 Developing and Deploying JMS Web Services

JMS Web Services Overview
Using JMS Web Services
JMS Web Services Backend Message Processing
Using an MDB for Message Processing
Using a JMS Client for Message Processing
Writing JMS Web Services and Handling Messages
Using an MDB for Backend Message Processing
Developing the MDB that Processes Incoming Messages
Developing the MDB that Generates Outgoing Messages
Compiling and Preparing the MDB EJB.jar File
Assembling the JMS Web Service With the MDB
Defining the Server-Side Resource References
Using a JMS Standalone Program for Backend Message Processing
Message Processing and Reply Messages
Preparing and Configuring JMS Web Services
Creating a Configuration File to Assemble JMS Web Services
Adding Web Service Top Level Tags
Adding JMS Doc Service Tags
Adding WSDL and Client-Side Proxy Generation Tags
Running WebServicesAssembler With JMS Web Services
Deploying JMS Web Services
Limitations for JMS Web Services

8 Building Clients that Use Web Services

Locating Web Services
Getting WSDL Files and Client-Side Proxy Jars for Web Services
Using the Web Service Home Page to Save WSDL and Client Side Proxies
Limitations for Web Service Test Pages
Getting Web Service WSDL and Client-Side Proxies Directly
Getting WSDL Service Descriptions
Getting Client-Side Proxy Jar and Client-Side Proxy Source Jar
Getting Client-Side Proxy Jar and Client-Side Proxy Source by Package
Generating Client-Side Proxies With WebServicesAssembler
Working with Client-Side Proxy Jar to Use Web Services
Setting the Web Services Proxy Client CLASSPATH
Using Java Beans as Parameters for Web Services
Using Web Services Security Features
Working with WSDL Files and Oracle JDeveloper to Use Web Services

9 Web Services Tools

Running the Web Services Assembly Tool
Web Services Assembly Tool Configuration File Sample
Web Services Assembly Tool Configuration File Sample Output
Generating WSDL Files and Client Side Proxies
Generating and Assembling WSDL Files
Manually Producing a WSDL File
Generating Client-Side Proxies with WSDL
Web Services Assembly Tool Configuration File Specification
Web Services Assembly Tool Limitations

10 Discovering and Publishing Web Services

UDDI Registration
UDDI Registry Data Structure
OracleAS UDDI Registry for Enterprise Web Services
Installation and First Use
Automatic Postinstallation Configuration
Web Services Discovery
Using Tools
Using the Inquiry API
Web Services Publishing
Using Oracle Enterprise Manager
Publishing Web Services Using Deploy Applications Wizard
Publishing Web Services Using Web Services Details Window
Updating Published Web Services in the OracleAS UDDI Registry
Using the Publishing API
OracleAS UDDI Registry Administration
Using the Command-Line Tool uddiadmin.jar
Server Configuration
User Management
Quota Enforcement
Associating a Publisher with a Quota Group
Viewing the Lists of Quota Groups and Their Limits
Updating the Limits of a Quota Group
Adding a New Quota Group (Advanced Operation)
Deleting a Quota Group (Advanced Operation)
Administrative Entity Management
Import Operation
Set Operational Information
UDDI Replication
Enabling UDDI Replication
Replication Configuration Management
Miscellaneous Operations
Custody Transfer
Replication Exception Handling
Advanced Configuration and Tuning
Registry-Based Category Validation
Adding a New Category for Registry-Based Validation
Removing a Category from Registry-Based Validation
External Validation
Enabling External Category Validation
Adding an Externally Validated Category to the Registry
Removing an Externally Validated Category from the Registry
Performance Monitoring and Tuning
Data Backup and Restore Operations
Additional Information
UUID Generation
Database Configuration
Transport Security
Standard Classification Support
Database Character Set and Built-in ISO-3166 Classification
Considerations in a Production Environment
Server Configuration Properties Reference Information
Installation or First-Use Properties
External Classification Validation Properties
UDDI Replication Properties
UDDI Replication Scheduler Properties
Registry-Based Validation Properties
Miscellaneous Properties
Database Connection Properties
OracleAS UDDI Server Error Message Reference Information
OracleAS UDDI Content Syndication UI Implementation Error Message
UDDI Open Database Support
Microsoft SQL Server
Script Source Directory
Create the Database and User
Install the Schema
Configure OracleAS OC4J to Use SQL Server
Script Source Directory
Create the Database and User
Install the Schema
Configure OracleAS OC4J to Use DB2
Oracle (Non-OracleAS Infrastructure Database)
Script Source Directory
Create the Database and User
Populate the Validated Taxonomy Codes
Configure OracleAS OC4J to Use the Non-OracleAS Infrastructure Database
UDDI Subscription Service
Defining Offers
Advanced Topic: Creating New UDDI Content Connectors
Subscribing to an Offer
Using the UDDI Content Subscription Manager as a Publisher
Canceling a Subscription
Using the UDDI Content Subscription Manager as a UDDI Administrator
Canceling a Subscription

11 Consuming Web Services in J2EE Applications

Consuming XML or HTML Streams in J2EE Applications
Web Service HTML/XML Stream Processing Wizard
Sample Use Scenarios
Handling an XML or HTML Stream Accessed Through a Static URL
Handling an XML or HTML Stream Accessed Through a Form
Advanced Section -- Editing Changes You Can Make to Generated Files
Editing the Generated XSLT Stylesheet
Modifying Environment Options in the Generated ejb-jar.xml File
Consuming SOAP-Based Web Services Using WSDL
Advanced Configuration
Known Limitations of the wsdl2ejb Utility
Running the Demonstration
RPC and Document Style with Simple Types Example
Round 2 Interop Services: Base Test Suite Example
Dynamic Invocation of Web Services
Dynamic Invocation API
WebServiceProxy Client
Known Limitations

12 Advanced Topics for Web Services

Setting the Web Services Debugging Property ws.debug
Untyped Request Handling Options
SOAP Header Support
Client Side SOAP Request Header Support
Setting SOAP Headers in a Client-Side Proxy
Server Side SOAP Request Header Support
Limitations for SOAP Header Support
Using the WSDL Analyzer Utility

A Using Oracle SOAP

Understanding Oracle Application Server SOAP
Apache SOAP Documentation
Configuring the SOAP Request Handler Servlet
Using OracleAS SOAP Management Utilities and Scripts
Managing Providers
Using the Service Manager to Deploy and Undeploy Java Services
Generating Client Proxies from WSDL Documents
Generating WSDL Documents from Java Service Implementations
Deploying OracleAS SOAP Services
Creating Deployment Descriptors
Installing a SOAP Web Service in OC4J
Disabling an Installed SOAP Web Service
Installing a SOAP Web Service in an OC4J Cluster
Using OracleAS SOAP Handlers
Request Handlers
Response Handlers
Error Handlers
Configuring Handlers
Using OracleAS SOAP Audit Logging
Audit Logging Information
Audit Logging Output
Auditable Events
Audit Logging Filters
Configuring the Audit Logger
Using OracleAS SOAP Pluggable Configuration Managers
Working With OracleAS SOAP Transport Security
Apache Listener and Servlet Engine Configuration for SSL
Using JSSE with Oracle Application Server SOAP Client
Using OracleAS SOAP Sample Services
The Xmethods Sample
The AddressBook Sample
The StockQuote Sample
The Company Sample
The Provider Sample
The AddressBook2 Sample
The Messaging Sample
The Mime Sample
Using the OracleAS SOAP EJB Provider
Stateless Session EJB Provider
Stateful Session EJB Provider in Apache SOAP
Stateful Session EJB Provider in OracleAS SOAP
Entity EJB Provider in OracleAS SOAP
Deployment and Use of the OracleAS SOAP EJB Provider
Current Known EJB Provider Limitations
Using PL/SQL Stored Procedures With the SP Provider
SP Provider Supported Functionality
SP Provider Unsupported Functionality
SP Provider Supported Simple PL/SQL Types
Using Object Types
Deploying a Stored Procedure Provider
Translating PL/SQL Stored Procedures into Java
Deploying a Stored Procedure Service
Invoking a SOAP Service that is a Stored Procedure
SOAP Troubleshooting and Limitations
Tunneling Using the TcpTunnelGui Command
Setting Configuration Options for Debugging
Using DMS to Display Runtime Information
SOAP Limitations for Java Type Precedence with Overloaded Methods
OracleAS SOAP Differences From Apache SOAP
Service Installation Differences
Optional Provider Enhancements
Oracle Transport libraries
Modifications to Apache EJB Provider
Stored Procedure Provider
Utility Enhancements
Modifications to Sample Code
Handling the mustUnderstand Attribute in the SOAP Header
Setting the mustUnderstand Check
How the mustUnderstand Check Works
Differences Between Apache SOAP and Oracle SOAP for mustUnderstand
Apache Software License, Version 1.1

B Web Services Security

About Web Services Security
Configuring Web Services Security
About Oracle Application Server UDDI Registry Security
Protecting Oracle Application Server UDDI Registry Resources
Oracle Application Server UDDI Registry
Oracle Application Server Content Subscription Manager Application
Managing and Enforcing Protected UDDI Resources
Oracle Application Server UDDI Registry
Oracle Application Server Content Subscription Manager Application
Using Oracle Application Server Security Services
Configuring UDDI Security
Configuring the Oracle Application Server UDDI Registry
Configuring the UDDI Content Subscription Manager
Configuring the UDDI Client

